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Wednesday 20 January 2010

Weekend - 22nd - 24th Jan

Hey Folks,

With January marching on at feverish pace, it looks like being a forthcoming weekend with a major swathe of Italiano running through it , but also with Thursday this week seemingly to be the new Friday, thus stretching three days into four, what can you expect to tempt you out?

Well, with a little bit of egg on our faces following our slight “own goal” on the information in our last report & given the Italian flavour this weekend, it will come as no surprise that two events get a massive thumbs up from us & are our focus. But there is plenty else on offer and we will make room for the best of the rest as well.

Returning to our post this week is “Onyx”, races back to Area in Vauxhall this Friday, 2009’s freshest new club that gave its gAylist peers a real wakeup call & its success being reflected in the Seenqueen “Your Disco Needs You” 2009 poll, with a sizable share of the vote already. Not yet having sampled a Friday night in the hands of this audacious outing, we can only draw on our experience of the afterhours party on 2nd Jan (check our full review), but have been told that Friday’s match up to this in every way. But, this next party is set to be extra special, as, joining resident D.J’s Ariel, Lisa German, Jamie Hammond, Tuomo Fox & Jason Prince, is a main room line up that is simply knockout. Gaydar’s own Phil Marriot, who played an incredible set during our visit and is ruling resident main floor jock, will be give centre stage to none other than international superstar D.J. & producer Pagano, who looks to shoot the first Italiano tainted bullet across the weekend with his tech & progressive house that will take the crowd on a journey like no other D.J. can do. Having been a little bit off our radar towards the end of 2009, he is firmly back where he belongs, at the forefront of all the best gAylisting activity in town & comes to “Onyx” fresh from a massive weekend in New York, where he took the party Alegria Musica by storm, we hear even outshining the amazing Chus & Ceballos, so the man is well & truly on fire at the moment and his appearance this Friday is a must for all his fans & everyone besides! It seems even Area’s amazing lighting, ticker tape explosions & ice cannon cool downs and “Onyx’s” special stage shows, sexy go-go’s & pyrotechnic displays are not going to eclipse Pagano, but one thing is for sure, this is going to be a night to remember. It all kicks off this Fri, 22nd Jan from 10 p.m., with free entry until midnight as long as you have an ad or flyer (£2 without) and then £6 thereafter, with the club running through till 5 a.m. Advance £5 tickets are available at http://clubtickets.com/ & more info on Onyx can be found at http://firelondon.co.uk/.

Then on Saturday 23rd , the Italian invasion will be in full swing as uber sexy & seductive Milan magnificent club “Pervert” comes to London at Fire in Vauxhall for a full on gold tainted experience. We devoted a special “hot dates” report to the club which is well worth a read, the post including a brief history of this 15 year old Italian marvel, as well as profiles of all the D.J’s in a star spangled line up. Now, whilst we said it all in our earlier report, it’s worth reminding you that “Pervert Gold” looks like being the talk of the town and probably the party of the month, as creators Christian & Ivan, bring the brand to the capital, combining forces with Lovechild’s Alex Erfan, to serve up an experience we are told has never been seen before. “Pervert” is renowned for throwing secretly sexy yet completely overt parties, glamour being the name of the game & opulence running through its veins. Fire’s main room is set to be fully transformed and the focus will be the very theatrical & fashion show style performances from the gorgeous model dancers, with stunning costumes to match. And it seems that the D.J. line up with be equally as dazzling as not only does the one half of the creative team take to the decks under his pseudonym Obi Baby, his sets renowned for being tough tech & progressive fuelled, but Italian stallion Pagano will be every bit a match, hitting Vauxhall for the second time this weekend, definitely part of the tore de force of the main room music style, as will be Gonzalo Rivas (changing allegiances to Italy for the night), who has a track record full of tech & hard hitting house. Add to that a new name to London Gepy, playing at Fire for the first time & probably looking to be the surprise of the night with his minimal & tech infused sounds, Alessandro will make sure he gets more than a look in matching his main room peers every step of the way, as he is still riding high on the back of his last magnificent performance suring the "As One" party at Fire on NYD. But it’s all happening in the special VIP lounge next door too, as scene favourite Brent Nichols brings his distinctive electro, funky & Latino twisted style to Fire, with a bit of progressive to boot & is joined by new kid on the block, party boy extraordinaire Jc Christopher, who will delight with a truly uplifting experience. So think sex, seductiveness, glitz, glamour, debauchery, audacity & opulence, all rolled into one & we have been informed to expect some special surprises on the night. Fire’s doors swing open at 11 p.m. the club running through to 8 a.m. brought to you by Alex Erfan & team and hosted by the fabulous Ivan. Advance £14 tickets are available at Soho outlets Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8, & The Box, but also online at http://clubtickets.com/, with tickets also being sold on t he door on the night. Further details can be found at http://alexerfan.com/ & also at http://seenqueen.com/.

So, what else is on offer? Well, as we mentioned earlier, Thursday seems to be the new Friday, with lots happening down Vauxhall way. Industri returns, hosted by the fabulous Minty who is still recovering after her birthday bash last week, but will be fully charged by tomorrow night, although as of going to press we are not sure whether it will be Brent Nicholls or Paul Heron on the decks. Over at The RVT, David Hoyles returns with his infamous “Licking Wounds” which looks like being yet another spectacle of a performance as only he does best, whilst “Gravity” later on treats is to a “Freaky Funhouse” event, turning Fire into a twisted fun fair with games & shows all night & D.J’s Terry Bryan, The Oli & Alan K on the decks the other alternative being Severino (yet more Italian influence) at Barcode Soho for “Homosocial”. Friday sees Profile bar warm up your evening with Phil Marriot, while downstairs in Lo-Profile Mikey D returns, joined this week by D’Johnny. Barcode Soho’s “Ursus Cave” welcomes guest D.J. Paul Coles, while bigger sister Barcode Vauxhall has more Italian influence, with Micky Galliano & Severino starring, joined by Kian-Lee Thompson & Oliver M. Tonker looks like the place to be for some sexy & steamy action, as they roll out a special Manhunt cruise party, those boys in tight t-shirts being on tap & music coming from resident jock Tim Jones & guest Jo Public. Saturday’s pretenders to the “Pervert” crown are Barcode Vauxhall who entertain with gorgeous Mattias (see our latest “music” post) taking centre stage, sandwiched by Oliver M (back for more) & Steven Artis in the club room, while up front Tony Junior & Paul Coals spin the tunes. Over in Soho, Lo-Profile welcomes back the heavenly Hugh Stevenson & Brent Nicholls joins the fray, although looks like he will be sprinting across London to fit in his gigs!, while Rupert Street keeps the style of the weekend very much Italian with D.J. Leonardo on the decks. Sunday dawns with another “Beyond”, we suspect raided by post “Pervert-er’s”, with its usual aftherhours antics, while later on you can come back down to earth with The RVT’s S.L.A.G.S./Chill-out, Simon Le Vans masterfully managing The Dame Edna Experience show. Then, there will be lots of horsing around as HMD returns to The Eagle, the weekend being rounded off again by “Orange”, who welcome back Paul Martin to the decks, joining the rest of the D.J. team that includes the RAW room combo of David Jiminez & Gonzalo Rivas. Details of all these outings can be found in the popular press.

Now, just a couple of quick mentions go to events that tend to miss our “weekend” slot, as Popcorn hits Heaven on Monday 25th, refusing to give into week day work duty with Australian wunder kid Terry Vieethers spinning the tunes & then Gay City Rollers gets together for another monthly frolic at The Renaissance Rooms in Vauxhall with The Very Miss Dusty O, Stewart Who?, Ferrarro & Rocca providing the music & Chris Geary’s roller go-go’s the eye candy. Check press & releases for details.

Well that’s it, but the weekend is surely going to have that mama-mia/Italiano flavour to it, with Pagano, Alessandro, Severino, Leonardo & Micky Galliano turning London into a veritable Italian Job and flying the Bandiera d'Italia, joined by Gepy & Oli Baby. We are definitely going to succumb to the Italian invasion & do a bit of partying, although as we are still in recovery mode, it will probably just be “Pervert Gold” on Saturday unless someone twists our “Onyx” arm or drags our “Beyond” body to Area. So you may not see us out, but if you do, come say hi and we round off by saying our trademark phrase............Go There! Be There!



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