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Thursday 4 February 2010

Weekend - 5th to 7th Feb

Hey Folks,

Well, February is here and where did January go? But looking forward rather than looking back, the pace across gAylist London this month looks like gathering considerable pace with lots more activity & many of the so called “big guns” showing their cards for the first time since NYD. February is also the time for love (well more of it) and we will be devoting a “Cupid’s Bow” special post later today with some prize picks for next weekend.

But what about this one? Well, two events look set to dominate proceedings and get our focus, but as usual, we also take a look at the best of the rest in case our two big picks don’t grab you.

First up is afterhours party A.M. which celebrates its 9th birthday early on Saturday morning (6th Feb) at Fire in Vauxhall. Now, we remember when this weekly event opened its doors and indeed it was a regular “after work” haunt of ours for a good two years back in 2001-03 as A.M. proved a perfect release from working constantly on the scene as we did in those days. And the club still attracts a lot of scene faces, off-duty (or finishing) D.J.’s, but moreover partygoers that don’t want their Friday night to stop. A.M. has seen a resurgence in the last few months, with Onyx proving a good feeder for the club, but the formula hasn’t changed much in the nine years this super afterhours audacious party has been running. Central to the theme is some of the best tech & electronic house you are likely to hear anywhere, with the team that give the “raw” edge to it all, D.J.’s David Jiminez & Gonzalo Rivas, who are delightfully complimented by the superb D’Johnny & Alan K and for this special birthday celebration, the main floor will also include David H on percussion. But, if you like it a bit more funky & laid back, then the second room, the “vinyl only lounge”, offers bags loads of it, with D.J’s The Oli & Paul Martin playing it large and the terrific Tonnic on vocals. Add to all that Fire’s outstanding laser lighting, pyrotechnics, CO2 cannons & lighting to give that extra special sparkle & this is going to be a birthday party to savour. The evening is hosted by none other than Naomi Cuiz who will shepherd a majority gay crowd through the doors & will be handing out a special A.M. birthday gift. The club kicks off at 3 a.m. and runs through until 10.30 a.m.(just in time for the weekly grocery shop at Sainsbury’s!) with entrance a standard £12 on the door or discounted concessions & a mere £8 with an ad or flyer. This is definitely an A.M. that you won’t want to miss as the guys & gals say, “it’s all about the music baby – we rock & we won’t stop” and we couldn’t agree more. Further details of the club can be found at http://myspace.com/firelondon.

Our other choice goes to Matinee, which you will know changed hands as 2010 dawned, this mega Spanish brand London arm now under the direction of the Logan Presents team. We devoted a special post to Matinee last month which is well worth a read if you get the chance (go to our “reviews” or “previews” sections), but the first outing entitled “Under Construction” takes place at The Fridge in Brixton this Saturday (6th Feb) and looks like being a smash, not least as many will be curious to see what the emerging new look Matinee will have to offer. If you have been to SuperMartXe parties, then you will be left in no doubt of Logan Schmitz’s credentials in putting on spectacular stage shows & creating a real “theatre style” feel to his events and we suspect that “Under Construction” will not be any different. For this first outing Logan is concentrating his efforts on just one room of full-on action and the D.J. line up certainly packs a punch with Matinee Spain resident J Louis flying in to take centre stage, flanked by two Matinee regulars of old and renowned international mega star D.J’s to boot, Paul Heron & Pagano, so expect the music to have a hard edged progressive & tech style, more akin to euro style parties rather than the London underground vibe of before. Then there is vocalist Vanessa Klein, who will be the P.A. for the evening and will be giving an exclusive performance of her smash hit “Addicted” (not Serge Devant’s) a real espaniol style tune which you will immediately recognise when you hear it, the track topping dance music charts across Europe at the moment. Add to that Logan’s sexy schmitzels, who will be decked out in construction gear providing the sexy, raunch & seduction to the night. So, with the team promising "the highest quality pyrotechnics, lighting & sound, combined with the finest dancing hunks seen anywhere, as well a stage show spectacular", everything that you have come to expect from the Logan Presents, "it should make for a new Matinee London like you have never seen before", will that’s the “official” line, so we will definitely be there to see it for ourselves. Matinee “Under Construction” gets going from 10.30 p.m., with the event running through until 6.30 a.m. Entrance is £15 in advance with tickets available at Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8 & The Box as well as online at http://clubtickets.com/, although there will be more available on the door. And “Beyond” is the official after-party with coach shuttles laid on from 5.30 a.m. More details of this & other Logan Presents events can be found at http://loganpresents.com/.

So, what else is on offer to tempt you out? Well, Friday sees the usual antics in Soho with Profile Bar proving the perfect start to the weekend, having come a close 2nd in the Seenqueen 2009 poll, with Gaydar’s own Phil Marriot serving up the tunes, while downstairs in Lo-Profile, Luke Hope makes a welcome return & is joined by Paul Heron on the decks. Over at the Shadow Lounge it’s another “Therapy” session, with D.J.’s Kris de Angelis and Paul Heron (he gets about) providing the musical prognosis. The Edge entertains with "Lady Lloyd’s Love Box" while Escape Bar have another “Disco 3000”. Down in Vauxhall and Tonker get all masculine & horny for another session at Eagle, while The RVT has a real hi-nrg feel with a special “Old Skool Reunion”, Marc Andrews, Sean Sirrs & Andy Almighty spinning the sounds. "Onyx" continues its winning formula at Area and is the perfect warm up for "A.M. ‘s" birthday, but if you want something truly different, then head across to Shoreditch & The Dalton Superstore, where Messrs Boy George & Fat Tony combine, offering a “Decade of Dance”. Saturday kicks off with a fun Bus ride (if you are into that sort of thing) as two collide, visiting boozers The Retro Bar, The Black Cap, King William IV, The Two Brewers & Halfway To Heaven, the latter two hosting both buses & Crystal D’Canter on the Halfway Bus our pick. In the evening, Soho party's on with Lo-Profile doing it all again, Nick Evans & D’Johnny on D.J. duty, while it’s an “Inferno” night at Shadow Lounge & a “Boudoir” happening at The Edge. Down in Vauxhall, The Eagle hosts “Deep Inside” which celebrates its 1st Birthday, while over in Hidden “Megawoof" returns for its monthly outing, welcoming Pagano back to the main room (thank goodness) where he definitely belongs. Then as if it needs mentioning, “Beyond” scoops everyone up and is set to be another stormer at Area early Sunday morning, which is followed by “Later” at Fire, while The RVT have their weekly homage “S.LA.G.S./Chill-out” with The D.E. Experience et all, while Eagle has another “Horse Meat Disco” gathering. “Orange” at Fire provides a citric end to the weekend, the usual suspect resident D.J's being joined by Fat Tony with Tonnic on vocals. A quick mention goes to “Popcorn” at Heaven on Monday (8th Feb), with D.J. Oliver M on the decks. For details of all these events, check to popular press.

Now, as of going to press we have no news of the D.J. listings for both Barcode Soho & Vauxhall but will let you know as soon as we do, although rumour has it at BCV entertains on Saturday with D’Johnny & Nick Tcherniak in the thick of it. We hope to bring you full details later.

Well, that’s our choices up for this week, but if you want more pointers & indeed details of upcoming events for the month, go to http://seenqueen.com/ which has a comprehensive gAylisting right through till March.

As for us, well our weekend starts with a return to Soho, popping into Profile Bar on Friday night, then to A.M.’s 9th birthday to give it the full review treatment. On Saturday we will be heading down to Brixton for Matinee “Under Construction” & will no doubt be in party mood for “Beyond” afterwards. So, if you see us out, come say hi and as we always say............Go There! Be There!


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