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Friday 28 May 2010

Weekend - 28th to 31st May

Hey Folks,

Well, you can probably guess that our eyes have been focussed firmly on the massive London Global Dance Festival (LGDF) over the last few weeks and with the event start literally hours away, we first remind you of our special post out here, taking an in-depth look at the main event on Sunday, as well as summarising the other seven parties that make up the biggest international celebration of music to hit gAylist/land London ever. And of those other seven parties, keep your eyes peeled for special “extra bites” posts coming up.

Given all of that, you would be forgiven for thinking we had little else in mind, but far from it as there are plenty of other happenings going on over this second Bank Holiday weekend in May, not to mention an absolute biggie which gets our sole focus here, but with our usual run down of the best of the rest.

So what “biggie” are we talking about? Well it could only be one, as the club that totally captivated the scene when it was launched in London back in November 2008, returns to The Coronet this Saturday (29th May – ooh that’s tomorrow!) for its special “Hot Wheels” outing. Got it yet? of course you have and what else could it be but Logan Presents’ SuperMartXe, (SM) which looks like stealing at least a small chunk of the LGDF thunder this weekend. So what are the team serving up this time round to tempt you down to Elephant & Castle? Well, first & foremost, in returning to The Coronet, the masses should be delighted that the venue which started it all, once again hosts the latest outing, as it is this special space that is the natural home to SM and should see it even busier than the fabulous roof terrace gathering last Sunday (where was our invite?!?!) at Dex in Brixton, when Logan & his schmitzels made the most of the hot weather, which saw scores pack out the space, thus creating a monthly special event “UP” (more news on that in a forthcoming post).

But we digress and this latest “Hot Wheels” party looks like being hot, hot, hot, with tip top SuperMartXe Spain resident A.B. Garcia roars into London town to centre stage the D.J. line up that includes Nick Tcherniak, who will kick off proceedings on the main floor, he hitting SM’s main room on the back of resident storming guest appearances at Beyond & Orange and will most likely be treating us to a tech infused set which we hope will include his the two tracks “My People” & “Deep Water” taken from the chart topping EP he has produced with friend Steve (Janet) Thomas, plus with Auntie Tom present, we are already looking forward to this intro and will have braces on the ready. Adding to the line up is Push FM’s very own Tony English, who follows AB Garcia and given his stellar performances at previous SuperMartXe parties, plus his scintillating sets at recent Lovechild outings, should prove the ideal candidate to keep the party rocking right through till the 7 a.m. finish.

And there will be plenty of stage action too, as the rip roaring P.A. Belle returns to blow your minds with a pumped up performance having impressed immensely at SM’s NYD “Alice” party at The O2 Academy, she being helped along by the usual bevy of beauties that are Logan’s troupe of dancers, as well as the usual eye smouldering pyrotechnics, visuals, lighting & effects, as well as (we are sure) yet again the best stage production seen at any event in the capital. But it doesn’t stop there, as swanky clothes designer Ed Hardy will be working exclusively with Logan presents on this party, bringing the latest colourful fashion to an already sparkling & outrageous SM costumery that will combine to create a show bigger & better than ever. So, this is definitely one SuperMartXe you won’t want to miss and make sure you grab your tickets fast, as these “Hot Wheels” advance entry passes at £15 are selling like hot cakes both online at http://clubtickets.com/, as well as at Soho outlets Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8, & Profile Bar, as well as Covent Garden’s The Box & Santos & Mowen, not to mention both Barcode’s, so plenty of places to get hold of one of the hottest tickets in town, but you better be quick. A limited amount of tickets will also be available on the door, the Coronet opening at 10.30 p.m., with “Hot Wheels running through until 7 a.m. The team also offer VIP packages and details can be obtained via http://supermartxelondon.com/. Plus, don’t forget to keep hold of your ticket stub, as it will entitle you to 20% discount from Ed Hardy’s store at Westfield Shopping Centre.

So, LGDF aside, that’s our best, so what about the best of the rest? Well, Soho will be pulling out plenty of stops, Lo-Profile pulling in their own big guns, as Jamie Head & Paul Heron take control of the decks on Friday, while D’Johnny & Alessandro mix it up on Saturday. Upstairs at Profile, Friday’s are really grooving with Gaydar radio’s Phil Marriot spinning the sounds, but Saturday should be a corker, with the “NuFunk” phenomenon that is Brent Nicholls tempts you in with his terrific tunes. Then on Sunday it’s the turn of “Diner Bingo” to steal your attention, presented by Timberlina & Hey Baylen. Barcode seems to be going all bear on us this weekend (probably in support of XXL & co) with their usual “Cave” outing on Friday with Paul Coals on the decks, while on Saturday “Fleshdance”, with D.J.’s Daz Saud & Steven Artis gets pushed up onto the ground floor, while Timberlina (twice in one weekend) & her lovers hold their “I Love Bears” Eurovision party downstairs (oh yes, its that contest again!).Our other Soho shout goes to Shadow Lounge which has its usual Therapy session on Friday when the “foxy females” (see our music post) D.J’s Mis-White & Minx, while Andrew Elmore does his disc jockey stuff at “Inferno” on Saturday. Then Sunday sees “Scandal” hit London again as promoter Steve Elliot welcomes his Salvation all-stars Oliver M & Pier Morrocco to the D.J. decks, while Raul Gonzalez provides the sexy & scandalous dancers, oh & don’t forget their pre-party at the Yard.

Down in Vauxhall and while LGDF is the main focus, Suzi Krueger’s “Hard On!” will be drawing out those into leather, rubber, uniform & the like on Saturday, with American porn muscle hunk Dru Bruin making an exclusive London appearance and the music supplied by the team that stole the Hustlaball show, Brent Nicholls, Hifi Sean & Hugo’sland, joined y favourite Halo-Is and they have a special £5 discount off the entry fee to the first 50 guys under 30 through the door (but you’re gonna have to prove it, don’t ask!). Barcode have a fun filled weekend, with the return of Hifi Sean & Severino playing b2b on Friday for the free entry “Our House” party and don’t tell us Mr Sean has a touch of camp in him, as he will be dishing out space dust all night!!, while on Saturday the D.J.’s include Pagano, Gonzalo & Micky Galliano (that’s a lot of “O’s”). Then on Sunday, Horse Meat Disco take over for their afterparty, but not before another “Sunday’s” session with both bars open, Danny Macdonald & Paul Coals up front, while Saki & Steven Artis play in the rear (one track mind!). And talking of Horse Meat Disco, it will return to The Eagle this Sunday, while the now weekly “Carpet Burn” holds sway on Saturday & Tonker have their “Furr Pride Night” on Friday. One quick mention goes to the RVT which extends its S.L.A.G.S/Chill-out session onto Monday as well as Sunday, the hours also stretching & The D.E. Experience giving a duo of performances.

Now for the alternatives and over east in Shoreditch, the Dalston Superstore have a bumper weekend in prospect, with “Techno In My Fridge” on Friday, with Mikki Most & JoJo De Freq sorting the sounds, while upstairs Jonny Woo & Jon Sizzle re-open their guerrilla hair salon (expect mayhem!), while on Saturday it’s the very interesting “Posh Boy Dancing Spot”, then on Sunday it’s the turn of “Save The Robots, D.J.’s including Dan Beaumont & Dave Kendrick. Other East End alternatives include The Horse & Groom just round the corner in Shoreditch that has a weekend full roster, “Caligula” gets all hot & steamy again on Friday & its “Strictly Sunday’s at The White Swan on, you guessed it, Sunday! And no Bank Holiday would be complete without mentioning a jaunt to Brighton, where the Wild fruit team have a packed & pulsating Sunday & Monday, with first “Sunday Sundae” at Audio on Marine Parade & then the biggie, Wild Fruit “Rio Sexy” at Tru, featuring P.A.’s Katherine Ellis & Peyton & D.J’s including Paul heron, Jonny M, Tasty Tim & Lady Bex, rounding it all off with a special “Rebel” afterhours at club Life, with Lee Harris & Jon Byrne.

Details of all these best of the rest happenings can be found in the popular press or via the events & group pages on social networking site Facbook. Also, don’t forget that if you’re after the hottest dates in town, you can do no wrong by going to THE clubbing website for the gAylist capital scene, http://seenqueen.com/, their diary of events stretching right to the end of June, just click on the “club icon from the home page.

Right that’s it for another regular weekend post, but keep your eyes peeled for our extra bites releases on the latest LGDF news & events as they happen, with pointers to on-going special music posts. As for our weekend, well its dominated by LGDF kicking off with a trip to the opening party at Onyx tonight, then A.M. Intl, Beyond “Universe”, Later “Global Edition”, & the “Main Event” on Sunday, then Orange “LGDF Afterparty” & “The Best Of Brits” on Monday, squeezing a drop in on Profile Bar & Rupert St on Saturday followed by SuperMartXe and, naturally, hours of sleep on Tuesday. So, if you see us out, come say hi and as we always say.....Go There! Be There!


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