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Thursday 14 October 2010

Weekend Best Bites - 15th to 17th Oct

Hey Folks,

Having missed out on two parties, weren’t we just glad we made the third last weekend, as Beyond “Tokyo” as a truly amazing event, probably one of the best this year so far, so it goes without saying that we gave it our full review treatment, which you can check out now at direct link http://discomatt.blogspot.com/2010/10/blog-post & don’t forget to check the postscript link to three fabulous podcasts.

Right, moving on and the week seems to have flow by, meaning that another weekend is on our doorsteps, so it’s time once again, to weed through the offerings & pick our Best Bites for the weekend across Soho, Vauxhall & elsewhere. But before we do, this post is due to take on a new look & we will also be including a Rest Bites post too, so if you want your event, club or bar mentioned, then get your details across to discomatt@hotmail.com.

Now to Soho and what can you expect this weekend in the capital’s premier gay hotspot? Well, Rupert Street comes top of our choices this week as the team are expanding their D.J. offer to all three nights, last Friday having seen a spectacular showing from D.J. Minx, who went down an absolute storm, even the unusually warm October weather that night not tearing them away from inside for out. This Friday (15th Oct) should see a repeat, as the team welcome Terry Vietheer to the D.J. decks, this amiable Aussie sure to serve up plenty of cool house cuts to satisfy Rupert Street discerning crowd that like their weekends warmed up with accessible house & pop. Then, Saturday sees new A:M promoter Oliver M play, he very much familiar with this slot at Soho’s premier bar & will no doubt have the place pumping all night, while resident Alessandro Londra makes it back from Istanbul just in time for a Sunday session from 8 p.m. As for Friday’s & Saturday’s, the D.J.’s get down to it from 9 p.m. & don’t forget the bar closes at midnight, further information available either via the Rupert Street Facebook page or at http://rupertstreet.com/.

Our other best bite goes to Profile & Lo-Profile, although those naughty boys & girls on Wardour Street very much led us & many astray with their advert last week, we expecting the dynamic duo of Mikey D & Steve Pitron on Friday, although, with SuperMartXe holding their pre-party at this ever increasingly popular Soho destination, a last minute change to the D.J. line up was made, Leandro Kloppel & Tony English doing their bit for Logan Schmitz & his team. So to avoid a repeat this week, we have checked out direct with the venue & can confirm Lo-Profile’s line up as Jamie Head & Paul Heron on Friday & Gonzalo Rivas & Brent Nicholls on Sat (16th Oct), the former duo also being joined by ace percussionist David H. Up in Profile & things are much more orderly, Gaydar radio’s Phil Marriot in regular situ, fizzing up your Friday’s with some heavenly house hits & latest sounds, his set being transmitted live on radio music show clubnation, while on Saturday & after a scorching show at the annual wig party, Rob Sykes selects the sounds in this funky bar, not forgetting that Profile is now open until 11.30 p.m. Plus, the team are pleased to introduce some tasty new dishes to their fabulous Autumn two for £10 food menu, which is well worth a look, especially if you need a fill after or even before a West End shopping spree. Further details of this great menu & much more can be found at http://profilesoho.com/.

Other shouts go to Shadow Lounge who on Friday have a special performance from one of New York’s greatest drag queens, Peppermint, joining “Therapy” foxy female D.J.’s Miswhite & Minx, while favourite Andrew Elmore returns on Saturday for a hot “Inferno” session. But Barcode also have their say as it’s the manly “Cave” night on Friday, guest D.J. Daz Saund joining the team of residents, while the busy Brent Nicholls looks after Saturday down in the club bar.

Onto Vauxhall and The Orange Group once again hit the high notes in our Best Bites, their unstoppable juggernaut of jaunts leaving us breathless even now. “Onyx” starts your weekend as it should mean to go on with another ostentatious outing at Area, resident D.J’s Phil Marriot, Lee Harris, Lisa German, Ariel & Jason Prince mixing it up across three rooms of frolicking, new boy DouG’uim also getting in on the act with some superb sounds, this leading onto A:M at Fire on Saturday morning, new(ish) D.J. talent Norbert M celebrating his big break on the main floor, the shakeup in resident jocks seemingly going down well in some quarters, not in others, although undoubtedly the fresh new approach has been received positively. Saturday night means only one thing and that is “Hot Muscle”, this latest Lovechild outing getting out full focus at http://discomattweekend.blogspot.com/2010/10/weekend-focus-lovechild-hot-muscle, while after a truly awesome Beyond “Tokyo” last Sunday (check our review at http://discomatt.blogspot.com/2010/10/blog-post) it simply has to be on the cards again, especially having gotten all hot with those gorgeous body builders at Fire beforehand. “Later” & “Booster” do their usual thing on Sunday early, but the rest of the weekend has to go to Orange, who have a very special celebration, as it’s “RAW’s” fourth birthday, meaning the whole night will be given away to the tougher side of citric splendour. We will be honing in on the event in full, so watch this space for our upcoming Weekend Focus, although in the meantime, further info & guest list offers can be found via the following sites, http://tinyurl.com/onyxguestlists, http://evolvedevents.co.uk/ (A;M), http://alexerfan.com/ (Lovechild) http://tinyurl.com/laterguestlist & http://romainlopez.com/ (Booster).

With so much domination south of the river, you would be forgiven that Vauxhall isn’t offering up much more, although there you would be wrong as The Eagle makes a fantastic alternative, Friday being sewn up with another testosterone trip with “Tonker", special guest D.J. Mr Jones, joining the other Jones, Tim that is, for some tough muscular tunes, while on Saturday (16th Oct) “Carpet Burn” roll up for more, this week entertaining guest D.J. Prince Nelly alongside regular Martyn Fitzgerald, with Sunday never being Sunday without the horsin around antics of Horse Meat Disco, Jim Stanton & co making sure Monday remains as distant a thought as possible. More info on The Eagle & its events throughout the week can be found at http://eaglelondon.com/.

So, it’s now down to the alternatives to extend the options and The Dalston Superstore once again rises to the top like the cream in the milk, kicking off the weekend with the fabulous “Snap Crackle & Pop” on Friday (15th Oct) with a superb blend of beats, eclectic music, banging bands & delectable D.J’s, guests for this monthly outing being bands, Stop Making Me & O Children, while Harry Jones does his bit on the decks alongside some DSS regulars. Then on Saturday, resident D.J. Dan Beaumont steps into promoter boots with his new outing “Soundstage”, which showcases some of the best alternative D.J.’s on the London scene, this first outing including talents Dave Kendrick, Charlie Trevor & extra special attendee Luke Howard, all taking charge of the basement, while upstairs Jonny Woo & John Sizzle re-enact a mini Gutterball gathering, this looking like being one splendid affair indeed & was it not for our planned trip to Lovechild, we know where we would be for sure with Sunday seeing another “Tutti Frutti” session with W/Squeaky & friends sliding into the following week with consummate ease. Now, whilst there is no official website, the boys are always posting up stuff on Twitter, so why not follow them at http://twitter.com/dsuperstore plus watch this space for an Extra Bites post on upcoming birthday bash for “Body Talk” which takes place next Saturday (23rd Oct).

Our other alternative Best Bite goes to East Bloc, who entertain yet again with “Disco Fag Bar” this Friday, the club gaining an increasing following week on week and no surprise, as not only is the name chic & cool, but the setting at East Bloc is superb, matched by the D.J’s, this week Laurent C, John Sizzle & Borja Pena sharing the plaudits, while the door is masterminded by the delights that are Kristoffer & Diego. Then, on Saturday, this Shoreditch hangout entertains night “Nancy” which tempts in the fashion end of fetishism & fancy dress who want to flirt & flaunt their wares across the three rooms of fun, the sounds served up by David TG of Torture Garden fame, Hot Mess’s Holestar & Scally DanDan in the main space, while the wild & whacky Scottee sorts out the second space with special guests & vintage pop & skool disco is the name of the game in the third room with Princess Julia in charge, Felicity Hayward adding her own vintage colour to the whole affair.

So that’s our Best Bites picks across Soho, Vauxhall & elsewhere, further details available either via the direct web links in our post, on the events pages on social networking site Facebook, or failing that in the popular weekly press rags.

Now, just a quick mention, as always, to tip top clubbing website SeenQueen, which has further complemented its new look with a new “What’s Hot” section detailing the hot happenings across the gAylist world, RAW’s 4th birthday & Lovechild “Hot Muscle” getting focus, plus much more. And with plenty more features besides, go check out the new look site & all its fab features at http://seenqueen.com/.

Right, that’s about it for this week and as always we wish each & every one of you a splendid weekend, whatever you are up to & wherever you are. As for us, it’s a relatively pedestrian one as we still have much to mull over away from the scene, but all being well, we will make Lovechild, Beyond & Orange, although day by day is our maxim at the moment. But if we make it out, come say hi and as we always say......Go There! Be There!


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