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Friday 13 August 2010

Weekend - 13th to 16th August

Hey Folks,

It’s been all go in Disco Matt land this week following our full-on Gay Brighton Dance Weekend and then with floods of news hitting our desk of some massive events coming up over the Bank Holiday weekend. So it’s a relief to focus our minds on this coming weekend for a while as we give you our rundown of where to be & be seen in Soho, Vauxhall & elsewhere which we are now calling our “Best Bites”.

But before we do, here’s just a reminder that our “Weekend Focus” posts are where we detail the big events on your doorstep, while our “Extra Bites” editions bring you that all important last minute info on our pick of parties & hot happenings.

Right onward and first to Soho with Lo-Profile once again in the limelight, which should be a much busier one this weekend after the exodus to the south coast last, the team pulling out the big guns on Friday (13th Aug) as Beyond residents & Lo-Profile favourites Jamie Head & Steve Pitron come out to play, Jamie taking the honours first, followed by Steve, both surely a massive pull & well worth the fiver entry charge. Then on Saturday it’s the turn of Nick Evans & Alessandro Londra to strut their stuff & pack the place with their pumping & uplifting house heaven, while Profile upstairs will be warming you up in usual style, Friday favourite Phil Marriot back in the driving seat following his foray down to Brighton last week, while the rotational arrangements on Saturday sees Rob Sykes swapping places with Craig Daniels for another smooth session to glide you into the club shenanigans downstairs. Over at The Shadow Lounge, the team are well into their stride with their “Feel Like A Member” August promotion (more details via Shadow Lounge’s Facebook group) which means if you get into gear & mail your details across to the lovely Filipe Bourne, you plus one other get complimentary entry all night, faaabulous. So get mailing as tonight sees another “Therapy” session with our very own foxy ladies Minx & Miswhite in charge of the tunes, while the team have a special night planned on behalf of the London Pride Run, although “Inferno’s” Andrew Elmore will be spinning his usual dance cocktail of tunes throughout the night This is a guest only event, so even more of a reason to mail Mr Filipe. Our other big shout goes to Barcode this week, as The Cave returns there on Friday for another hairy beary session with special guest Hifi Sean on the decks, this massive talent smarting from an amazing weekend down Brighton way when he took DTPM then Wild Fruit’s “Kings & Queen’s” party by storm & will surely be warming the Barcode boys up for his RAW session at Orange on Monday. Then Saturday, which has been struggling of late, sees scene favourite & the man with all the “nu-funk” answers hit the decks & really inject some punch into proceedings with a disco & funk combination knockout, Brent Nicholls taking the helm to headlong you happily into Sunday morning.

Down in Vauxhall and Craig Elder’s Orange Group are once again steeling much of the headlines with their flagship club brand celebrating its 12th birthday (see our Weekend Focus post for full details) although it’s, what we love to call, another “BOOB” weekend, as Beyond, Orange, Onyx & Booster dominate their schedule once again. Onyx played its party in the gay Brighton Dance Festival last Friday beautifully, so returns to its usual format at Area this, Messrs Hammond & Marriot mashing up the main room while residents Lisa German & Ariel sort out the tech from the trash in The Terrace, the poptastic tunes in the Blackbox coming from the usual gang as well as superb guest, the iconic Tasty Tim, yum yum. Beyond should prove another hit this weekend even after their huge “Midnight” affair last when the place was pumping, even though it seemed the world & his wife were in The Honeyclub for Beyond Fruit. But with both Steve Pitron & Alan K back in pole position this week & in their usual slots of 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. respectively, we can’t think of a better way to spend your Sunday morning. Then, we are sure Booster will provide the ideal warm up to Orange’s birthday bash, master of ceremonies Romain Lopez smiling from ear to ear following the launch of Queer Cyber (gay networking site) this week, this Sunday evening club gaining popularity week on week & crushing the competition next door. Talking of which, those naughty boys & girls at Barcode seem to have dried up their info on their weekly D.J. rosters & gigs, so we sadly can’t bring you any info on that. So instead The Eagle gets our other big shout, Tim Jones’ “Tonker” taking you into the weekend with a truck load of tough house for tough boys on Friday, while the more fun-filled & frivolous “Carpet Burn” sparkles your Saturday (12th Aug) with legendary dance D.J. Mark Moore taking his turn on the decks, joined by Time Out’s very own Paul Burston, while no Sunday is ever the same without some horsing around, with Jim Stanton & James Hillier’s “Horse Meat Disco”. Now jus a quick mention to Jay Harp Vokins’ “Gravity”, which moves to Area for a special on-off party next Thursday called, Hookers Hangout, which says it all really, the place being transformed into a house of ill repute (no change there then!) with the sexed up sounds coming from residents Alan K, The Oli & Terry Bryan, but with Area doing it much more for many than Fire, it should prove a big hit.

Right what alternatives are out there this weekend? Well it seems that The Dalston Superstore (DSS) are once again paving the way to alternative excellence, although the now accustomed Friday slot for “Eurotrash” has been given up to a “Do It - Midsummer Work Out” and while we are moving towards the end of summer (yes those night are beginning to draw in folks), the feel will be similar to Per QX’s usual mash-up, with turbo bass in the basement to add to the electro & tech servings from D.J.’s We’re Not Cool & Not Shy (where do they get these names?!) while Eurotrash regular Allesandro Asencio will headline the more classic & nu-disco house upstairs. Saturday sees another special session as “Bodytalk” matches up to “Hot Mess”, both being DSS regulars and big draws, so this will be a packed out affair, especially as another house legend makes a London appearance this weekend, Jon Pleased Wimmin joining the likes of D.J.’s Rokk, Fil OK, Holestarr & Marky Mark on the decks across the two floors, while on Sunday (14th Aug) new(ish) night “Rhythm Boy” slides you into the new week with two guests this time round, both Caracara & Andy Thomson sharing the plaudits behind the decks. Our other big shout goes to Friday nighter “Caligula” which, as you know had its residential home at The Bathhouse in Bishopsgate, although has now found a new one much closer to all the alternative action further up on Kingsland Road, Basing House the host from now on. And this should be quite a special night, as the team have flown in much respected Brazilian D.J. & producer, Renato Cohen, who is known best for his 2002 smash “Pontape”, although is carving a real niche back home with a unique blend of techno & disco which should go down a treat with Caligula’s discerning party heads. Joining Mr Cohen will be Paradise 45’s, Black Rabbit’s etc, etc, etc, Guy Williams along with Caligula resident & Pooldisco queen Kris Di Angelis, all making for one very special “burning down the house” session. Plus, keep your eyes peeled for a very special Bank Holiday combo bash at Cafe De Paris, when Caligula will join forces with Circus for a spectacular Saturday soiree cum jim jam session.

Okey dokey, just time to fit in a mention for our favourite clubbing website Seen Queen, which yet again featured some of our work this week, a blog entry of theirs given away to our new post “Disco Matt Does The News”, although it’s their club diary that gets our attention here, as they have just added lots more dates for the Bank Holiday, although their dates stretch right till the end of September, including some very special parties. So go take a look at http://seenqueen.com/clubs and why not have a butchers at their blog while you’re at it.

Right, that’s it for another weekend and our Best Bites edition, so whatever you are up to have a great one. As for us, it’s a relatively quiet affair as we gear up for the coming Bank Holiday, but a trip to Barcode Soho on Saturday is on the cards, as long as those horrid door staff give us a smile, then on Sunday (well Monday morning actually) we go all Orange for their 12th birthday bash. So, if you see us out come say hi, but as we always say.....”Go There!, Be There!”.


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