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Friday 3 September 2010

Weekend Focus - Queer Nation


When it comes to well known & long lasting clubbing brands, Queer Nation is right up there with the best of them, promoter Patrick Lilley’s iconic club having starting life at The Gardening Club before moving to what, for us, were the heyday’s of its existence at the fabulous Substation South and whist the underground mother of them all, Crash, used to take up much of our devotion at the time, Queer Nation always provided a neat alternative for the mixed race & audience that it attracted in huge numbers. So, it was a sad day when Mr Lilley called time on the brand, like many suffering from the “Vauxhall strangling effect” and, as a result, we thought that it would be consigned to the history books, like so many other brilliant brands.

However, such was the love of the club, the music & the people it attracted, Patrick was determined to spring Queer Nation into a second life, Barcode Vauxhall coming to his aid, although due to the venue’s ridiculously stupid miss-placed loyalties, the breakdown a short lived relationship and what was proving to be the perfect home for Mr Lilley’s outstanding outing, risked pushing Queer Nation back into obscurity. But to the rescue came The Orange group and Queer Nation has re-established itself in Vauxhall, slotting into the hectic monthly schedule, as well as playing its part on major weekends from time to time, the clubs new home, Fire, giving Patrick & his team the flexibility they need to offer two, sometimes three separate spaces, catering for the varied styles of music the brand has become renowned for, New York house, funky electro beats, plenty of pop disco & a healthy dose of RNB for good measure.

So, with its now regular slot of the first Saturday in the month secure, Queer Nation returns this coming one (Saturday 4th Sept), although this time for a special outing, not at its regular home Fire, but at the amazing Area, the venue that hosts Friday nighter Onyx & the afterhours crowning glory of the decade, Beyond, this Vauxhall hangout very much the jewel of a in The Orange Group’s crown, having as recently as last week having been given a serious nip & tuck with extensions/changes to both the main & second rooms and with planned further improvements to come. With its 33 lasers, incredible lighting rig, exceptional effects & prolific production, Area provides, without doubt, the most striking & spectacular clubbing experience we know and the Queer Nation faithful should expect to be blown away by what it will achieve with this special one-off hosting of this multi faceted frolic of an event, a tempting taster of what to expect from this latest outing available at http://youtube.com/watch?v=tfnFarroUTo

As this short video viral hints towards, the main attraction (apart from the music of course) will be a superb 20 man male underwear fashion show produced by “Pants To Poverty”, Patrick Lilley donating a portion of the door take towards this worthy cause, the team making the most of Area’s two new main room stage areas to show off these sexy models & their sporty underwear. But naturally, the music will play an integral part in proceedings, the main room very much dedicated to NYC style house as well as elements of electro funk & a splash of euro beats too, the D.J. threesome of Micky Galliano, Pierre Nedd & Freddie Dimanche serving up the stupendous sounds, the space being hosted by the “Pants To Poverty” crew, who (we are reliably informed) will be circling throughout the night with fun giveaways while the sexy male model studs will also be mingling to turn up the heat & passion for this pants proliferation. Over in room two (on this occasion the terrace room), its more about disco house with the thrilling combination of Jeffrey Hinton, Alan X & Thomas Bauer on the decks, while host Clington will be keeping the drinks & the juices flowing for sure, while in room three (the new extended Blackbox) the emphasis will be on outright pop & RNB, host Najib making sure D.J.’s Big John Freeman & Munroe Bergdorf deliver in all departments.

Right that’s the music & entertainment, so what about the all important admission & other detail? Well, Queer Nation at Area kicks off this Saturday (4th Sept) from 11 p.m., the club running through to a planned 5 a.m. finish, although word on the ground (we have tapped our sources) indicates that it will most likely merge straight into Beyond which is scheduled to start at around 5 a.m. too. As for admission, well tickets priced at £10 are on sale in advance, which you can grab online at http://clubtickets.com or via the usual Soho outlets, but if you decide to pay on the door it will be £12, this including free entry to Beyond afterwards, just as long as you are inside Queer Nation’s doors before 3 a.m., bargain!.

So, if “A Slice Of NYC In The House” as well as plenty of disco, pop & RNB is your thang, not to mention if model men in inviting underwear floats your boat, then Queer Nation at Area in Vauxhall this Saturday is definitely for you, so as we always say....”Go There! Be There!” (DISCO MATT)

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