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Friday 10 April 2009

Easter Recommendations - Part Four

Well, what a weekend of fun, but with a day still to go, you can guarantee that the best will be made of Bank Holiday Monday, with two mega parties getting our mention.

We simply couldn’t overlook the collaboration between Trade & Orange which as the press release indicates is the meeting of “two afterhours icons for one colossal Bank Holiday event”. There is no doubt that joining forces will be bound to draw not only huge attention, but possibly a huge crowd to boot and there is certainly a huge list of D.J’s lined up to play the event, which will very much guarantee the characteristic tunes both clubs are renowned for. Trade have fave residents of old, Malcolm Duffy, Steve Thomas & Gonzalo, joined by Nick Tckerniak & Lady Bianca + guests & the Orange line up includes The Sharp Boys, Terry Bryan, Paul Martin, with Steve Pitron & many more. With a special P.A. from K-Klass together with big shows & production courtesy of Logan & crew, there will definitely be a party atmosphere, although we remain sceptical of the intentions behind the collaboration & given the fact that some D.J’s have been refused the right to play other events, seems to indicate that clubbing politics rather than laying on a good party are coming to bear, which is disappointing indeed. Open from 2 a.m. until v late, for those planning to attend the event, go to
http://tradeuk.net/ for full details.

Our recommendation to see out your Easter weekend is the fabulous new club launch “bpm”, which plans to serve up a wonderful end to a packed out & fun weekend of clubbing and being the final instalment of the “ménage a trois” threesome, is expected to draw a quality crowd of Salvation & Matinee style-esque folks who won’t want to stop. Held at super club Colosseum, with first rate afterhours being the name of the game, bpm joins forces not only with London’s Hook’d, but the amazing Greenkomm club from Cologne (the most incredible uber sexy underground club around). With four rooms open, a bpm room, with Guy Williams, Lisa German, Paul Heron, Pier Morrocco & Micky Galliano, a Greenkomm room (we will def be there!) with Leomeo, Micky Tiger & Max Sanna, a Hook’d room sporting Andy Farley, Ian M, Pete Wardman & Karim & finally the River Room showcasing Alessandro, Lee Yeomans, Sam Hunwicke & Peter Stevenson, you get three clubs rolled into one & a fourth space to boot. Add to that the fabulous go-go dancers brought to you by the Fierce International crew, its going to be a biggie. And for all you La Leche party goers, don’t fret about getting from Camden to Vauxhall as the team are laying on free bus transport (wicked!), which will be a party in itself! Doors swing open at 6 a.m. and the club is expected to run into Monday afternoon. Details of this newbie can be found at
http://evolvedevents.co.uk/ and the plan is to then go weekly on a Sunday morning, providing a fresh alternative to the monotone afterhours options currently on offer.

Quite how we will make any other events we are not sure, but with (hopefully) the Bank Holiday sun shinning, all the bars will be open & rocking to finish off your weekend, so grab the mags for details.

We also recommend checking out
http://seenqueen.com/ if you need any further persuasion over what is hottest this weekend, with their special “Essential Easter gAylist” clubbing guide out there. Now you have no excuse not to party?!

All that is left to say is have yourselves an eggstravagant (sorry we had to), entertaining & enthralling Easter. Ours is going to be manic with possibly up to nine event reviews on their way, so if you see us out, come say hi.

And as we always say…..Go There! Be There!


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