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Friday 6 August 2010

Weekend - 6th to 8th August

Hey Folks,

Well, it’s go go go this weekend, although much of the action seems to be away from the capital as not only is it pride in Amsterdam and the gay games in Cologne, but the massive Circuit Festival in Barcelona is reaching its climax and whilst we continue to agonise over our absence from this Spanish smash, we hear that the temperatures are hot in this Catalonian city & the men are even hotter, so we wish all you boys & girls in Barca a brilliant time.

Closer to home and is celebration time for London by the sea as Brighton Pride is upon us again, although after all the controversy that this has attracted in recent months, the emergence of the Gay Brighton Dance Weekend is grabbing much of the attention, including ours, we having devoted a special focus post to this 29 event strong dance gathering, entitled “The Wild Fruit Way”, highlighting our best picks. Naturally however, Brighton pride itself will attract its own following and we will be issuing an Extra bites post covering the park proceedings and associated happenings, see keep your eyes peeled for that.

But with one eye on London by the sea, we take you through what’s happening this weekend up here in the capital, especially for those who will be avoiding the madcap dash to the coast & the crammed trains. So, as usual, we cover off offerings across Soho, Vauxhall & elsewhere, before running down our best of the Brighton best.

Right, to Soho and the pick of our more slimline selection is Profile & Lo-Profile on Wardour Street, who look like showing the rest just how it is done, with another superb line up of D.J.’s playing out across the weekend. Lo-Profile funk up your Friday (6th Aug) with SperMartXe & Lovechild resident Tony English taking to the decks who will no doubt treat you to a veritable feast of the latest hot tracks hitting the dancefloors of Europe at the moment and judging by his performance at Lovechild last week, you will be in for a real treat. Then, Nick Evans takes charge, trouncing the turntables with his signature dish of delightful dance tunes that will surely have this sumptuous space full of sophisticates singing his praises. Saturday sees jetsetter D’Johnny land in on Lo-Profile and line up some terrific tech inspired tracks to thrill, while nu-funk exponent & scene favourite Brent Nicholls shows his worth & packs a punch with funky, chunky tunes. Upstairs in Profile, regular Friday man Phil Marriot is hired out by Onyx for on the coast duty at Wild Fruit’s weekend opener at Audio, so Nick Evans fills his boots, before fulfilling his slot downstairs, while Saturday sees Jamie Head jam pack the place with a stylish soundtrack to match the surroundings. Our other best pick goes to Rupert Street who have favourite resident Alessandro Londra back behind the decks on Saturday and this Sicilian smoulderer has been busy making plans for something really special coming up in Soho during September, so watch this space for news on that.

Down in Vauxhall and its certainly the Beyond & Megawoof show this weekend, as not only does our favourite afterhours extend itself to offer over 12 hours of audacious action in what promoter Steven Sharp (welcome back by the way) calls “Beyond Midnight”, but Megawoof has another muscle-bound workout over at Hidden on Saturday before joining forces with Beyond, hosting its very own new “Den” area with Daz Saund & his boys running riot for sure. As for Megawoof, well they will still be full of Circuit Festival fever following their showing in Barcelona, so their theme of “BBQ & Beach” will fit in nicely with the mood and tempt plenty of those testosterone toned hairy hunks out onto Hidden’s terrace to savour a bit of saucy sausage this Saturday (7th Aug), while inside the sounds will be just as hot of the BBQ coals, with residents in action that will include Leonardo Glovibes, Diddy, David Eph & Louis Lennon, all making sure that the three dancefloors are drenched with beefy beats. But Beyond will be creating its own heat further down Vauxhall at Area with the likes of Terry Bryan, The Sharp Boys (or at least singular boy, George) as well as The Oli in the main room, Mr Oli having hot footed it back from his showing at “Beyond Fruit” in Brighton just in time to take over the reins from, wait for it, Steve Pitron, who is back, back, back, for his well deserved three week holiday that felt like at least six, although his mere presence should see the best Beyond believers flock to Vauxhall to soak up his scintillating sounds. With Steven Sharp establishing the permanent fixture of the RAW room, Messrs Paul Christian & David Jimenez will take charge, while the Terrace will have the trio of D’Johnny, Jamie Head & Fat Tony to tantalise & tease and don’t forget that Megawoof Den to add some extra bulk to proceedings. Expect both parties to be sure-fire winners, especially if the forecast rain drives people back from Brighton, while other highlights of the Vauxhall weekend include Matador at Barcode on Friday, Booster at Area on Sunday evening, all polished off with another citric stormer at Fire, as Orange goes from strength to strength & sees you well into Monday morning.

Away from the two capital gay villages, out east is the place to be and The Dalston Superstore to be exact, as they have yet another fun-filled weekend to tickle your taste buds. Friday night sees the return of The Stores’ most popular event by far, as the Guy Williams promotions machine rolls back into town with “Paradise 45”, on the back of yet another successful stint in Ibiza. Joining Guy on the decks this time will be guest Dave Kendrick who is standing in for the advertised Serge Santiago who has had a little mishap this week (ask no questions!), Dave adding his own flavour to the nu disco & light hearted tech sounds that have becomes Paradise’s trademark. But a warning folks, this party gets packed, so make sure you arrive early to avoid disappointment. Then on Saturday the team warm up for this year’s “Offset” festival with a teaser of a taster of the big event in September, with Ali Love and the Trailer Trash team of D.J.’s who will be taking over the dance tent at this East End music festival next month, all serving up what they prefer to call modern disco but with the added insatiable Trailer Trash element of dirty electro house. Then on Sunday (8th Aug), new night “Rhythm Box” launches for a barnstorming basement session introducing special guest D.J’s to round off your weekend in fine fettle, this launch week seeing Nathan G Wilkins steal the show and provide the much needed fill to the gap in Sunday night partying this side of town. Our other alternative top tip this weekend goes to Disco Bloodbath which has another monthly session on Saturday up at Bar A Bar on Stoke Newington Road, with residents Dan Beaumont & Ben Pistor being joined by special guests Tom & Benjamin who make up breakthrough dance label Permanent Vacation and should be another brilliant bash.

So, in forgiving us for our slimline choices, this has allowed us to fit in the best of our rest options down in Brighton for their special Pride weekend and just a reminder that we have already served up “The Wild Fruit” way with our special focus post. However, there are a host of other happenings both for Pride itself and for the Gay Brighton Dance Weekend of events and first off is our alfresco activity tip that will be the two day party in St James’s Street, right in the heart of Brighton’s own gay village. With all the local bars & pubs that spill onto this thoroughfare getting involved, if the weather holds, it should prove just as popular as ever and a magnet for those spilling off from proceedings in Preston Park on the Saturday and then continuing the revelry on Sunday. As for the Dance Weekend, if you are not lucky enough to get entry into the exclusive Wild Fruit “Terrace Party” at Audio on Saturday afternoon/evening, you can always turn to “Sundance”, which is brought to you by Brighton’s Revenge & London’s Salvation club brands, serving up an open-air sunset party at The Terraces on Marine Parade (in front of Legends) Salvation resident jocks Oliver M, Mis-White & Paul Coals spinning the sounds, while Raul Gonzalez provides the sexy go-go’s & the Terrace team the BBQ & cocktails. Then if either Dance Nation or DTPM are not on your choice list, “Cirque Du Salvation” surely must be, as the party that packed a punch at Lovebox, gives the south coast a taste of this Salvation spectacle, which takes place at Concorde 2, with those Salvation jocks fresh from their Sundance soiree ready to hit you with some heavenly house, the trio of Oliver, Emma & Paul being joined on the decks by The Dirty Sunset Disco Crew or Jon Byrne, Smithy, King K & Mister Baker, with plenty of stilt walkers, fire eaters, clowns & campery to cut any comparison with other parties within Brighton’s borders this weekend.

Details of all these Soho, Vauxhall, alternative & Brighton choices can be found in the popular weekly press and via the events pages on social networking site, Facebook.

Right, that’s it for this weekend, although do watch this space for our extra bites post on Brighton pride itself, as well as any last minute news we have on happenings across the capital, as info hits our desks.

In terms of our weekend, well it’s a Brighton trip for us, although we will be giving the park a wide berth, rather heading for Wild Fruit’s “Terrace Party”, followed by a right royal rumpus at Dance Nation, followed by a fruity south coast styled Beyond at Honeyclub. So, if you’re down on the coast & see us out, come say hi, but whatever you do and wherever you are this weekend, have a good one, but as we always say.....”Go There! Be There!”


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