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Saturday 7 August 2010

Extra Bites - "Brighton Pride"

Hey Folks,

Well, despite scaremongering from certain quarters in the capital, the weather looks set fair for London by the sea as Brighton Pride swings into full-on action a little later this morning, although as usual much of the activity will centre on the park festivities which will get under way from around 2 p.m.

Now, it is clear that the financial & other issues that have plagued what has, in recent years, been considered as the UK’s most popular Pride parties, has left deep scares & divisions within the LGBT community in Brighton, so the feel & thrust of this year’s celebrations may well be a little different, although what we can say with authority is, you will not be getting the soaking you did last year and the sun will be making an appearance later this afternoon as the park gets into full swing. To check the forecast for yourselves go direct to the Met offices link http://metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/se/brighton_forecast_weather.html and, for the brave, it will be shorts & t-shirts, while others may wish to cover up a bit more.

Kicking the day off will be Brighton Pride’s parade, which starts in less than 3 hours at 11 a.m. from Marine Parade, taking its slow snake around the city, first moving along the seafront to West Street, turning past the clock tower into North Street and then takes a direct route north past the famous Pavilion and aims for Preston Park, advancing up London Road, arriving at the park around 3 p.m. The theme of this year’s parade celebration is “Pride & (No) Prejudice, very much with the aim of shouting out proud for the LGBT community within the city, so expect all the usual whistles (we hope no vuvuzela’s!) bright colours, drag queens, muscled men & everything in between, but moreover, if you are lining the route, make sure you dig deep into your pockets to support the various charities including, of course, the Brighton Pride Charity Trust, who need your help & support to keep Pride free in the city.

Without doubt Preston Park will be the main attraction for many, although as we made clear in our Weekend Focus post “The Wild Fruit Way”, the usual promoters & supporters of the massive dance tent will be absent, although Brighton’s Revenge club have stepped into the breach & will be, with the support of Gaydar, hosting both the pop tent/bar and the dance, D.J.’s on duty at the former including Boogaloo Stu & Alex Baker, while over in the dance tent, The Freemasons headline along with none other than Steve Pitron, whom we are told hits the decks around 5 p.m. The cabaret tent has also had its fair share of controversy in amongst the issues that have faced the Pride committee this year, although it will be going ahead, with a host of local stars performing from the 2 p.m. start, right through to the finale around 7.20 p.m. Highlights will no doubt be Miss Jason & Maisie Trollette (due around 4 p.m.), the Hampstead whore Sandra (6 p.m.) and Dave Lynn (7 p.m.) with other artists include Rose Garden, Jamie Watson & Drag With No Name. Other park highlights include The Women’s tent, The Camelford Arms & Star Inn Bears tent, the extensive market areas and, of course, the fairground. Further details of park festivities can be found at http://brightonpride.org/mainparkevent.php.

Then, as the park dies down, all focus will point towards the gay village around St James’s street and plenty of pubs & bars will be throwing their own parties to tempt you in, although alfresco terrace style celebrations will be the way to go for many, although without doubt THE place to be will be Audio for Wild Fruit’s very special celebration (check our “The Wild Fruit Way” post for full details), the best of the rest being “Sundance” at The Terraces on Marine Parade, Legend’s own offering and Dirty Sunset Disco’s outing at Ohso Social. Further details of these parties and indeed plenty of other “officially” linked parties to Brighton Pride, both on Saturday & Sunday, go to http://brightonpride.org/calendar.php with plenty of other information available, including information on visiting Brighton & latest news, via http://brightonpride.org/.

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