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Friday 19 March 2010

WR Extra Bites - Matinee Pre-Party @ The Box

Hey Folks,

Welcome to our first of a regular slot which gives you the up to the minute latest news on where to be & be seen over the weekend, to compliment our full recommendations post, taking a mini look at the events that get our big shout. We are calling it “W.R. extra bites” and hope you like this latest addition to our posts family.

Now, who gets the shout? well The Box in Covent Garden, which tonight (Fri 19th) hosts Matinee London’s “Circuit Pre-Party” pre party (confused? you won’t be). Matinee, as you will know from our “hot dates” & “weekend recommendations” posts, returns to The Fridge in Brixton tomorrow (Sat 20th) and what has become a tradition for great gAylisting events, the pre-party is the warm up event to get those taste buds tingling. But in this case, tonight is the pre-party of the pre-party, as the “Circuit” event is, in itself, a taster for the big dance week in Barcelona in August. As for The Box tonight, well with spring having sprung & hopefully most of the sudden rain we have had today holding off, there can be no better venue to go all alfresco & mingle with probably the best looking Friday crowd in town. The Box is most definitely a gAylist hot spot, so Matinee will only add to that & the Logan Presents team will be out in force to help the night along, Mauricio & Lunarde schmoozing with everyone to brighten up the evening & the man himself, Logan, will be there, sporting his Miami tan and will add his own extra spice & charisma to the party atmosphere. The music will be top draw as well, as resident D.J. Minx will be spinning the sounds, giving a real latino, electro & euro-style feel to proceedings & combined with lots of marvellous Matinee visuals plus a few give-aways, it should be a fabulous night. The “Pre-Party” pre-party kicks off at 8 p.m. running through till 11 p.m. and for details of the venue, check out their website at http://boxbar.com/. Of course, we will be there to commence our review of Matinee’s “Circuit” event, so if you see us come say hi and as we always say........Go There! Be There!


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