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Friday 23 July 2010

Weekend - 23rd to 25th July

Hey Folks,

With July moving on at a pace, eyes are beginning to look towards the next big date in the European clubbing calendar as The Circuit Festival will be attracting huge crowds, converging on Barcelona for the week long party. To mark the occasion, we will be bringing you a special preview on what you can expect from this week of clubbing extravagance.

In the meantime and looking at our own backyard, what is on offer across the gAylist capital to tempt you out? Well, with our Weekend Focus reports already out on Impact & Beyond B2B, we run down our best of the rest choices in Soho, Vauxhall & elsewhere here.

First to the original gay village in London and, on paper at least, it looks like being a pretty low key weekend, although generally that means a few surprises end up being in store. As usual Lo-Profile/Profile Bar heads our list of choices and whilst he may have been advertised in the popular press as playing tonight, communicating with Paul Heron on the Heathrow tarmac confirmed that he will be in Brazil this weekend, so we can definitely say that he won’t be playing at Lo-Profile tonight (Friday 23rd July). However, Mikey D will and he is most likely to be joined by Nick Evans, who will be expected to fill Paul’s boots. However, we are waiting on a call from the venue’s Manager, so will share the news with you as soon as we get it. What we can confirm with convocation is Saturday, as Brent Nicholls opens proceedings in this Wardour Street sophisticate of a club before jetting off to Beyond, while Hugh Stevenson takes you into Sunday morning with his bombastic beats. Upstairs in Profile & the team are still in party mood after their birthday bash, Phil Marriot also full of exciting news of his inclusion in the S.L.A.G.S. teams & much more, so should be in fine fettle on Friday, while the Saturday sounds will be steered by Rob Sykes, who like Brent then heads down to Beyond (where’s the staff taxi!?!). The Shadow Lounge is another venue smarting from its birthday celebrations & the mood should be at its brilliant best on Friday with foxy ladies Mis-White & Minx, for another “Therapy” session, while the gorge Andrew Elmore turns up the heat on Saturday, with his pop house infused “Inferno” night. Other shouts go to Barcode’s “The Cave” on Friday, which sees the welcome return of Hifi Sean, following his travels around Europe, so he will have plenty to tell & new sounds to share, while Sicilian wonder Alessandro Londra masterminds the music at Rupert Street on Saturday.

Down in Vauxhall and its seems that Beyond with its B2B event will be taking the plaudits this weekend, although new pretender “Impact” muscles in on the action at Union. Both events have been given our full focus as we mentioned, so check out those reports. Elsewhere and Barcode looks like being ideally placed to offer alternatives to the two big hitters, as Friday sees a one-off special night called “Off The Hook – For The Love Of House”, a night based on the music of US soul soaked & funky fuelled house, brought to you by Bootylicious’s Thomas in conjunction with this South London bar/club outfit. D.J’s Sugarbear, Biggy C, Tyron & Steven Gellar turning out the tunes and should prove a popular draw for Booty fans & their admirers, while on Saturday (24th July), D.J. stars spinning the sounds include Pagano and Hifi Sean. Next door in Area and “Onyx” kind of gears up for their big party next weekend with an extra special back-to-back (or should we say B2B?) performance of their own, Jonny M & Lee Harris holding court together in the main room, while Jamie Hammond hopes the mixers will stand up to his breathtaking beats in the Blackbox room and Lisa German & Ariel play it tough in the Terrace, all paving way for another A.M. session across in Fire, taking you deep into Saturday morning. Two other Area/Fire highlights of the weekend are “Booster” at the former on Sunday evening, with Ferno, Sharon O Love Miss Crazy D & La Gosse monstering the main room, while the new pop-tastic Terrace room has gained huge momentum in the last few weeks , Jason’s Jukebox hitting the mark with guest Heidi Liscious & James St James, while over at Fire, Orange continues its ever increasing popularity runs into Monday morning, with special guest Nick Tcherniak joining Hifi Sean , both going RAW, while main room maestro’s include Paul Martin & The Oli. Other Vauxhall shouts go to “Tonker” at the Eagle on Friday, which sees the return of Tim Jones, following his tour of the US, while The RVT will be on the cusp of its “Hot August Fringe” month of comedy, cabaret, live art & performances, with another “S.L.A.G.S./Chill-out” Sunday with the incomparable Dame Edna on stage and is an institutional must.

Alternative offerings across the capital are spearheaded by Shoreditch once again, The Dalston Superstore starting a whacky weekend with their “Snap Crackle & Pop” monthly Friday nighter, it looking like an East London D.J. battle, with the supremacy on the decks spotlight being contested by the Lovely Jonjo, Isa GT, Mikki Most, Harry James, We’re Not Cool, Ian Robinson, Med Lacoste, Spieltrieb, Carlosi & Jus Fab, wow!, so expect loads of barnstorming beats & frenetic Friday activity. On Saturday it’s the turn of “Optimo” to steal the show, with special guests JD Twitch & JG Wilkes landing of Shoreditch from Glasgow and judging by the last party, this is going to be an absolute corker & is expected to be a complete roadblock of an event. However, Wayne Shires is certainly looking to make his mark on the East End this weekend, with two superb parties at East Bloc on City Road, “Disco Fag Bar” on Friday setting the trend for “Reproduction” on Saturday, which sports D.J’s Jonny Slut, Fil OK & Skinflint, with MC Loud also playing and a live performance from Mikkokoo, the night promising plenty of new wave pop, electro & disco beats. But if you thought it was all about Shoreditch you would be mistaken, as South London gets more than a look in this weekend, with Brixton’s Dex nightclub & terrace serving up new Friday night offering “Disco Motel”, with the musical theme being very much disco house but with a twist, D.J.’s Guy Williams, Matt Sharp, Strawberry K & Ali B the line-up to articulate the anthems, while the venue’s terrace will have (weather permitting) a barbeque and brave party goers can even take a dip in the hot tub. With lots of exciting guest D.J.’s to come over the next few weeks, joining the very strong residency line-up, “Disco Motel” will be getting our full Weekend Focus next time, so keep an eye out for that. However, Dex is also the host venue for the party being talked about right across gAylist London, as Logan’s “UP” takes place on Sunday (25th July) If you haven’t yet received your invite yet, then you may miss out, although it’s worth taking a look at the events page on social networking site, Facebook, to see if you can sneak in on the action.

Talking of Facebook, further details of all these Soho, Vauxhall & alternative happenings can be found on their events pages, but you can also get snippets of info via the popular press pages.

Now, no weekend report of ours would be complete without a mention for tip top clubbing website Seen Queen, considered by most as the number one gAylist clubbing website in the capital and certainly needs no sneaky advertising stunt by an online magazine, that will remain nameless, to promote its services & good word. In terms of club listings, video’s, music links and pics, the site is unrivalled by any other, their blog page having gotten a shiny new look too. Add to that plenty of features and competition offers and the site is very much a must visit at http://seenqueen.com/, even a small segment of our work appearing there.

Right that’s it for another report and we hope there is something within our choices or focuses that will tempt you out. As for us, well what looked like being a quiet one got underway with Industri last night and gathers momentum on Saturday with Impact, then both bits of Beyond, followed by Logan’s “Up” event on Sunday and possibly a drop in on Nick Tcherniak at Orange early Monday morning. So, if you see us out, come say hi, but as we always say.....Go There! Be There!


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