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Wednesday 29 September 2010

Weekend Focus - TTD


There is no doubt that there seems to be a resurgence in Sunday afternoon clubbing, or at least the penchant to party on the seventh day of the week, but very much with the desire for something a little different to the norm. In some ways, this desire is a return to the days when DTPM was founded, the first informative months & years planting it firmly in the PM market, starting a 3 p.m. no less, this timing slowly slipping due to a change in trend. But even clubs like Factor 25 very much built their successes on Sunday’s and no look back in this way could be complete without including Salvation, the epitome of Sunday clubbing and in sophistication & style at Cafe De Paris that has rarely been matched since. But with much water under the bridge since those days, one would question the appeal of a similar style club, although the footfall & popularity of Matinee at MOS, which has found new favour through its Sunday slot seems a good barometer in this respect.

So, with all this in mind the launch of a new clubbing concept couldn’t come too soon and in TTD we have a new Sunday sophisticate that aims to re-kindle some of the style of those Salvation-esque days, attracting the smart crowd and more than a touch of sexy lookers in amongst sumptuous surroundings, but most importantly for this the new clubbing kid on the block, in a central location, at Sound on Leicester Square no less. Now, it would be fair to say that the concept of TTD is not new, in fact promoter Billy Richard would be the first to admit that the club is born out of the days of “...Villa Stefanos & The Limelight...” he further remarking that “...since the demise of the original ‘Tea Dance’ concept, Sunday’s have experienced a void that has (in his words) unsatisfyingly been left empty for far too long...”. However, we guess for those followers of Later, Sunday afternoons have long been lively, although in saying that, there is little doubt that the style & sophistication that the Cafe De Paris days of Salvation offered have definitely been missed by many.

In TTD, this is what the team want to resurrect, offering a club event in recognition of a segment of the scene where “...gay men are smart, sophisticated and love to party, drinking champagne & cocktails in luxurious surroundings...” the short & sweet definition for us being truly gAylist and whilst we can acknowledge a few recent parties/events to have met this standard (think SuperMartXe, Matinee, UP & Rome), we have to concur with Billy in saying that it is very much the time to bring back some of this cream of the crop style classy clubbing to the London scene. And in host venue Sound, the team are certainly hoping it will do just that, this unassuming frontage of a club, wedged between tourist shops on Leicester Square, opening out inside onto three floors crammed with the latest technology, sumptuous furniture & decor and with some spectacular panoramic views of London’s west end & beyond. And in the main room, which will host this TTD party, the whole New York industrial feel will certainly give Billy Richard’s event an edge, combining state of the art lighting, sumptuous leather banquette seating and even large sofas inspired by the famous designs of Hoffman.

With much expected of the venue which is sure to deliver, what can we expect from the music? Well the team will be “...showcasing the most talented internationally renowned D.J.’s, while also giving new & upcoming talent a platform to show what they can offer...” the latter part of this statement being the long term aim of TTD, while the launch party will definitely deliver on both the talented & international aspects of their aims, the trio of Brent Nicholls, Nick Tcherniak & Pagano very much fitting the bill and will be combining to produce a superb journey of sound throughout the night, from the more funky latino yet tough twists of Brent, onto the distinctly progressive sounds that Pagano is famous for, ending up with the tech fuelled & hard edged beats for which Nick is renowned. Now, whilst Francesco is still busy in the studio producing his new compilation, “Digital Generation”, his set will surely be crammed with classics like “Loca”, “Back To the Future”, “Drama On The Dancefloor”, “My Religion”, plus (we have been promised by the man himself) previews of some brand new remix works. As for Mr Tcherniak, well he is still riding high from the huge success of both “My People” & latest smash “Deep Water” which just this week topped the Juno download chart (accolade indeed) and Nick will be landing direct at TTD from recording partner, Steve Thomas’s studios in Spain and will no doubt full of new tunes & sounds to sample. As for Brent, well it goes without saying that he has pulled out the stops with a dedicated compilation which is available for download via http://speedyshare.com/files/24364407/1009_TTD_Pre_Launch_Warm_Up-_Welcome_To_The_Club_128.mp3 and to quote him, “...no one wants to be assaulted with pots and pans on a Sunday afternoon, so my set will be funky, chunky and aimed at the hips. Expect a lot of new grooves mixed up with current floor fillers...” and the mix certainly is that, especially with the hip-tastic & funky “Party People” by Audio Jackers in amongst the 64 minutes of gems that gives you more than a hint to this scene favourites opening set at TTD.

Right, well that kind of seals the deal on making TTD a date for us , this looking like being a party you simply cannot miss, although you have, without question, missed out on all the early bird tickets which sold out an age ago, at the beginning of September to be precise. However, we are reliably informed that a very limited amount of advance tickets are still available at the usual Soho outlets Prowler, Clone Zone & DV8 as well as online by going to http://clubtickets.com/gb/2010-10/03/t-t-d-london-launch-party, all priced at £12 (plus booking fee). TTD kicks off this coming Sunday (3rd October) at 4 p.m., the club running through until 2 a.m. Monday morning and if you need any further persuasion that this is the place to be, why not check out their promo video at http://facebook.com/video/video.php?v=499149958451&ref=mf which should also seal the deal for you.

What is left to say? well nothing apart from, it definitely looks like all those elements of Sunday sophistication & style should be back with a bang, courtesy of the event that sets out to “...shake up your Sunday’s...” So, make TTD at Sound on Leicester Square this Sunday a date and join us for a boogie five floors up as we will be there to review it all. (DISCO MATT)

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