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Tuesday 13 July 2010

Extra Bites - Shadow Lounge 9th Birthday

Hey Folks,

It would be fair to say that we are still floating on cloud nine following a mesmeric Matinee party on Sunday, so have needed to yank ourselves down towards terra firma to give a big birthday shout to a gAylisting Soho sophisticate who will be celebrating its anniversary this Thursday (15th July). with their "Greatest Hits" party.

When it opened back on July 13th 2001, The Shadow Lounge immediately offered something that was a class above the competition, a mecca for those into sophisticated, stylish & sumptuous socialising right in the heart of the gayest of villages we know, its relatively unassuming yet smart entrance on Soho’s Brewer Street, opening up like a tardis of unashamed elegance & opulence that transported you into a different & most luxurious sumptuous space, a far cry from the somewhat shabby surroundings outside and serving up a charismatic combination of comfort & quality unrivalled anywhere in the area. Shadow Lounge’s origins were always as a membership club, the entry policy reflective of the clientele it wished & inevitably attracted, setting it aside from many of its so called competitors, although in truth it had little competition for what it was offering at the time. And this door discipline drew in not just the upper echelons of the gAylist circuit, but the hallowed turf that is The Shadow Lounge was welcoming celebrities & Hollywood stars through its doors on a regular basis, notorieties including Joan Collins, Elizabeth Taylor, Elton John, Graham Norton, Paul O’Grady, Cilla Black, Kylie Minogue & Sharon Osbourne, to mention a mere few, while it has also attracted coverage in both the broadsheet & tabloid national press, getting the resounding thumbs up from loud mouth journalist Janet Street Porter no less.

Through the years the venue has seen a number of changes in both management and clientele although The Shadow Lounge has ridden the rollercoaster of change within what has proven to be a most fickle scene, competitors like Element, Sweet Suite, The Sanctuary, & Too 2 Much having fallen foul of an audience that takes no prisoners, while Soho’s most sophisticated social magnet has quietly gone about its business and has matined its position as, in its own words, “not only London’s No. 1 gay venue but also one of the most unashamedly stylish, fashionable and sumptuous experiences in the capital”. Indeed some of the specialist nights that were there at the beginning, still reign supreme today, Friday’s “Therapy” & Saturday’s “Inferno” still going strong, while the venue has welcomed some of the biggest promoters in the gAylist scene too, Salvation’s Steve Elliot holding his off-shoot “Scandal” there, Orange’s Steven Sharp having recently launched a Sunday night pre-party within its doors and who can forget the massive success that was “Salon” with legends Minty, Miss Kimberley & Tallulah in charge. Up to date and new weekly Tuesday nighter “OMFG” is making waves, as is the monthly Thursday happening “Hola”, both complementing a pretty full calendar of events, which General Manager Tolis Simpson & creative director Shaun Given are keen to develop to bring the Shadow Lounge back to its former glory.

Part of their plan is to bring Shadow Lounge members special monthly parties, but predominantly to return the venue to its roots of providing a place where you can enjoy either an evening relaxing with friends or alternatively dance the night away in sophisticated style and both Tolis & Shaun are as best placed as anyone to do just that as they were part of Shadow Lounge’s opening team back in 2001. So, their return has already seen some of those prolific monthly members’ events, March’s Gold party & the more recent Greek Summer bash and the Adam & Steve event, great examples where members were privileged with a preview of plans & celebrations before doors being swung open to the public, with free drinks and other offerings and as Shaun explains, “...It is our way of saying Thank You to those who supported us throughout the years...”. However, it is fair to say that the venue remains the epitome of not just gAylist but celebrity A list is still pulling in the stars nine years after making an indelible print of the Soho social scene, showing no signs of slowing down, rather ramping up its following with a period of renovations that have been rolled out over the last few months, the venue now looking its best and in good time to celebrate its ninth year in operation.

So, with this coming Thursday (15th July) marking not just another one of those special monthly gatherings, but Shadow Lounge’s 9th Birthday bash entitled "Greatest Hits" and as a result the evening should prove a huge hit, extra special & full of surprises. The team will be inviting back original hosts, D.J.’s & staff for this celebratory night, inviting people who made history at & for the venue and you can probably expect the odd celebrity or ten to pop in across the night too. With a complimentary drinks reception for members, VIP appearances, the Shadow Lounge dancers, a surprise show by Eurocreme, prize giveaways and the much sought after Shadow Lounge goodie bags, the team will no doubt once again prove just how good they are delivering legendary ones. Members and their guests will be able to soak up all the birthday proceedings from 8 p.m., while the general public will be let loose from 11 p.m., with this brilliant birthday bash running through until 3 a.m. If you haven’t received your invitation yet, you may have missed the post, but for q-jump & VIP guest list request, email now to rsvp@theshadowlounge.co.uk, with more info on the venue available at http://theshadowlounge.co.uk/.

So, this Thursday is the day to polish off your dancing shoes, choose the most fabulous outfit in your wardrobe and get down to Shadow Lounge and as we always say....Go There! Be There!


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