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Wednesday 13 January 2010

Weekend - Special Post - Minty's Birthday Bash, Thursday 14th January

Hey Folks,

Well, with just under a day to go, we thought we would issue a gentle reminder to those of you that have either, made plans to attend, or haven’t yet been invited, to come down to Barcode Vauxhall tomorrow night from 9 p.m. onwards.

Why? Well it is the birthday of one of London’s gAylist scene’s most prolific & well known faces, a lady that has not only touched much of our history on the clubbing scene, but remains one of the most gracious, beautiful & friendly faces we know. We couldn’t be talking about anyone else but Minty, the goddess, the darling & the hostess extra-ordinaire of the scene, who will be celebrating her ...th birthday (don’t you dare ask a Lady’s age!!) at the social soiree, Industri.

So, first let’s give you full details of the event, which comes direct from Minty herself, who say’s “Well, another year has passed, but it’s time to celebrate again, as I will be holding my very special birthday bash at the social soiree of the capital, Industri (at Barcode Vauxhall), on Thursday 14th January, from 9 p.m. onwards. The D.J. for this celebratory evening will be none other than scene favorite Brent Nicholls, who has been part of the Industri team right from start & will truly rock the place. It looks like being a night of complete debauchery & fun, with shots a plenty and much more besides. So, you are cordially invited to join me in toast to my special day and I really hope you can make it.”. The latest news in is that Brent will be laying down an extra special recording of his set, to mark the occasion, and will be offering this souvenir of the event in a free download to all those members of Industri’s group. If you are not yet a member, then e-mail your details to industri@gunclubuk.com.

Now, onto Industri itself and for those of you not yet indoctrinated into this amazing night of audacious socialising action, this Thursday night soiree has been running since 19th January 2008 and since opening for business has had a major impact on the clubbing scene. It kicked things off a grabbed attention when the announcement was made of its launch, linking the best threesome combination anyone could ask for, as the marriage between Minty as hostess and Brent Nicholls & Paul Heron as resident D.J.’s was a match made in heaven. Since that fabulous day, it has created probably some of the most memorable moments in our time on the gAylist scene, forging some amazing friendships, which we would never have dreamed of, then spurning some incredible times at many a club night & event. Industri was also responsible for launching us, yes Disco Matt made his debut at the club and has not looked back since. It is fair to say that Industri’s popularity has waxed & waned, but its survival through the tough times, both experienced by Barcode as a brand & by the scene in general, is testament to its success & why it is still going today.

Some superb highlights have been the Easter parties, which have seen not just one but two of Barcode’s rooms open for the event, the massive NYD party of 2009, which was a truly amazing Industri, as was a trio of celebrations, first Paul Heron’s birthday last January, when a dozen of the scene’s top D.J’s came, played & celebrated, followed by Minty’s birthday & then Industri’s first anniversary. The club night has produced some memorable music through a series of compilation mixes, the Xmas 2008 Vol 1 still getting week in week out inclusion in our own playlist and to say that Industri has been THE most important club in our life so far, is an understatement. Yes, we have adored Trade which really formed our clubbing life back in the 1990’s, yes Crash was an iconic club & a real purple patch in our lives and yes Beyond continues to have a major impact on our clubbing activity, but Industri remains par excellence with all of these truly incredible clubs and we love it to death!.

As for Minty, well what can we say, apart from the fact that she has been there, done that & got the biscuit! Over the years she wouldn’t mind us saying that she has been a shining star across gAylist/land London, being part of some of the best clubs the scene has seen. For virtually the full length of its history, she was the welcoming face at Crash, has fronted clubs at Fire including A.M. & Gravity, has been a major tore de force at the Shadow Lounge, launching the fabulous club night Salon, has been in the thick of all the action on Matinee’s doors, from its inception at Area, right through to Cable in London Bridge & everywhere in between. And that’s not the half of it; Minty has devoted time to all of the biggest events around the capital, has worked closely with all the scene’s biggest promoters & is considered the cream of all door hostesses by all her peers.

But it is Industri where we see Minty at her best, hosting the event like no-one else could. She has made the club her own, with her boys Brent & Paul of course, making everyone welcome, devoting time to meeting new people to the Industri fold and bringing a whole host of scene faces, socialites, promoters & clubbers together, like no other outing or event. She lavishes exuberance on the weekly soiree, is generous to the extreme with warming shots & the like, with the infamous tequila bottle showing its face on many an occasion. Whether wearing her trade mark blackened sunglasses, dressing down or up, donning cowboy hats or showing off her amazing hair styles, Minty never ceases to attract the glitterati of the scene & many besides with her vivacious style & care-free antics. Affectionately called “Hrh”, she is definately queen of the hostesses, a real master at her game and one of the most considerate, friendly, kind & caring people we know.

Well, it goes without say that Industri at Barcode Vauxhall, this Thursday night from 9 p.m. is a sure date in our diaries & it should be in yours too. It may be snowy & cold outside, but inside the welcome will be warming, the music will be hot & the gathering of faces will be the biggest in town. So, come down, come say hi, raise a glass to Minty on her special day and as we always say......Go There! Be There!


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