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Saturday 11 September 2010

Extra Bites - "Matinee at MOS"


To be blatantly honest, what we have said about Matinee in the past still rings true, this is by far our favourite overseas clubbing brand of all the recent protagonists to infiltrate the capital in recent times, as not only does it continue to compete with Beyond for our affections, but it retains an air of quality that others simply aspire to rather than achieve. Yes, Matinee has been through the mill a little, its fortunes waxing & waning, moves here & there never really giving it a firm foundation, thereby confusing & bewildering some of its most ardent of followers, even disenfranchising & alienating its audiences, allegiances splitting and mix messages meaning this massive worldwide clubbing brand’s reputation & survival in the fierce clubbing climate in the capital was at stake.

However, in its current incarnation & home at Ministry Of Sound (MOS) and following the highly successful first party back in July, Matinee seems to have found new favour & steam, especially given its new timing on a Sunday afternoon which went down an absolute storm with all that attended, the party being very much our highlight of the year so far, you only have to read our review at http://discomatt.blogspot.com/2010/07/splendid-sunday-sunshine-soiree-matinee.html to realise just how. But, don’t just take our word for just how good the party was, the feedback the team behind the new look Matinee, Logan Presents, received was nothing short of euphoric, even the fiercest of protagonists admitting that Mr Schmitz & his team pulled of something very special that Sunday back on 11th July, even the scores of people we spoke to following the event agreed, Matinee definitely struck new ground & injected new life into a scene desperate for something a little different.

So, the reaction & response to the second party, which takes place tomorrow (Sunday 12th Sept) has been incredible, even given the fact that there is a realisation that the weather will have its hand in the success of the “Ibiza Terrace” theme, although looking at the forecast, all seems set fair for Sunday, dry weather & temperate conditions on the cards, so with the sun shining as it is expected to do, it will be down to the team of D.J.’s t turn up the heat on proceedings, which definitely looks like happening given the impeccable line-up. So what is this superb selection of delectable D.J.’s? Well, out on the Terrace, Brazilian wonder Leandro Kloppel will be kicking off proceedings at 2 p.m., and what a brilliant start it will be, especially if his storming set at the pre-party last night is anything to go by, his magnificent music matching his stunning looks. Then, international megastar Paul Heron hits the decks running, taking the middle slot this time, which is sure to be a very popular move and he will have MOS absolutely pulsating by the time Matinee Spain resident J Louis arrives for duty, accompanied by superb P.A. for the event, Vanessa Klein, who should set the place well & truly on Fire, Vanessa armed with her hot new hits “Pray” & “Keep Hanging On” and Mr Louis suitably equipped with all the latest euro beats, Ibiza anthems & plenty besides to delight.

Inside and it is just as good, with Matinee London longstanding resident Alessandro Londra getting you right into the groove from the off and having been with him just this last Wednesday, we know he has be delved through 100’s of new tunes & racks to make up his set at MOS, so we know you will be in for a treat. Then, fresh from a Barcelona trip, Nick Tcherniak will take charge, he himself armed with loads of new beats, not least tracks “My People” & “Deep Water”, both produced in collaboration with studio partner Steve Thomas, the latter having held sway at a special launch in Barcode Vauxhall last Saturday. Rounding off the line-up inside is Italian stallion Pagano, who also has plenty of new tricks up his sleeve, he on the cusp of launching his first compilation “Digital Generation”, so will be chomping at the bit to share some of the tracks with us.

Now the shrewd Mr Schmitz informed us in an exclusive chat that “...contingencies for the weather have been made and we are prepared to switch outside for in dependant on conditions...” adding that “...should we need to move the music & partying indoors, then the MOS main room (known as The Box) will be ready to take the place of the Terrace...”. And we know that, following the issues with the outside setup at M.O.S.T. and with the MOS venue management having wiped the egg off their faces, all the stops will be pulled out to ensure Logan & his team have the logistical support they need for a quick transition if it is necessary.

Right for that all important last minute detail and if you are one of very few that have not yet decided to add Matinee to your weekend of activity, you can still grab advance tickets either online at http://loganpresents.com/ or at usual outlets Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8 & Solar Station in Soho and The Box & Santos & Mowen in Covent Garden. However, more will be on the door, this second Matinee “Open Air Experience” getting underway at 2 p.m., with the new extended midnight ending looking like being a very popular move indeed. Again, having spoken to Logan, he has advised that “...door entry will run till necessary, probably 8 or 9 p.m....”, but we know anyone & everyone will be there much earlier, as the action not to be missed will be outdoors during sunlight, although the superb Terrace lighting means the place will be swinging all night & that’s just outside!!

So, it goes without saying that this latest Matinee party looks like being THE hot ticket of the weekend, many saving themselves, others adding it to a hectic weekend of partying (us included in that) and all that remains to say, is that whilst there maybe be something happening up in Soho, we suggest you forget pink and head for red, as Matinee will once again paint MOS with picture perfect music & entertainment that no other club brand can, you know where to be!! (DISCO MATT)

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