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Thursday 6 May 2010

Extra Bites - Hola The 12 Inch Party

Hey Folks,

With the weekend virtually on us, our usual recommendations will be out shortly, giving you those all important choices about where to be & be seen.

In the meantime we thought we would give a shout to a new night in our latest “extra bites” post, which on this occasion goes to Shadow Lounge, who re-launch their monthly Thursday night event, “Hola” which kicks off tonight (6th May).

The Shadow Lounge is one of London’s top gay venues in terms of being one of the most stylish fashionable & sumptuous experiences, exuding luxury & comfort, while being a members club doesn’t restrict joe pubic form savouring the atmosphere, but the door policy can be a little strict in dressed in rags rather than glads. A recent nip & tuck make-over has injected some new glitz, glamour & sparkle to the place which is sure to retain its position as the swishiest gay hangout in town, the venue that not only attracts the crème of the gAylist scene, but a whole host of celebrities that regularly grace its doors, so is well worth a look.

And to compliment that new look, the management team are also re-introducing some nights to boost the appeal, tonight being no exception as “Hola – the 12 inch party” re-launches, kicking off from 10 p.m. running superlate, the whole theme of the night being classic disco and having been given a big shout in top guide Timeout, “Hola” is sure to attract a healthy crowd who want to kick start their weekend in style.

The music will be courtesy of resident D.J.’s Laurent C & Terry Veitheer will be joined by guest Chris Brogan who takes to the Shadow Lounge decks for the first time. Chris has been D.J’ing since 2002 and got his big break with a gig at massive club Fabric which opened doors both at home & abroad, Mr Brogan popping up at parties every now & then right across London, but moreover spreading his musical word across Europe. Salvation’s Steve Elliot spotted the talent in Chris and have signed him up to their D.J. team, which has already seen him play at their recent Rio party and he looks set to be a feature of forthcoming events. To get a flavour of Chris’s music style and the type of sounds he will be playing at “Hola” tonight, go check out his latest compilation, dedicated to the night which is out now at http://djchrisbrogan.podomatic.com/.

As for “Hola” itself, a reminder that it all kicks off at The Shadow Lounge tonight (Thurs 6th May) from 10 p.m., entry being free for members all night, free for those on the guestlist before 11 p.m. and £10 for others, the club running through till 3 a.m. For further details of both this club night & the venue, go to http://theshadowlounge.co.uk/ and as we always say....Go There! Be There!


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