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Friday 10 April 2009

Easter Recommendations - Part Three

Our Easter recommendations mammoth post continues (see why we split it up?!), now covering Sunday (12th) which is expected to be the biggest day of the weekend, with the scenes huge club names vying for your attention. And with partying expected to go right through the 24hours, lots of stamina will be required, but with much on offer later on in the day, we will (ok, may!!) be taking a disco nap before the big onslaught.

Disco nap aside, the long day begins with Beyond , which will take centre stage in the early hours and with the Circuit festival crowd mingling with the SuperMartXe bunch, Area should be consumed with a real quality crowd and for those that don’t want to sleep this will be very much on the r(g)aydar. Resident D.J’s Mikey D, The Oli, Jamie Head & Hi-Fi Sean will be in situ & expect other names to appear across the three rooms. Open from 6 a.m. go to
http://myspace.com/beyondlondon for more on happening’s and expect this one to run v late into the day.

Then, swinging into action is the superb Salvation, which finds itself at a new home in Limehouse, the Troxy, which has the billing of being a fabulous setting for one of the most glamorous parties on the gAylist scene. There will be no shortage of stunning dancers, superb music and scintillating surroundings to seduce an equally stunning Salvation style crowd, with the entire resident D.J’s on duty, including Gonzalo, Sharon O Love, Miswhite White & more. With the club running from 8 p.m. until late & just a hop skip & jump on the DLR from Tower Bridge (but then we don’t do public transport!), this has to been on your cards. For further info visit

Then, new kid on the block, “Loaded” launches at Area, brought to you by the hunky Hi-Fi Sean Dickson. Billed as “a party just for men”, expect plenty of raunch & testosterone with music to match from Paul Coles, Martin Watkins & Hi-Fi himself, as well as headliners The Hoxton Whores & the Sharp Boys (wow, what a line up!). As if that wasn’t enough, there will be a special P.A. from Bille Ray Martin, all with the amazing Area lighting, visuals & atmosphere. Running from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m., this will prove a fun filled alternative to the bigger clubbing offers. For the full lowdown, go to

However, the biggest party of the day, infact of the weekend, looks like being Matinee, as the fabulous La Leche will be centre of attention. With a massive parade through central London during the afternoon over, the team move on to Club Koko in Camden to take our Easter Sunday to incredible heights, with top notch Matinee production, awesome dancing shows from Mark M Forms’ & Nik Ripley’s Fierce Intl. crew, in THE most sumptuous venue we have seen in a long time. A magnificent Matinee D.J. line up of G-Martin & Enrico Argentini, supported by Guy Williams, Paul Heron, Pier Morrocco & Alessandro is going to truly rock Koko and being winners of the Boyz award for the best monthly club of 2008, the team will be riding high but determined to deliver a party to remember. Moreover, being the second instalment of the “ménage a trois” weekend, anything & everything will be expected to happen, so make sure you get your whites out (clothing we mean!!) and join in the fun. Doors are open from 9 p.m. until 5 p.m, so check
http://evolvedevents.co.uk/ for more details & advance ticket booking options.

Other highlights on this mega day include a Gutterslut Easter special at Ghetto in Old Street, with all the usual going’s on & resident D.J’s & hosts, not forgetting a special XXL meets Fusion party at The Arches in Southwark, with the Freemasons making a triumphant return. Check the press for details of these parties and more!

Wow, well, what a choice you have on Easter Sunday, but its not over yet, we still have one more day to party.


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