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Monday 8 June 2009

Weekend Recommendations -

Hey Folks,

Well, with yet another Bank Holiday upon us, we thought we would give you plenty of time to plan yours, making the most of the last long break before the end of August.

It looks like this time, the usual club overload is not quite as prevalent, but there is still plenty of choice in amongst some new offerings. So these are our tip top choices for the weekend.

This Friday (May 22nd) sees the return of Recreation, following a superb launch & then follow up party. This club seems to be carving a real niche for itself and D.J. turned club promoter Lee Yeomans’ hard work seems to be paying off & we couldn’t be more thrilled for him. Deciding on a “Friday Special” looks like a great move, with proceedings kicking off at The Apothecary from 11 p.m. with free entry up to around midnight then £6 thereafter, regular Max Sanna & the man himself will be joined by birthday boy David Berger (of Wacked! Fame) and its all hosted by the fabtastic Tamsin. So if Techno is your bag, get yourselves down to Kings Cross & go to http://tinyurl.com/recfriday for more details.

Saturday (May 23rd) sees the launch of new club Guru Guru, masterminded by the dynamic duo of D.J. legend Tom Stephan & promoter legend Wayne Shires. Promising to bring back uber underground style queer-core clubbing in (what we have been told) is an amazing warehouse venue that will take your breath away. And with music supplied by Tom, joined by Jim Stanton (Horse Meat Disco), Cormac (Wet Yourself) and Miguel Pelliterro (DTPM) together with incredible visuals supplied by Prick Images, spiritual healers, fortune tellers & makeover magicians & you can see that this is going to be a club with a real difference. It all starts at Bash Studios in Scrutton St from 10 p.m. with £10 advance tickets available from http://moreonthedoor.com and £12 entry o the night.

Sunday (May 24th) sees another return, this time the stylish & swish Lovechild at Pacha in Victoria, brought to you by Alex Erfan & his team with a theme of “Red Hot n Sexy” which should herald the heights of opulence & sexual decadence (yum yum) with seductive shows from Chris Geary’s troupe of dancers including the fabulous Cleo & with sexy & sordid sounds by residents, Mattias, Tony English, Per Q.X. Stewart Who? & Brent Nicholls, joined by D.J. Eros who flies in from Madrid especially for the event. It’s a T-dance style club, kicking off at 6 p.m. & running through till 1 a.m. and advance £10 tickets are available at http://clubtickets.com
Or at the usual Soho outlets with V.I.P. packages available too (which includes champagne, table treats & an exclusive space – you know where we are going to be!). For more details go to http://alexerfan.com & click on the Lovechild event.

Monday (May 25th – phew we got it right!) sees the second instalment of the Reverse parties, this time “Sunset” and held at the lofty venue, Century in Shaftesbury Avenue, a select & stylish (the word of the weekend!) venue with the special space having a capacity of 200, so its going to have a special atmosphere with the feel of alfresconess to add to the delight, although we can say no more at the mo but be sure to be able to see the sunset, just as long as it shines! The D.J. line up is just as stylish as promoter Guy Williams is joined on the decks by super Severino as well as Pete Herbert & Serge Santiago which will guarantee the best end to your Bank Holiday weekend. It all kicks off at 2 p.m. and goes through the sunset & beyond until (we are told) 1 a.m. (wow!!) Advance £8 early bird, then £12 tickets are available at http://ticketweb.com (advised) with £15 entry available on the door (risky) so we recommend buying in advance to avoid disappointment.

Other events on offer include SuperMartXe “Peep Show” on Sat 23rd May at The Coronet in Elephant & Castle with the inclusion of Nick Tcherniak in the D.J. line up, newbie, Futureproof at Thorpe Park on Sun 24th May an all-day event including an exclusive dance space & exclusive ride times with a great D.J. line up including Paul Heron, Fusion at XXL on Sun 24th with non other than the Freemasons & lastly Orange Summer of Love Pt’s 3 & 4 at Area & Fire spanning Sun & Mon, including Danny Rampling in the D.J. line up. Finally, you cannot discount Beyond at Area which will be a definite choice for many & packed no doubt. For details of these events check the popular press.

So, plenty of options for you but if you are still undecided why not go to http://seenqueen.com, the gAylist clubbing website, which has details of all the best offerings in town, not just for this weekend, but with an extensive diary right up until the end of June.

As for us, well, our weekend will start at Industri on Thurs with Minty & Paul Heron + friends, with a gym induction (whoop whoop!) on Sat morning, we will be resting easy on Fri, but then looks like a Barcode Soho warm up with Brent Nicholls, followed by SuperMartXe (controversy) on Sat, possibly Beyond or Futureproof, definitely Lovechild on Sun & then maybe Orange Pt3 at Area, absolutely polished off by Reverse Sunset on Mon, then the Betty Ford Clinic on Tues!!

So enjoy you long weekend, if you see us come say hi and as we always say……....Go There! Be There!


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