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Wednesday 1 September 2010

Extra Bites - Hola - Thursday 2nd Spetember

Hey Folks,

Having hauled ourselves out of the gloom that put paid to the last three legs of our mammoth Bank Holiday weekend, it’s time to get the Disco Matt juices flowing again, pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get in the mood for a new weekend full of fun. And what better way to kick it off than with a trip to monthly outing Hola at the Shadow Lounge.

Since launching last year, Hola has seen mixed fortunes, but in the hands of new promoter Laurent Chaumet, has benefitted from renewed focus & support from The Shadow Lounge, the re-launch party in May proving a hit, as was the July event, when Hola was the “official” pre-party for London Pride. So what makes this latest Hola an equalling appealing draw? Well, if you are a fan of anything Antipodean, you simply can’t go wrong as not only will resident Aussie now based in London, Terry Vietheer, be spinning the sounds, but the team will welcome none other than Alex Taylor to the decks, this charming man from down under completing a brief tour of the UK that has included a gig at Gravity last Thursday, as well as down in Brighton for Wild Fruit meets Lovechild on Sunday just gone and we are sure his trademark soulful, deep, melodic & funky house will go down an absolute treat at Hola, as it has at every gig he has made in the U.K., including the massive SW4.

Now what can we say in a short paragraph about this legendary Australian D.J.? Well, trying to cram in all his achievements would take much more, but suffice to say Alex has been at the forefront of the of dance music scene for well over a decade and starring at some of the biggest clubs on the scene there, including Arc, Hugos Lounge, Trademark, Tank & Home but doesn’t restrict his career to his homeland, as he often makes a whole host of guest appearances across in world including, regular trips over into Asia at Singapore, Kula Lumpar, Shanghai, Seoul, Macau, Bali & Bangkok, a particular favourite of his, while London is a rare stop for him, so even more a reason to catch this man in action.

But we can’t resist sharing with more on this star of the D.J. decks, Alex having played at some of the biggest dance festivals in Australia, including Fuzzy Parklife, Red Raw, Mobile Home and the more familiar Sleaze Ball & of course Sydney Mardi Gras, adding to his impeccable C.V. & achievements, the A-list of D.J’s he has played alongside, which include the likes of Armand Van Helden, Roger Sanchez, Paul Oakenfold, Miguel Migs, Frankie Knuckles & Sandy Rivera, meaning Alex is no stranger to the odd celebrity or two, having graced the decks at private parties in his native land, two real highlights being Madonna’s during her “Girlie Show” tour of Oz. So, while Hola may seem a minnow in the oceanic size of appearances Alex has made in his career, the celebrity style of Shadow Lounge very much suits his persona and the team are thrilled to have him on board for this, their latest instalment in the “...night of dedication to classic house...”.

So, what’s the detail? Well simply that Hola kicks off at The Shadow Lounge tomorrow (Thursday 2nd September) from 10 p.m., with entry on the door free until 11 p.m. and then £5 thereafter, with the night running through until 3 a.m. Further enquires can be made via email at info@theshadowlounge.co.uk , although it goes without saying that to see one of the major D.J. stars of the world in action, £5 has to be the bargain of the century.

We will be there to sample a slice of Alex spinning those soulful sounds alongside resident Terry Vietheer and recommend you should make the trip too, so as we always say,......"Go There! Be There!"


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