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Wednesday 28 October 2009

Weekend - 29th Oct / 1st Nov

Hey Folks,

Well, we are back & up to speed with all our regular posts, including the one that started them all, “Weekend Recommendations” and just in time for Halloween, which offers up plenty of opportunities for a great time.

Wading through the mass of choices, we (as always) concentrate on just three which have really caught our eye, although there are some noteworthy events that will get a brief mention too.

First up (and yes we are recommending it for the first time) is Juicy which rolls out its Halloween spectacular party this Saturday (Oct 31st of course), “Bloodbath”, with the promise of extra spooky production which will transform Fire into a ghostly & garish Halloween heaven (or should that be hell!!). Promoter Andrew Harris (aptly titled “Hammer Horror” for the night) promises the best party in town, with music coming from Rob Sykes, D’Johnny, Gonzalo Rivas, Hi-Fi Sean, David Jiminez & Steven Artis across the Main room & the Mirror Arch, with the team welcoming the Trannyshack girls, Dusty “O” and Lady Lloyd, who will play out in the lounge bar (the lounge of terror for the night). Add to that a frightening stage show from Naomi as well as the sexy Juicy go-go’s who will definitely be garbed for the occasion, this should prove a major hit. Doors open at 11 p.m. with the club running through until 8 a.m. Entrance is £15 with tickets on sales in advance at http://clubtickets.com/ & special joint Beyond (more of that in a minute) at a bargain price of £20 & you can grab advance tickets in your hands from your favourite Soho outlets.

Our next choice is Hard On!, which bucks the Halloween trend (thank god!) with its party “Master U” (also on Sat 31st), sponsored by the uber fetish brand, Master U (funny that), so expect an ultra sleazy show to truly tickle the spine and expand the usual Hard On! pervyness. Music comes courtesy of Dmac, Hugo’sland & Halo-is in the “Blue” cruise bar/room, while favourites Hi-Fi Sean Dickson & Brent Nicholls leather up for full on electro, underground & (quote) “bollock" breaking” house (ooh err missus!). The team (well Suzi) are being extra generous this month with discounted coatcheck charges and an extra special 2 for 1 offer on Vodka to really get you into the swing of it. The club runs (as if you didn’t know) at Hidden in Vauxhall, with doors opening at 10 p.m. & running through until 6 a.m. It is a members only club (door charge £15), but members can bring 2 guests (£20 each) & if you’re not a member go now to http://hardonclub.co.uk/ & remember the strict dress code (no jeans & trainers boys!). Oh, and if the man that made my last night at Hard On! quite special found my T-shirt, which I dropped when my Chaps did, let me know please!!

Last up, is another Halloween extravaganza at THE afterhours club of the moment, Beyond, which goes “Beyond The Grave” this Sunday morning (god Nov already!!) at Area in Vauxhall, which this weekend is all about “the hours of darkness & being safe inside before the sun comes up! (well it’s like that every week isn’t it?!) However, for one night only, Beyond comes over all Vampires, Witches, Ghosts and things that go bump in the night (well morning actually) with Area turned into a sexy cruisey Graveyard. And we are told to watch out for “Buff the Vampire Layer” (sounds sexy). The sounds will definitely be that as the team pull out all the stops with (we love these names – someone has imagination!!) Steve “Petrifying” Pitron, Mikey “Monsters Inc” D, Alan “Chuckie” K, Paul “Unholy” Christian The “Shivering” Sharp Boys & (this is the best one) Jamie Head”less”, (well its Halloween). Logan’s troupe of dancers will be there to delight and with Area’s renowned lighting, lasers, pyro’s & production, this will definitely be a Beyond to remember. Doors swing open at
6 a.m., with the club running through until 1 p.m. Entrance is a mere £10 in advance from either http://clubtickets.com/ or from Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8, The Box or The Embankment Bar, £12 with an ad/or flyer but a whopping £18 on the door (so go advance we say!).
Other Halloween options include Gravity Gore 2 this Thurs at Fire (ooh that’s tomorrow), Onyx Massacre at Area on Friday & a special party from the “Logan Presents” team, (you know, the ones behind SuperMartXe London) entitled “Thriller” at The Fridge in Brixton.
But, if you want to escape the Halloween madness then Black Rabbit (thump! thump!) celebrate their 3rd birthday at The Shoreditch Studio’s this Friday, Ursus Cave laud it up at Barcode Soho, also this Friday, & Lo-Profile have a Rio Beach fashion show this Saturday. For details of these parties check the popular press.

As for us, well our weekend always starts at Industri at BCV (that’s Barcode Vauxhall) with Minty & co tomorrow, Brent Nicholls supplying the tunes & Disco Matt the candy, then we will be at the “Hate Crime” Vigil (more of that in our separate “Stop Press” post) on Friday, are tossing a coin between Juicy & Thriller on Sat, but will definitely be at Beyond on Sunday. So if you see us out, come say hi and as we always say......Go There! Be There!


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