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Thursday 14 October 2010

Weekend Focus - Lovechild "Hot Muscle"


Since moving to new host venue Fire just over a year ago, Lovechild has very much moved up a gear or two, the flexibility & space this Vauxhall hotspot provides, the perfect setting for the various parties promoter Alex Erfan has held there. In fact, over the last few months we have seen a rich variety of themes for this, his first & main club brand since breaking away from Salvation, this lovable clubbing event having really established itself as a firm favourite, not just in London, but down in Brighton too, having held sway at the recent Gay Dance Weekend & August Bank Holiday, but has also made it big internationally, a series of gigs in Europe extending much further beyond with a recent event out in Sydney & this coming weekend, will be represented out in Istanbul, Turnkey.

But back in London and having seen so many incarnations, from “Wet” to “Makin Hay”, from Hot Tropicana” to “Meets Delice” and much in between, it’s time for another instalment in this history of Lovechild at Fire, as Alex Erfan & his team present “Hot Muscle”, a party dedicated to the male body form in the hottest way possible, which takes place this coming Saturday (16th Oct) at Fire in Vauxhall. As the party title suggests, the emphasis will be on muscle, the team having drafted in the services of Anthony Chia-Bradley, who will providing a spectacular art installation, yes art in Fire, encompassing a whole collection of huge original canvases, sculptural displays & other art forms, all based of the male physique. Not only will these pieces of art (sorry we can’t help saying it) be visually stunning, but through a wide variety of colours in the various compositions, they are all sure to attract plenty of eye & other attention and we for one, cannot wait to see how Fire looks with this injection of culture. But, if you can’t wait to feast your eyes on all this art on Saturday, you can get a sneak preview of Anthony’s work now, by going to http://muscleboydesigns.com/.

The art aside, further “muscle” intended extra’s will be on offer, not least from sponsor, Jubilee Hall Gym, who will have their own set up, we believe in the Contact (Mirrorarch) room, where a team of experts will be providing a special protein counter to guide you through elements of diet when it comes to building muscle, as well as offering samples of protein shakes & various other supplements that aid individuals training regimes. But, adding to that will be the presence of British Body Building champion, Lucas Alexander, who will be showcasing his new brand of nutritional & (that word again) protein supplements, details of which you can find at his website, http://lucasalexander.net/. In addition, Lucas will be bringing along six young body builders (steady), all fresh from the latest British Body Building championship, who will perform a pose down to really get those muscles flexed & heartbeats pumping. So, it looks like dance choreographer & co-ordinator Thiagio Drewery will have his hands full competing with these young boys, but he will surely turn out some extra special & sexy go-go dancers to compete on all levels, the famed strip shows for which Lovechild customers always look for, back, and if you want to do a little stripping of yourselves, then there is always the play area at the back on the contact room (strictly men only of course).

Turning to the music and, given the line –up, we certainly expect it to be hot & pumped up if not necessarily muscular (muscular music...a new genre?!?!), with regulars Paul Heron, Gabriele Cutrano, Leroy Tayler & Lee Harris being joined by some special guests. First & foremost, Alex is proud to welcome Justin Ryan to London, an internationally renowned D.J. that made his debut behind the decks in New York, but soon spread his wings across America, playing an intrinsic part in Miami’s “Winter Party” & the city’s “Out In The Parks” summer tour, also playing out to packed audiences in Washington DC, Philadelphia, Dallas, Atlanta & Fire Island, as well as up in Montreal, Canada. However, spreading wings comes naturally to Justin and he has formed serious foundation in Australia, establishing a residency with one of the top events teams there, which has seen him play at the huge Sydney Mardi Gras, as well as for club brands Love Muscle, MarXe, Big Q Rising, and latterly, Live, the club that co-hosted the Lovechild party we mentioned earlier, Justin playing alongside Sydney based Johan Khoury (also a Lovechild guest D.J.) and London resident Alessandra Londra. Mr Ryan’s characteristic uplifting vocals & melodic house hits, intermixed with progressive, latin & euro style beats are sure to go down a treat on the Lovechild London main floor and his energy & enthusiasm for his art will definitely come through, he remarking that “...I always try to deliver the highest energy through my performances, I like to feel part of the crowd and lead them through the party...” And, in celebration of his recent Sydney appearance & that for London this Saturday, Alex has laid down a special compilation, simply entitled “Lovechild” which is well worth a listen at http://justinryan.podomatic.com/ & judging by some of the tracks on here, gosh are we in for a treat at Fire (also check out his photo...he & Johan Khoury have to be related, what do you think?!).

Alex Ryan aside, Mr Erfan is also pleased to present the combined forces of Alan X & Hugh Stevenson, both who have played individually at Lovechild before, but never together. Alan & Hugh will be performing an extra-special back-to-back set, no doubt taking us back to those halcyon days when they used to rule supreme on Beyond’s main floor (at Colosseum), yet will surely have plenty of new beats & rhythms to add to their extensive playlists and we know that they have been piling in the hours, collaborating on exactly which records to chose & how to pitch their performance, so this is one back-to-back set you won’t want to miss. But, if that wasn’t enough, the crafty Alex Erfan will be, once again, showcasing the talents of new D.J. name Isavin from Romania, this London based boy having made a splash at the last Lovechild outing, certainly rousing the main floor with his pumping progressive sounds, not to mention smouldering looks, so keep your eyes peeled for him.

Now to the all important detail and this latest Lovechild meet, “Hot Muscle” take place this Saturday (16th Oct) at Fire in Vauxhall, doors opening at 11 p.m. & the club running through to a planned 7 a.m. £10 advance tickets are available online at http://clubtickets.com/ and at Soho outlets Prowler Clone Zone & DV8, with more on sale on the door, which will be hosted as usual by the fabulous Chrissy “Lovechild” Darling. Plus, don’t forget that the official afterparty is Beyond over at Area & the first 100 customers through Lovechild’s doors will receive a free entry wristband to this Sunday morning phenomenon More info on Lovechild can be found by going to http://alexerfan.com/ where you can also sign up for their e-list.

So come Saturday at Fire, “Hot Muscle” is the name & hot muscular action will be the game, which means you would be mad to miss out on this latest Lovechild love-in, leaving us to say just one more thing....Go There! Be There! (DISCO MATT)

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