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Thursday 7 January 2010

Weekend - 8th to 10th Jan

Hey Folks,

Well, with all the mayhem of the Christmas & New Year’s season now over, we slide into the first “regular” weekend of 2010 with our recommendations of what to get up to and where to be seen. Usually one of the quietest weekends of the year, a couple of events have caught our eye, but our investigations have dug up plenty of other offerings that deserve a quick mention.

Our first focus is on Megawoof, which after the disruption of pre-booked events prior to its move to Hidden, returns to this Vauxhall haunt on Saturday 9th Jan for its first “full on” party of the year & on the back of its highly successful inclusion in the NYD event As One. January may be a lean month for clubbing, but as far as Megawoof is concerned, lean is not in the vocabulary, as this is without doubt the hunkiest & funkiest gathering of muscle & bulk that has left our hearts racing at every visit. And that goes for the music on offer too, as the line up includes the return of uber star Italian stallion, D.J. Pagano (on the back of a stunning set at As One), who takes charge of the “Black” room, supported by Diddy & DJ Baby-Bearbell. Over in the “Red” room, Daz Saund takes centre stage, with Sugarbear & Tim Mcloone more than bringing up the rear, adding their own magic to proceedings. And if that isn’t enough choice for you then the middle “Blue” room sports Rob & Massimo on the decks, this space being the perfect spot to do a bit of socialising as well as boogying. Add in the fact that top notch gay retailer DV8 will be present, offering a selection of sexy essentials to purchase, this looks like being a chunk, funk & hung fest start to 2010. Hidden's doors swing open for Megawoof from 11 p.m., the club running through till 6 a.m. Entrance is £14 or if you’re a member, £10, but discount entry with a flyer is on offer. Advance tickets are on sale at Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8 (of course), RoB, The Eagle & Paris Gym at just £12. Details of membership & other info can be found at http://megawoof.com/.

Our other mention goes to the club that grabbed our 2009 best slot, Beyond, which returns for another audacious afterhours offering on Sunday morning 10th Jan, sweeping up the lion’s share of not just the Vauxhall crowd looking for their Saturday night to roll deep into a Sunday morning, but entrapping Soho socialites too. Having been down there for most of December, we have seen a marked change in the crowd, with much of the old trashy bunch no more (perhaps a result of the demise of GHB), replaced by hedonistic headcount of party goers in search of great music & a great atmosphere. And that’s exactly what the club offers, in what is probably one of the best equipped venues around, Area in Vauxhall. Then there is the D.J. residency list, which includes Mikey D, Jamie Head, Hi-Fi Sean, D’Johnny, Gonzalo Rivas, David Jiminez, The Sharp Boys, Alan K & the true legend that is Steve Pitron, making for one of the most star studded line up of any club. So there is no doubt about the quality of the music & with amazing laser lighting, pyrotechnics, go-go dancers & production, Beyond scores high in every respect. But to add a further new dimension, this week sees the launch of the brand new VIP lounge, hosted by Naomi, which offers an exclusive space giving a bird’s eye view of the main room, free drinks, separate toilet facilities, a free coatcheck & fast track entry at a mere £25 (sounds good to us). But if you are up for just the regular entry, then advance tickets are on sale at all your favourite Soho outlets, but with a hike to £18 on the door, or in advance at http://clubtickets.com/. Beyond opens at 6 a.m. running through till a planned 1 p.m.

Now, let’s give a brief mention to all those other events that we have spotted. Friday sees much activity despite the weather (boring!), both in Soho & in Vauxhall. Up in the West End, Lo-Profile packs a massive punch with the dynamic duo of Steve Pitron & Mikey D on the decks, all preceded by the fabulous Phil Marriot supplying the sounds in Profile Bar upstairs. Barcode Soho rolls out another Ursus Cave night with Daz Saund Hi-Fi Sean & Leonardo Glovibes in charge of the tunes, whilst Shadow Lounge offer up some Therapy with their new(ish) Friday outing, Paul Heron (b/day boy) & Kris de-Angelis on the decks. Over in Vauxhall, Tonker do it all again at Eagle with guest D.J. Woolf performing, The RVT have their Kimo Krush night with the best sounds of the noughties supplied by the Sugarlow Boys, Duchess of Pork & Al Dente, with Jonny Woo entertaining with his wacky & wild show. Then, Onyx are open for business as usual, the D.J. lengthy line up including Ariel, Lisa German, Steven Gellar & on the back of his amazing set at the NYD afterhours party, Phil Marriot, followed by A.M., sporting a great D.J. line up including Alan K, another major NYD performer, who played a storming set at As One. On Saturday, Lo-Profile does it all again, with D’Johnny & Alessandro spinning the sounds, while Barcode Soho sports scene fave D.J. Brent Nicholls. Over in Vauxhall, indie offerings are a plenty as Carpet Burn hits Eagle & Duckie plays out at The RVT (need we say more), while the club we thought had been put to bed, Horizon, returns to Fire, with Gonzalo Rivas, D’Johnny, Terry Bryan (yum) & Tuomo Fox the D.J draws. Sunday wouldn’t be the same without S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out at The RVT, while Later keep the Beyond party going at Fire, Eagle drawing you in for another ney ney Horse Meat Disco, with plenty of citric action dragging you into Monday, Orange at Fire rounding off a busy weekend (and you though there wasn’t much on!?!). Details of all these parties can be found in the popular press.

Well that’s our top two choices for this weekend up (as well as the others we mentioned), but don’t forget, you can always visit http://seenqueen.com/, which has a full listing of THE gAylist events on offer across January.

As for us, we Industri tonight (Thurs 7th) is a definite, as is Profile Bar tomorrow night, which may mean we will be tempted down to Lo-Profile. We may be in Brighton on Saturday, but if not will be entertained by Alessandro at Rupert St, Brent Nicholls at Barcode Soho & then will have to try out the new Beyond VIP lounge. So, if you see us out, come say hi and for the first time in 2010 we say............Go There! Be There!


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