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Thursday 15 July 2010

Weekend - 16th to 18th July

Hey Folks,

Well, what a splendid Spanish Sunday we had in the hands of Logan & his brilliant “Presents” team at the event of the year so far, Matinee’s “Open Air Summer” party and whilst the sheen of our million dollar moment may have been rubbed off, nothing can erase our memories of this magnificent Matinee party. To see why it was so good, why not check out our review at http://discomatt.blogspot.com/2010/07/splendid-sunday-sunshine-soiree-matinee and watch this space for news on the next event.

In the meantime, we point to what looks like being another weekend dominated by that word Love, as two events scream out the word, thus getting our fuller focus, while we run down our best of the rest picks of places & parties to be and be seen this Friday through Sunday.

But before we do, we have to mention two Soho sophisticates that are celebrating their birthdays today. First up is Profile Bar, which re-launched at their uber chic Wardour St venue (right above sister Lo-Profile) exactly a year ago to the date (17th July), so rings a whole year cutting its smart new stride, tonight (Thurs) from 6 p.m. Special guest D.J. Tony English will be providing the birthday soundtrack along with percussionist David H, while the champagne will be flowing and if the sun decides to come & out play, plenty of pimms too. Plus for early arrivals, the limited number of goodie bags could be coming your way, gifts from Space NK, Kiehls & Nickel inside (fab!) and if that saucy barmen in his shorts is on show, plenty of eyes will be popping to match the champagne corks. So, it’s definitely party time at Profile, while The Shadow Lounge also celebrate, their ninth birthday bash getting our Extra Bites attention, so check out our report on that.

Right, lets crack on into the weekend and run down the best of our choices, covering off Soho first and it seems the momentum of the above birthday bashes will see both Profile/Lo-Profile & The Shadow Lounge being the places to be & be seen this weekend, Lo-Profile certainly packing a punch with their line up both on Friday & Saturday, Luke Hope & D’Johnny filling you up with a fulsome frenzy of funky & chunky tunes, while on Saturday it’s the turn of Alessandro start your Saturday in sophisticated Sicilian style, followed by Brent Nicholls, who will surely be rolling out his latest “Nu funk” to shimmer & shake your souls. Upstairs in Profile Bar, Phil Marriot beams out his club nation soundtrack to warm you into the weekend on Friday, while Craig Daniels dishes up some delightful dance music on Saturday. Over at Shadow Lounge and our “foxy ladies” are back again, doing it like sisters at another “Therapy” session on Friday, while the dishy Andrew Elmore ignites your Saturday with another pop & house packed music infusion at “Inferno”. Our other big shout in Soho goes to Rupert Street, who welcome back Brent Nicholls on Saturday, his soothing soundtrack of uplifting & vocal house intermixed with some of that hip swaying & toe tingling funk going down a treat with the tottie, so should prove to be a enriching evening of musical entertainment.

Down in Vauxhall and the headline act is Alex Erfan’s Lovechild, which hits Fire this Saturday (17th July) and gets our new style focus which you can catch via direct link http://discomattweekend.blogspot.com/2010/07/weekend-focus-lovechild-makin-hay. As for the rest, well as usual, you can’t go wrong with the Fire threesome of A.M., Later & of course Orange, which we were pleased to report, was a citric squeeze of a smash last Sunday, the dream team of Raw room Spaniards Gonzalo Rivas & David Jimenez back together, brilliant! Over at Area and another frolicking threesome this weekend will be Onyx, Beyond & Booster, Jonny Marsh’s Friday fantastic warm up for their own birthday bash at the end of the month with a usual immense ingredient mix of mesmeric music from residents that include Phil Marriot, Jamie Hammond, Lee Harris, Lisa German & Ariel, while Beyond are still smarting after their Syke n Sugarstarr smash event last weekend, so go back to basics, although Steve Pitron’s petrol fuelled music pace will be on extra octane following his much awaited podcast release (more on that in our next Music post). Booster fits neatly into the weekend roster, Sunday evenings at Area getting ever more popular and a brilliant curtain raiser for some citric splendour afterwards. Our other two big shouts go first to “Carpet Burn” at The Eagle on Saturday, which will be a way out & whacky Woo wonder, as the fab three that is Ma Butcher, John Sizzle & (who else) Jonny Woo roll out another of their Gay Bingo bonanza’s, with HMD’s Jim Stanton spinning the sounds, while the temperature scales will be tipping in favour of S.L.A.G.S./Chill-out on Sunday, the institution that is The Dame Edna Experience going from strength to strength & is an absolute must see if you haven’t already, both the grassy knoll, then inside the RVT worthy contenders to the Lovebox gathering out east.

As for our alternatives, well as we hinted, Lovebox this Sunday (18th July) looks like being a gigantic gathering with over 20,000 tickets sold already for Sunday and in amongst the audacity in Victoria Park will be Steve Elliot’s “Cirque Du Salvation, this getting our second special weekend focus at http://discomattweekend.blogspot.com/2010/07/weekend-focus-cirque-du-salvation. As for our best of the rest bits, The Dalton Superstore stokes up another hefty head of steam this weekend with “Body Talk” on Friday with a fulsome line up of oldskool underground house courtesy of D.J’s Rokk, Jeffrey Hinton, Jim Warboy & Kusi Kubi, while its anther friendly fusion on Saturday, when superstar Italian Severino serves up splashes of synth pop & Italo disco house along with 2 Bears & Dirtbox D.J.’s. Mind you Wayne Shires has his own momentum of motion, with new(ish) night “Disco Fag Bar” which fits into your Friday at East Bloc on City Road, EC1, with demon D.J. Luke Howard heading up a fine list of fanatical’s that could see you partying deep into Saturday afternoon if last week’s party was anything to go by. And no mention of steam would be complete without our final alternative shout for this weekend, as “Caligula” returns to Bishopsgate’s Bathhouse and welcomes Kris Di Angelis who will be slipping in plenty of souped up electro twisted sounds on Friday night.

As always more details of all these Soho, Vauxhall & alternative best weekend picks of ours can be found in the popular (we hope accurate!) press and/or via the events & group pages on social networking site Facbeook.

Now, before we round off another recommendation report, we just time to give our friends Seen Queen a supercharged shout as not only do they have a complete gAylist directory of the hottest happenings, but they have, just this week, uploading heaps of new house music links, load of lovely pictures and a video full of prodding projections, their lament of Lovechild’s recent party an eye opener as well as a popper. Catch all these features & lots more (including links to you know who’s work) at http://seenqueen.com/.

As for our weekend, well, its starts in earnest with those birthday bashes in Soho, bouncing between Profile & Shadow Lounge tonight (Thurs 15th), then will be rocking it in Rupert St with Brent Nicholls on Saturday, before making hay at Lovechild. As for the rest, well plans of on hold following some disappointing news, but with things likely to change like the wind, you may well spot us on Sunday. So, whatever you do, have a great weekend, if you see us out come say hi and as we always say....”Go There! Be There!”


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