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Friday 10 September 2010

Weekend Best Bites - 10th to 12th Sept

Hey Folks,

Well, where has the week gone, a blink and we find ourselves on the cusp of another weekend & what a great one it looks like being, so we just had to share as much as we could, although with time running out, some “focuses” may have to become “extra bites”, so watch out for slots on “Matinee”, “Soho Pink Sunday”, & “Sweat”, although we will be getting a full focus out on “Bear Necessity”.

In the meantime, it’s time to take our “best bites” looks at what’s on offer across the weekend, in what looks like e quite an active one, although a couple of events very much down to the weather, while other tried & tested offerings should prove popular on this second weekend of September.

So, looking at Soho first and naturally Sunday dominates the schedule, as its “Soho Pink Sunday” in our favourite gay village in the capital and we will bring you full details of the places to be & be seen in this latest incarnation purporting to be a replacement for oho Pride. However, Looking at Friday (10th Sept) & Saturday, top of our pile once again goes to Lo-Profile, who are serving up the Beyond resident mixing maestro’s Mikey D & Steve Pitron, Mr Dower have literally just released his new compilation mix “Lose Control”, so we expect that the control tethers on his performance will we & truly be off, no doubt aided & abetted by Mr Pitron who is sure to treat us to some superb sounds in response, maybe even the new funky version of “Release Me” we heard just last night at Industri. Saturday at Lo-Profile sees another Beyond resident hit the decks, joined by a recent Beyond guest, as tech house champ D’Johnny takes up the late slot, while Rupert t regular Alessandro Londra gets things going in sparkling style, while Profile upstairs is always a good warm up run for clubbing exploits with bigger sister, Phil Marriot returning for another “clubnation” session on Friday, while Saturday has Rob Sykes warming up proceedings as he knows best. Shadow Lounge keeps things on the straight & narrow with their regular slots “Therapy” on Friday & “Inferno on Saturday (you know the score by now), while our other two highlights go to The Box on Friday, who are gripped with Matinee fever as the Spanish giant of a club brand prepares for its “Summer Closing Party” on Sunday with a pre-party extraordinaire, the magnificent Mauricio masterminding proceedings and Leandro Kloppel supplying the sounds. Saturday is very much all about Barcode, as scene favourite Brent Nicholls returns and, given his bag of trucks at Industri last night, including that fabulous “Release me” mix, this should be an uplifting session & a half. Don’t forget folks, that “Soho Pink Sunday” will get our full treatment tomorrow.

Right, turning our attention to Vauxhall and with new night “Bear Necessity” getting our full focus, this Amsterdam import taking over Fire on Saturday (11th Sept) The Orange Group family of events looks like be sure-fire winners once again, as “Onyx” kicks off the weekend tonight, the highlight being a special b2b set by promoter Johnny M and regular resident Lee Harris, whom we included in our DM Does the News music m=newsletter earlier this week, so if both his dedicated compilation & live performance at “As One” a couple of weeks ago are anything to go by, Mr Harris, together with Mr Marsh, should be a set to savour. “A.M.” follows, with the team very much gearing up for the re-launch at the beginning of October, although current resident regulars D’Johnny, Gonzalo Rivas & Alan K will be joined by Beyond blackbox boy Paul Christian, while the vinyl lounge has The Oli & Jamie Head this week. Jumping to Sunday and “Beyond” gets its belief extension treatment with all our favourites behind the decks & more, while “Later” then rolls into a special “Booster”, when promoter Romain Lopez shakes it up with two new D.J.’s in the form of Dan K & Jo’z, joining regulars Ferno, Heidi Liscious, Jason Prince & James St James, also replacing the fog like smoke with fulsome foam which should be fun. Having said that, Barcode will certainly be giving the competition a run for their money this weekend, as Friday sees another monthly “Funkarama”, the D.J. line up including Megawoof’s Leonardo Glovibes & Daz Saund as well as star of Queer Nation last week at Area, Micky Galliano who has also been on the compilation release trail with his new one entitled “Feel The Rush”, which we will be featuring in the next couple of weeks, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Saturday is also quite special as the Italian stallion, Pagano, takes to the decks for a five hour special set, following up on his “Digital” performance at Onyx a couple of weeks ago, this set in the re-structured dance bar at BCV likely to be full of Francesco classics, with some newer tracks hinting towards the final line-up on his compilation “Digital Generation” which is due for launch on 2nd October. Of our other “best bites”, well Friday goes to “Kimono Krush” at The RVT, with plenty of alternative retro pop & electro, while on Saturday “Carpet Burn” at The Eagle have Prince Nelly also taking it a tad retro & electro with the accent on 80’s inferno, then no Sunday would be the same without a “S.L.A.G.S./Chill-out” session with the incomparable DE Experience & her chill-out D.J.’s boys to steer you into the new week.

As for our alternatives, well The Dalston Superstore is right up there again, especially now that we know exactly where it is, struggling as we did last Friday to find it, but eventually thrilled to have done so, as it is a real hip hop of a hangout & well worth the journey (more on those all important directions in a mo). Now, things get going on Friday, with new(ish) night “Charity Shoppe” returning with plenty of flea market pound shop pop & junkyard house, D.J’s Nasty Mcqauid and John & On joining Trailertrash's Ian Robinson & Jonjo on the decks, while on Saturday, the ever & very popular “Hot Mess” makes its mark, when Fil Ok & Holestar very much mix it up messy style with anything from electro to heavymetal downstairs, while oldskool is the name of the game upstairs and very much in the “NagNagNag” way with JoJo De Freq rekindling this legendary electroclash bash. Sunday (12th Sept), sees the return of a Dalston Superstore institution as “Tutti Frutti” takes centre-stage with resident D.J. Squeaky setting the scene with sweet soulful sounds to soothe you into Monday, also throwing in handfuls of disco diva dance tunes for good measure to keep your toes tapping & your hips hopping and as for those directional details, just make sure you don’t make the mistake we did & look for this Superstore splendour on Kingsland Road, as it is on Kingsland High St, a subtle difference that actually makes all the difference (in our case about 2 miles), so head for Dalston Junction & you can’t go wrong. As for our other best bites offerings, well “Disco Fag Bar” has to be in our choices, not least after a spectacular re-launch last Friday, when special guests Princess Julia & Tasty Tim pulled out all the stops to make it the huge success it was, this week seeing Gibson & Ganio return, with Laurent C getting his say and a possible appearance by none other than Luke Howard to serve up loads of electro disco, synt pop & even some hi-nrg house in this East Bloc NYC style venue on Old Street. As for Saturday, well Amy Lame’s “Duckie” celebrates a special birthday, while on Sunday, it is all about retro-tastic tea dancing at The White Swan on Commercial Road, as they roll out another “Strictly Sunday’s” session.

Further details of all these, our best bites for the weekend, can be found in the pages of the popular press & vuia the events on social networking site Facebook.

Now, as always we get a squeeze in for tip top clubbing site SeenQueen, who have just updated their club diary with events stretching into October (they are always well ahead of the game this lot!) and have plenty of news in the new(ish) style blog page, as well as a special feature on the changes happening to the building fabric of Fire & Area in an interview with Craig Elder. Now, not that we are bitter or anything, but they got in before us, again, although keep a watch out for our own take on all this in a special “Disco Matters” out in the second week of October. In the meantime, get your arses onto http://seenqueen.com/ and see what the team have to offer, it’s hot & it’s happening in SeenQueen towers for sure.

Right, that’s it for another best bites look and on a weekend that looks like being another hectic one for us, it already having starting in a divine Disco Matt dancing dervish at Industri last night (hope no-one took any photo’s), but carries on tonight (Fri 10th Sept) at Matinee’s pre-party, which will also include celebrations for hot go-go dancer Luke’s birthday, then we get all hot under the collar with a trip to Suzi Krueger’s “Sweat” on Saturday, preceded by a drop in on Brent Nicholls at Barcode Soho. Sunday morning starts early for us with a call at beyond, before quickly refreshing ourselves for the main event that will be Matinee, so if you see us out come say hi, if you don’t then enjoy what your weekend has to offer, but as we always say....Go There! Be There!


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