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Friday 27 August 2010

"Saving The Best Till Last" - August Bank Holday Weekend Best Bites Pt 2


Having been distracted as we have been for the last few days we are now firmly back on track with our writing in advance of the last Bank Holiday weekend of the year, which looks like being an incredibly busy affair. We have already looked at Friday & Saturday, pointing you to relevant reports & links and now it’s time to look at the “fat” end of the weekend, when much of the activity will be taking place. As with part one of these special “best bites” we have needed to be a little ruthless in picking out our tip top choices, although such is the extent of choice that there will be a couple of specific “Weekend Focus” reports as well as some “Extra Bites” post coming up over the next 24 hours or so.

In the meantime lets crack on with looking at Sunday first and unlike Friday & Saturday our best bite focussing looks very much away from Soho, as much of the activity centres around Vauxhall, although central London certainly gets it’s say with our first reported collaboration, as Jodie Harsh’s “Circus” join forces with Friday night East Ender “Caligula”, combining to present “Paradise” at Cafe De Paris no less. Not only will they be making the most of this amazing venue, but the joint team will be welcoming the legendary Rosin Murphy to the decks, who will be combining spinning discs with live vocals, which should prove both an aural & visual feast. The 2nd special guest D.J. will be Kim Ann Foxman of “Hercules” & “Love Affair” fame, who will be joining the team of Jodie, Warboy, Kris Di Angelis, Robert Outch & Erol Sabodash on the decks. With the party theme based on the concept of iconic New York disco’s & Chicago house clubs but with elements of “... balmy summer evenings on an exotic beach, imaginary worlds..” which should create an enticing concoction with the ornate style theatre that is Cafe de Paris. Now, doors to his amazing party open at 10 p.m. with “Paradise” running through till 4 a.m. Advance tickets at £15 are still available online at http://ticketweb.co.uk/user/?region=gb_london&query=detail&event=404327 but with more available on the door. Further details can be found by going to http://thisiscircus.com/ or http://caligulauk.com/.

Now, before we move south of the river, just time to quickly mention D.T.P.M. which returns to the lofty venue, Paramount, for its “Summer Shindig” from 10.30 p.m. until 6 p.m. Such is the attraction of this event, we have devoted a “Weekend Focus” slot to it, which will be out a little later, but in the meantime wanted to bring you the online link to ticket purchases which is http://ticketweb.co.uk/user/?region=gb_london&query=detail&event=402222, the team having advised us that the last remaining earlybird tickets have been released at just £15 and are available only online. But, if like us, you prefer to grab yours in your hand, pop into either The Edge on Soho Square or to The Store Rooms on Old Street where general release tickets are available now.

O.K., now still focussing on Sunday (29th Aug), we move south of the river and our first big choice goes to As One’s “Massive Funfair Garden Party”, which has already received our full focus in a special preview. This looks like being THE choice of many for the weekend, as it sits perfectly in the middle of Bank Holiday proceedings & boasts an incredible D.J. Line up. So, for full details of this “amazing amalgamation” check out our report at direct link http://discomattpreview.blogspot.com/2010/08/amazing-amalgamation-as-one-sunday-29th.html. Preceding As One in Vauxhall will, of course, be Beyond and we have already issued a “Hot Dates” report on their “Super Size” party although we will be bringing you some exclusive news & interviews with Beyond’s promoter Steven Sharp & room two host Oliver Mohns in our new style post “Disco Matters”, which will be out a little later. Following that, we will be recapping on the party in full which already looks like being a roadblock event as tickets sales have literally gone through the roof, so we recommend grabbing one now at http://clubtickets.com/ as we are not sure how the allocation to the Soho outlets is being managed. What we will also say is that, if this is your choice and you haven’t got a ticket, make sure you get there super early to avoid the disappointment of not getting in.

However, our Sunday morning choice here goes to M.O.S.T., the new afterhours concept brought to you by the Logan Presents team, which he explains as “...an opportunity to shed more light on London daytime clubbing...” but will also crucially “...offer a unique carry on experience, a non-stop party fusion with Hype which, as The Cornet lets out, MOS will draw in...”, “Hype” being the teams Saturday night offering. Now, we have been asked the question, why two new brands on a Bank Holiday weekend? But having reflected on it all, we have concluded WHY NOT!, as M.O.S.T. will most definitely be serving up some choice in the much dominated afterhours market and will surely attract a SuperMartXe & Matinee like crowd, a much more gAylist affair akin to private party “UP”, so should represent a refreshing change to the Sunday morning norm. Now full details of M.O.S.T. can be found both in our special preview at http://discomattpreview.blogspot.com/2010/08/home-grown-hybrids-la-schmitz-style.html as well as in part one of this post series, although to recap M.O.S.T. tickets available online at http://clubtickets.com/ at £15 each, as well as at outlets Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8, Solarstation, The Box, with more available on the doors which open at 6 a.m. with M.O.S.T. running through until 2 p.m. Further info on both events can be found at http://loganpresents.com/.

Our final couple (well three actually) of Sunday mentions goes first to Onyx, which returns to Area for the second time this weekend, “Neon” sandwiching the gap between As One & the third collaboration in our choices, Orange Trade, which takes place at superclub Colosseum. Now, we will be bringing you a full “Weekend Focus” on Orange Trade, so keep your eyes peeled for that, while we can run down some of the details of Onyx’s outing right here right now, and what a party it looks like being, with Seamus Haji headlining a sparkling D.J. line up that includes other special guests Oliver M, Terry Vietheer and Gaydar Radio’s Alex Baker, joining residents Lee Harris, Ariel, Lisa German & more, Onyx “Neon” kicking off at 7 p.m. running through until 5 a.m. But for a superb alternative choice out east, “Pooldisco” gets our vote, this final party in their 2010 calendar looking very special indeed, as not only will promoter Kris D Angelis be spinning the sounds, his set featuring live performances from Karen David & Sunday Girl, but the superb Severino will be strutting his stuff too. Add to that a trio of Secret garden D.J.’s as well as fab Pooldisco giveaways and this will be THE place to be for your fashion conscious, artistic & downright debaucherous lot (us included) from the 6 p.m. start through till the midnight finish. Watch this space for an “Extra Bites” post out on this one.

Turning to Monday (30th Aug) and, naturally, Orange Trade will be featuring large in the early part of the day, this special “You Know What We Did Last Summer” kicking off at 4.30 a.m. & running through until 2 p.m., wow! However, when you spill out of Colosseum, why not continue the partying at Later in Fire with regulars Paul Martin The Oli & Terry Bryan which kicks off at midday & runs through to its usual finish time of 8 p.m., but remember it’s a Monday not a Sunday! Then, as if you may be partied out enough, Booster rounds off The Orange group weekend with a Bank Holiday “Battle Of The D.J’s”, when Sharon O Love goes up against Miswhite, while Miss Crazy D squares up with Alan K, but with much much more & a superlate finish of 4 a.m. However, if that’s all a little too much for you, then why not choose the “grassy knoll” and take in “The RVT Sports Day”, which is followed by a special “S.LA.G.S./Chill Out” session with The DE Experience & the regular D.J. line up taking you up till a midnight finish, just in time for a snooze before work the following day.

Further details of all these best picks for Sunday & Monday can be found in the popular press or by going to the events pages on social networking site Facebook.

Now, just a reminder that you should also be checking out favourite clubbing website SeenQueen, which has a comprehensive August Bank Holiday guide to the hottest tickets in town, listings, directories & information available at http://seenqueen.com/clubs/index.htm with a special hot list section that includes free ticket offers available on their home page, not to mention dates stretching right through till the end of September.

Right, well that’s kind of it for now, although remember to watch out for our special “Weekend Focus” reports on DTPM & Orange/Trade, our “Extra Bites” shout on Pooldisco, not to mention our first “Disco Matters” report, covering Beyond followed by a special update on the “Super Size” party. As for our Sunday & Monday, well it starts with M.O.S.T. at MOS, followed by As One, then a jaunt across town to Pooldisco. We then head back through town, stopping off for DTPM and hopefully make it to Orange/Trade before collapsing in a heap. So, if you see us out, come say hi, but whatever you are up to this weekend, have a brilliant one and as we always say....”Go There! Be There!”.


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