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Thursday 5 August 2010

Weekend Focus Special - Gay Brighton Dance Weekend - "The Wild Fruit Way"


The last few months in the life of Brighton Pride has certainly been interesting to say the least and whislt they are a few camps in this relatively tight knit scene that have conflicting views over what was right or wrong about the way certain key decisions, both financially & otherwise, have been handled, the fact remains that one of the city’s biggest players was forced to step back from being involved in the park proceedings this year. As if the loss of such an organisation was bad enough, when you consider that this business had been one of the most longstanding supporters of what has become the UK’s most popular pride weekends, such a loss was shocking to say the least Their eventual withdrawal back in May certainly had the domino effect, a handful of other key players/individuals also pulling out of pride, although the rumblings of financial instability of this essentially free event in its old form stretch back much further, to August 2009 to be precise, meaning that the catalogue of failings and precarious decision making by the Brighton Pride committee have left considerable scares across the LGBT community that still run deep in certain quarters.

However, like many things in life, through adversity comes opportunity and the organisation that had fallen foul to the muddled financial makings of Brighton Pride and had lost its prestigeous postion within pride park proceedings, rather than lying down dead, picked itself up, dusted itself off and came up with a solution that immediately looked like not only stealing much of the thunder of the park celebrations, but was hailed a new dawn in clubbing collaboration in Brighton. So what organisation are we talking about andwhat is this new dawn we are deluding to? Well, the organisation is Aeon Events, the business behind probably the biggest gay club brands in Brighton, but also a company that held and was responsible for the bar contract for Brighton Pride in Preston Park, also staging the incredibly popular dance tent that has always been an intrinsic part or proceedings, their club brand being Wild Fruit, two words that for many Londoners at least are synonymous with Brighton Pride and the dance tent. But you can probably guess by now that Wild Fruit will not be represented in the park this year, although the proverbial phoenix from the ashes is Gay Brighton Dance Weekend, very much the new dawn dream turned reality, which both Wild Fruit and its trading company are spearheading.

In creating Gay Brighton Dance Weekend, the team behind Wild Fruit have not only pulled together 15 of the city’s best known dance bars & clubs, but have attracted brands both from within Brighton and back here in the capital, greats such as Beyond, DTPM, Lovechild, Onyx, Queer Nation & Salvation, all travelling to the south coast for this amazing clubbing celebration of a weekend. Indeed this incredible gathering of brands & minds from both Brighton & London has resulted in 29 events stretching from tomorrow (Thursday 5th August) through till Monday (9th August) and drawing in the a veritable who’s who list of D.J.’s from both cities, names such as Guy Williams, Fat Tony, Steve Pitron, Paul Heron, Alan X, Oliver M, Mis-White, Mikey D, The Oli, Tasty Tim, Dusty O, Jon Byrne Kate Wildblood, Verity Mayes & many more, all combining with those 15 venues & 25 club brands to produce “...a massive, diverse, colourful and proud clubbing weekend featuring the cream clubland parties & events..”. So what’s the deal? Well, picking through those 29 events, we have taken “The Wild Fruit Way” here which spans from Friday through Monday.

So, what does this, “The Wild Fruit Way” consist of? Well, it all kicks off on Friday (6th Aug) at Audio on Marine Parade with Brighton’s biggest club “Pride Welcome Party”, although this will be no ordinary gathering, as Wild Fruit joins forces with London’s largest Friday nighter, Onyx, spreading this opulent opener to the weekend over Audio’s two floors, which not only offer incredible views of the seafront outside but serve up ultra smart & sophisticated surroundings inside. The party kicks off at 6 p.m. on Audio’s first floor, where Kate Wildblood & Hollie will spin a combo of club anthems & dance pop classics then giving way to a London by the sea session from Onyx downstairs, where resident & Gaydar’s Clubnation star Phil Marriot will be joined by the south coast’s Mike Mikalis, both serving up a superb selection of upfront funky & sexy house, this Dance Weekend opener running through until 3 a.m and entry free till 11 p.m.

Saturday (7th Aug) sees the Wild Fruit machine kick start the day with their “Terrace Party” back above Audio and will be swinging the doors open nice & early at 3 p.m., and this is going to be a really special party that we are sure will eclipse Preston Park in the D.J. stakes at least. Why? well not only have they scooped local boys turned international superstars Prok & Fitch, but the one & only Seamus Haji will be gracing the Audio decks too, joining regular D.J’s Jonny M, Kate Wildblood & Neil Duffy, for what will prove to be THE place to be both during the afternoon & as the sun sets over Brighton, with party goers in pole position for a magnificent view of the Pride fireworks display. This extra special pride party is the official warm up for both “Dance Nation” & DTPM and runs through until 10 p.m. with entry free until 6 p.m., although as this the numbers are strictly limited & priority will be given to Dance Nation & DTPM ticket holders, make sure you get there early to avoid disappointment.

Then as that clock strikes 10, the Audio’s terrace & the space below gives way to inbound London brand DTPM, who will run riot from across both floors till 5 a.m., with longstanding DT’ers Guy Williams & Fat Tony spearheading the terrific tunes, while newbie’s The House Husbands & Hifi Sean will complete the fantastic foursome (or is that fivesome) landing from London, with Brighton based Mike Mikalis adding the local touch. This credible combo is sure to pack a pulsating punch and give a whole new meaning to Brighton rock, not only rocking Audio but leaving its mark across the weekend, so if DTPM is your bag, this is a must with a limited amount of advance tickets still available £15.

But the biggie on Saturday will be the massive “Dance Nation” which will take place at huge venue Tru, this Gaydar sponsored event bringing together club brands Wild Fruit (of course), Alex Erfan's London smash Lovechild, Tim Jones's Tonker & Macho City, this huge dance party spread across three rooms of action and sporting D.J’s Steve Pitron, Tony English, The Hoxton Whores, Neil Duffie & Leroy Tayler in the main “Wild Fruit loves Lovechild” room, while space no2 will be handed over to Tonker, where Alan X & Tim Jones will rule the beartastic roost. The third room is given away to London east end based Chicago house club night Macho City, with residents Dave Kendrick & Charlie Porter taking charge & joined by Chris Barker. Add to that a superb PA show from Krysten Cummings in the main room and ostentatious hosts Chrissy Darling & Twiggy steering thi superb ship of a shindig and this looks like being an absolute riot. Tru’s doors open at 10 p.m., this “Dance Nation” smash running through until 5 a.m., with advance tickets available at £15.

Sunday (7th Aug) hardly dawns before the afterhours club extraordinaire, Beyond, trips south to Brighton to take over the fantastic Honeyclub, sending revellers deep into the morning and possibly the afternoon, this outstanding London brand combining with Wild Fruit to offer event “Beyond Fruit”, importing the might of Mikey D & The Oli from the capital, who will fly this brilliant afterhours' flag in the "Beyond" room with local boy Jonny M, while the “Funky Fruit” room will sport Jeffrey Hinton Kate Wildblood, Devilish & Riano. Honeyclub fires up this Beyond special outing on the sea at 4 a.m., running through till an advertised late (you know what that means!) with advance tickets selling like hot cakes at £15.

Then, just as you have drawn breath, it’s time for a return to Audio’s terrace, this time for favourite, Sunday Sundae, who will be holding a “Mirror Ball Double Floor” special, D.J.’s Kate Wildblood, Jeffrey Hinton, Chris Barker, Mike Mikalis, Monsieur Dimanche & Dave Kendrick, playing out to the extended hours of 3 p.m. till 11 p.m., a soundtrack of chilled our beach vibes through plenty of disco tinged classic house & dance with a touch of funk & uplifting tunes for good measure. This summer smash has attracted a very loyal following and this pride special Sunday undae serving will no doubt be plu-populaire, so make sure you get there nice & early.

But this will be somewhat of a curtain raiser to Sunday’s & probably the Dance Weekend’s biggest event, Wild Fruit’s “Kings & Queen’s” barnstorming bash, this huge affair spread over seven rooms at the incredible 3000 capacity super club Oceana, with an equally impressive line up of D.J.’s to delight. From the main “Ice” room where The Freemasons, Pete Hayward & Jon Byrne will hold court, through to the “Studio 54” space with Trannyshack’s Tasty Tim & Dusty O gender bending behind the decks, the choice continues with the “Bears Log Cabin”, where Hifi Sean & Dave Kendrick will be beefing up the beats, through to the “Drag Queen Boudoir” with queen of the drag D.J. crown Lady Lloyd spinning the sounds, while the girls on girls action spreads across both the “Deep” & “Tahiti” bars with Kate Wildblood, Hollie & Queen Jo choosing the tunes. The final space is “The Monte Carlo Bar” which is set aside for everyone, who in the organisors words "...can be their own VIP for the night..."., Oceania & Wild Fruit's "Kings & Queens" spectacular opens its doors at 10 p.m. with the extrovert event running through until 3.am. and with £10 in advance being the more than reasonable charge, this proves as the bargain deal of the weekend for sure.

But if you thought that was it, this incredible Gay Dance Weekend takes you into Monday morning with Brighton’s version of our own Orange, as “Rebel Afterhours” rounds off the four days of Wild Fruit inspired action at cool venue Digital, with international mega star D.J. Paul Heron taking to the decks and joined by Onyx’s Jonny M & Lee Harris, the trio no doubt treating you to a tremendous tech inspired, funky & chunky set of tunes to take you from the 3 a.m. start to the 8 a.m. finish, the £8 advance ticket charge worth every penny in our book.

Now, the best way to check out further full details of the amazing outings that make up this our choice of “The Wild Fruit Way” from the huge selection of events that make up the Gay Dance Weekend down in Brighton, is to go direct to http://aeonevents.co.uk, which not only has special sections for each of the parties we have picked out, but give links to those all important advance tickets for each event, which you can also purchase either online via http://clubtickets.com or at participating venues in Brighton , as well as on the doors of the events proper.

So, if you are heading to Brighton Pride, we cannot recommend enough that you savour some if not all of what looks like being an awesome Gay Dance Weekend in the hands of the city’s premier club brand Wild Fruit and its associates, both from London & London by the sea. And words of Paul Kemp, the man behind this immense festival of dance, sum up the aims of this incredible gathering of minds, when he says “...the city’s best loved venues & LGBT businesses, along with those big names from London, are pulling together this year to make sure that the genuine essence of Brighton Pride is showcased in the best possible way...”. Now, if you were in any doubt about Aeon Events & Wild Fruit’s intentions with this mega dance weekend, their comments should seal the deal and make for one of the biggest clubbing celebrations we have seen in years. (DISCO MATT)

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