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Tuesday 4 May 2010

Extra Bites - Outlet Speed Flat Dating At Profile

Hey Folks,

Well, the bank holiday may be over, but the activity on the gAylist scene continues at a pace and in an “extra bites” post we take a look at one event that will be a definite midweek draw & worth consideration.

Profile bar on Wardour Street in Soho has slowly gained popularity among London’s gAylisters since moving from its old home over on Greek Street, serving up a tempting combination of superb sociability, fabulous food & magnificent music that make this welcoming waterhole a great place to chill out after a hard day’s work, or warm up for that weekend venture of clubbing exploits (check http://profilesoho.com/ for full details). Having really found its legs, the management team have built on the basics of their top quality food & drink offer, not only introducing a weekly team of resident D.J.’s, spinning the latest soothing house sounds to compliment the atmosphere, but have added regular events to their reportoire, which include “Diner Bingo” & “Psychic Sunday” taking turn to end your weekend with a twist, while club brands Matinee & SuperMartXe hold their pre-parties in Profile, other recent additions including Xlsior, which injected a real Greek isle flavour to the place a couple of Saturday’s ago.

But just last month, Profile supported a new Wednesday night early evening gathering run by gay property agency Outlet which has added the speed dating theme to its property activity, joining like minded landlords & tenants that are either looking for somewhere to live or looking for someone to share their property with. “Speed Flat Dating” was conceived as a fun & social way to a new home, the launch party back at the end of March creating quite a buzz and linking up a number of people on an informal basis that definitely took a little of the stress & strain of searching endless lists of properties, meeting in sterile environments & talking to complete strangers over the phone. Instead, it allows attendees to interact face-to-face in a relaxing & inviting space with no pressure or feel for commitment and the huge success of the launch has seen Outlet Speed Dating become a regular monthly event, which takes place on the first Wednesday of each month.

So, how does the night work? Well, Outlet do all the organising, gathering lists of prospective Landlords, properties & tenants together, the only pre-requisite is that you have a suitable profile on their unique online system at http://outlet.co.uk/, then register for the event at http://speedflatdating.com/ and turn up on the night, it’s as simple as that. Upon arrival at Profile, the organisers hand you a list of everyone that’s attending and the rest is up to you, no pressure, no commitment, just chat, social connection & all at a relaxed pace, the only element of speed being that fact that what can be normally takes days, can be achieved in a matter of minutes. What’s more, the whole event is free, Outlet even throwing in your first drink for free and offering those who register, a free months subscription to their matching service, whether you’re a Landlord looking to advertise or a tenant in search of somewhere to live, now you can’t say fairer that that!!

So when is the next event? Well, it’s this Wednesday (5th May) tomorrow night in fact and there will be musical entertainment on offer too, as Craig Daniels takes to the decks, adding chilled out & relaxing tunes to compliment the social splendour that will be this Outlet Speed Dating event, with the gorge door host Lexi making sure each & every whim is catered for, as well as Josh & his experienced Outlet team on hand to answer any questions. The whole event kicks off at 6.30 p.m. at Profile on Wardour Street, with more information, including registration, FAQ’s, event details & even a report on the launch night available at http://speedflatdating.com/.

So, if you’re in London, looking for a room or have a room to let, Outlet Speed Dating at Profile is just what you have been looking for, so make sure it’s a date in your diary and as we always say.....Go There! Be There!


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