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Thursday 5 November 2009

Weekend 5th - 8th Nov

Hey Folks,

With the penultimate month of 2009 well & truly underway, what can we expect for this first full weekend of November? Well, quite a lot actually, as the some of the scene’s major gAylisting brands open their doors for their events.

However, it looks like Saturday is the really “happening” night of the weekend and we concentrate on three biggie’s for you to toss a coin over.

First up is the manly Megawoof, which packs another monthly punch at Hidden in Vauxhall, building on its successful switch from Colloseum, with all the macho & marauding action taking place across three rooms of fun. D.J’s Sugarbear, Daz Saund, Tim McClone & new name BabyBearBell keep the uplifting house music action going in the main (red) room, while over in the Bar (blue) room, more soothing sounds are supplied by Rob & Massimo. The third (black) room sees the return of Deep Wolf, who will be playing out a more progressive set for those in tune with tougher tracks, so plenty of choice on offer. And DV8, your fave Soho gay retailer, is celebrating its 1st birthday, with a range of goodies on supply, another good reason to get down to Hidden this Saturday. Doors open at 11 p.m., with the club running through until 6 a.m, entrance being £13 before midnight or £14 thereafter, with £12 advance tickets on sale at http://megawoof.com or at the usual outlets, including DV8 of course. So if, muscled hunks, chunks & beefcake butchiness is your thang, then Megawoof is for you.

Next up is the much awaited return of Lovechild, which takes up new residency at Fire in Vauxhall. Promising to be a much raunchier affair than its previous outings at Pacha, promoter Alex Erfan promises plenty of “pimped up & sexed up” action with the new addition of “the Contact Room”, which will feature over 20 porn stars as well as Chris Geary’s sexy go-go dancers, the room hosted by Svetlana Queen. The music looks like being equally as sexy, with Italiano’s Gabriele Cutrano & Max Sanna spinning in the main room, joined by the gorge Mattias, while Craig Daniels Tasty Tim & Lee Harris entertain in the “Love Lounge”. And with the night being sponsored by herbal enhancers “Start Up”, you can expect more than just wings across this night of erotic & sexual fascination, think Lovechild with an injection of Hustlaball and you will know where this party’s at. With advance tickets available at just £10 from http://lovechild.com, as well as outlets across Soho & doors opening at 11 p.m. running through till 7 p.m., this could prove a popular alternative.

However, don’t count your chickens yet as Saturday also sees the Matinee machine roll into town at Cable in London Bridge, following the massive sell-out success that was the 3rd Birthday party. Entitled “The Next Chapter”, prepare yourselves for magnificent musical mastery from one of the strongest D.J. line up’s to grace any gAylist club in the capital, Guy Williams & Pagano sandwiching Spanish resident J Louis in the “Matinee” room, Brent Nicholls, Fat Tony & Alessandro playing out in the “Parlour” room & guest D.J. Steven Redant followed by the mighty Paul Heron taking charge on the “bpm” room. The eye candy will be courtesy of Mark M Forn’s Fierce Intl crew and we are told to expect even more spectacular shows & amazing production than the last event. Matinee certainly attracts one of THE most stylish, gorgeous & handsome crowds we know & Cable is proving a worthy home for this clubbing giant. So, miss this one & definitely miss out, Matinee running from 11 p.m. through till 8 a.m., with advance tickets on sale at http://evolvedevents.co.uk & across Soho, with more available on the door, of course hosted by the marvellous Minty.

So, toss that coin and see how it lands, but you have three top pedigree clubbing choices on offer and we are sure, whichever one you pick, you will have a great time, one thing being for definite; Beyond will be packed again this Sunday!!

But if the “full on” clubbing experience is a bit too much for you, you could do far worse than choosing either Lo-Profile in Soho or Barcode in Vauxhall, both serving up scene favourite D.J.’s at very reasonable door charges, Lo-Profile welcoming Gonzalo & Paul Heron on Friday, with Jamie Head & D’Johnny lauding it on Saturday, while down at Barcode, D.J’s include Alessandro, Steven Artis, Mattias & Hi-Fi Sean this weekend. For full details of these & other offerings, check the popular press.

As for our weekend, well we will probably be out in The Box this Friday for the first of two Matinee pre-parties, then taking full advantage of “The Next Chapter” on Saturday, no doubt with a jaunt around town beforehand. So, if you see us out, come say hi and as we always say....Go There! Be There!


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