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Friday 29 January 2010

Weekend - 29th to 31st Jan

Hey Folks,

Well, as the first month of the New Year comes to a close and if the rumours about the end of the recession are true, this weekend should certainly be a time to celebrate in more ways than one. So, what’s on offer to get you in the party mood? Actually quite a lot, with a few that have caught our eye, although we concentrate on two, giving the best of the rest a mention.

Now, we love to cover something a bit different & this is definitely that, as the infamous Vauxhall boozer The RVT. (that’s The Royal Vauxhall Tavern to the untrained eye!) has a very special Friday nighter tomorrow (29th Jan) as long standing BBC debate show “Question Time” goes all gay on us for the second time. Yes, following the success of the first event last October, the impeccable Stewart Who? hosts the evening, inviting an interesting panel including former London mayor & known supporter of gay issues, Ken Livingstone, co-founder of the group, Justice for Women & Guardian columnist, Julie Bindall, Lib Dem MP & freelance writer, Jonathan Fryer, and stand up comedienne & listed among the 20 most successful Muslim women in the U.K., Shazia Mirza. This should prove a worthy panel to discuss the topics that mean the most the LGBT community and if, like us, you like being vocal about standing up for your political rights & being seen as part of the wider community, then this is your chance to wage your questions, which you can lodge in person to Miss Twinset (is that Stewart in drag?) between 7 p.m. & 8. 45 p.m. or by e-mail to misstwinset@gmail.com. “Queer Question Time” will then kick off from 9 p.m. until a planned 10 p.m. in what will no doubt be a healthy hard hitting debate, which will be followed by a politically charged musical performance by Manchester's sarcastic, queer-feminist, electro-punk one-man-band Ste McCabe, followed by London’s & Duckie’s very own D.J. Lush, spinning the tunes until 2 a.m. Doors open from 7 p.m. with entrance at £7.50 for the whole night, with tickets available online at http://ticketweb.co.uk/ and don’t worry folks, if you don’t have time to eat before hitting Vauxhall early, then you can always grab a bite from The RVT’s delicious menu, details of which are at http://rvt.org.uk/ along with a whole host of other info & event happenings at this venerable boozer.

Then it seems that there is absolutely no holding back what looks like the club that will grab top spot in the Seenqueen “Your Disco Needs You” 2009 poll (it was our top choice – check our “A Rollercoaster Ride” review) as Beyond returns with another special “Belief party”, this Saturday/Sunday 30th/31st Jan, kicking proceedings off earlier than usual at 1 a.m. for a full 12 hours of hedonistic fun. It’s a while since we have focussed on this club as it generally speaks for itself, but it is an extra special one this weekend as (we hope) the team will have lots to celebrate when the news becomes official & they top the pile, deservedly so. Plus, on the back of the massive NYD party, resident D.J.’s Steve Pitron & Mikey D have just this week released their joint podcasts in celebration of their mammoth b2b set (details will be out via our next “music is the answer” post) and will once again be going back-to-back on Sunday for a full 3 hour set in the main room which is not to be missed. Plus all the other Beyond residents will be playing out, Hi-Fi Sean, Jamie Head, The Sharp Boys, D’Johnny, Alan K & Terry Bryan, although who will be where (Terrace or Main room) as yet we don’t know. However, Orange will be hosting the “Blackbox” with David Jiminez, Gonzalo Rivas & Paul Christian adding an extra dimension to an already huge D.J. line up. Add to that Area’s superb lighting, pyrotechnics, lasers & CO2 cannons & there is no other venue that compares in our book. Then there is the bevy of beauties, muscular go-go’s, courtesy of “Logan Presents”, that will delight throughout the proceedings, adding to the impeccable production that is brilliant Beyond & all this hosted by the ever welcoming Naomi Cuiz & with the terrific Tom Fuller orchestrating everyone’s smooth entrance to the club. So, if you have yet to experience the Beyond magic (where have you been), then “Belief” is a great way to taste the marvel which has become the most popular afterhours clubbing experience of now. Doors open at 1 a.m., antics at Area running through until 1 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Entrance for this extended extravaganza is £15, tickets available at Clone Zone, Prowler, DV8, The Box, LGBT Tourist Office & at both Fire & Area, or online at http://clubtickets.com/, with more available on the door.

So, what else is on offer? Well Friday sees Profile & Lo-Profile tempt you in with Gaydar Radio’s own Phil Marriot in the bar upstairs, while Jamie Head & Paul Heron delight downstairs in the club. Barcode Soho rolls out another “Ursus Cave” with special guest D.J. Terry Vieether joining the band of residents. Black Rabbit makes a welcome return to The Masons Arms for their “Pre Snowboarding Winter Warmer” special, with D.J.’s Cagedbaby, Bones & Nathan Detroit joining club promoter Guy Williams on the decks. Down in Vauxhall, Tonker do it again with guest D.J. Louis Lennon choosing the tracks, while Barcode entertains with D.J.'s Kian, Alessandro, Paul Coles & Hi-Fi Sean spinning the sounds. “Onyx” is back at Area for a regular outing following Pagano’s storming set last week & then over in Fire A.M. keeps it all going deep in Saturday morning with residents D’Johnny, Alan K, & David Jiminez playing hard in the main room, while Jamie Head, Terry Bryan & The Oli serve up funky house in the “vinyl” room. But, if you happen to find yourself down in Brighton, you could do far worse than be at The Honey Club for Hed Kandi’s “Pure Kandi” party, with fave resident D.J.’s on duty. Saturday & Soho kicks yet again with Alessandro keeping Rupert St lively then heads to Lo-Profile to follow on from Guy Williams, although if it is pure pop you are after, then head off to The Edge, for their “Boudoir” night where Dusty O dishes some tip top hits. In Vauxhall The RVT rolls out another alternative night “Duckie”, while Barcode Vauxhall entertain “Hard On!” pre-partiers & then have Saki, Astroboy, D’Johnny, Nick Tcherniak & Gonzalo Rivas mashing it all up. “Hard On!” itself returns to Hidden for its monthly fetish foray with residents Brent Nicholls, Hi-Fi Sean, Halo-Is & Hugosland trade tough beats, while if you fancy something a bit East End, then quarterly cutie “Dick & Fanny” returns to The Star of Bethnal Green with Severino, Holestar & Miss Bailey selecting the sounds. With “Beyond” dominating the early Sunday landscape, the partying will continue at Fire with “Later”, Terry Bryan, The Oli & guests keeping the vibe going, while Sunday afternoon would be the same without “The Dame Edna Experience” at The RVT. Barcode Soho gets a mention as “Ursus Cave” extends to a Sunday with D.J.’s Dkub & K’Klown playing out the bearish beats, although if bingo is your thing, don’t miss the 5th birthday of “Gay Bingo” THE original, the numbers being called at Floridita in Wardour St by Ma Butcher, Jonny Woo adding inimitable spice & John Sizzle spinning the sounds. Details of all these outings can be found in the popular press & club pages listings.

Well, that’s our choice picks up for another week, although don’t forget that super website http://seenqueen.com/ is a great source for everything you need to know about gAylisting in London, with their diary of events running deep into February.

As for us, well it’s a weekend away from the scene, taking stock, picking up some pieces of our life and giving Disco Matt a rest before coming back in style with “A.M’s” 9th birthday & Matinee’s new “constructive” look as well as other monthly happenings that include “Lovechild’s” 1st birthday, DPTM’s “With Love” & SuperMartXe’s “Samurai” parties (watch up-coming posts for previews & details of these). But, we hope you have a blast whatever you do this weekend & as we always say.........Go There! Be There!


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