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Wednesday 10 June 2009

Weekend Recommendations - 12/14th June 2009

Hey Folks,

Well, with a real spring in our step (a summery one at that!) we are very much looking forward to a fun filled weekend in gAylist London, so what better way to entice you into the fun, with our post coming out a little earlier than usual. So, without more of a do, here are our choices for this weekend.

First up and a birthday celebration at that (don’t we just love those) is the return of Hoof this Saturday (13th June), which launched to amazing accolade on Easter Bank Holiday at the gobsmackingly incredible Ghost in Farringdon, a voluptuous venue oozing quality & style, just the place to toast Hoof promoter Guy Williams’ birthday. Joining him & co-promoter Kath Harding on the decks is the talented Smokin Jo, who having recently been developing some new sounds which should prove a real treat. Doors open at 10 p.m. & the club runs through until 4 a.m. with £10 advance tickets available via http://ticketweb.co.uk/, with £10 entrance on the door before 11 p.m. £12 thereafter. So if Hoof be the music of love then trot on!! & Happy Birthday Mr Guy.

Next and also this Saturday at super Club Colosseum in Vauxhall, is the return of Matinee, which having taken a well earned break at the last Bank Holiday weekend, comes roaring back with an Ibiza special, heralding Matinee launching its summer season with a new residency at Amnesia on the “golden isle” from next weekend. Expect all the usual ingredients that make Matinee London magic, stunning production, delicious dancers, courtesy of Mark M Forms & Nik Ripley’s Fierce International crew, and one of the best D.J. line up’s in the capital, including Pagano, Paul Heron, Pier Morrocco, Brent Nicholls & Alessandro, joined by Matinee megastar D.J. & Producer Taito Tikaro. Add to that D.J. Devlish, who will be celebrating his birthday (another one!) & this is one party you won’t want to miss. Doors open at 11 p.m and the club runs through until 9 a.m., with advance £13 tickets available at http://evolvedevents.co.uk/ (where you can get more details of this event), at all your favourite Soho outlets & more available on the door.

Our final choice, being yet another return, is bpm, which is the official Matinee after party on Sunday (14th June) from 6 a.m. until v late (we expect into the afternoon!) in the club space at Barcode Vauxhall. Sounds will be from the D.J. line up of Lee Yeomans, Max Sanna & Alessandro plus some exciting guest spots (rumour has it that birthday boy Guy Williams will be making an appearance – how can you say no now?!), with funky tech house being the name of the game, along with style & seductiveness. As the capacity is very limited, entrance is exclusive to online ticket holders and clubbers with Matinee invites, to keep it intimate & sexy. So to avoid disappointment, go to http://evolvedevents.co.uk/ for the exclusive entrance fee of £5 (inclusive of a free shot) but you can also get joint Matinee & bpm tickets for £19.

Other top tips this weekend include Lo-Profile on Friday with the mega combo of Mikey D & Steve Pitron (not to be missed), Barcode Soho on Saturday (the ideal warm up to Matinee) with Brent Nicholls (feel the Rhythm!!) on the decks & for those bpm dissapointed’s there is always Beyond on Sunday morning. Check the popular press for full details.

Don’t forget you can always go to http://seenqueen.com/ THE clubbing website, which has a full listing of all the gAylist events, not just this weekend but for the whole of June & you can catch this post via Disco Matt's group on Facebook.

As for us, well our weekend never normally starts without a visit to Industri at Barcode Vauxhall tomorrow (Thurs 11th) with Minty in charge & Brent Nicholls spinning the tunes, then we suspect Lo-Profile on Fri, Matinee on Sat & bpm on Sun. So if you see us out, come say hi & as we always say….Go There! Be There!


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