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Saturday 26 December 2009

Weekend - 26th to 28th Dec

Hey Folks,

Well, with eyes & minds focussed on Christmas Day, we purposefully delayed our “weekend recommendations” post until today, Boxing Day, our latest report looking at where to be seen & what to do in an attempt to work off those excesses.

For those of you that already did, news in was that Trade/Orange at Fire last night (well this morning actually) was a resounding success, although our planned attendance was sadly ruined, so we will not be reviewing the event. However, the collaboration between these two giant brands looks like being THE story of 2009.

Anyway, onto the weekend proper and we focus on two events that have grabbed our attention & then give a quick rundown on others deserving a brief mention.

Boxing Day, is definitely the day to wear off those excesses and what better a place to start than at uber sexy fetish club Hard On! , which throws its XXXmas party to help you shake off all that turkey, Christmas pud, mince pies, & allows you to indulge in some stuffing of a different kind. So, putting aside the extra large jumper your granny sent you and slipping into leather, rubber, skinhead gear, uniform & the like, it’s time to get all pumped & funked up, with sexy sounds from resident D.J.’s Brent Nicholls, Hugos’land & Halo Is, as well as indulging in all the happenings across in the massive playroom, aptly named “Santa’s dirty dungeon” for this event. And, to add to the fun & frivolity, there is a special two for one drinks offer on Vodka before midnight to really get you in the mood, as well as the night being sponsored by online fetish retailer http://skyhi.me.uk. Hard On! at Hidden in Vauxhall kicks off at 10 p.m., running through until 5 a.m. & remember folks, it is a members only club, details of which you can find at http://hardonclub.co.uk or, if you prefer, grab your membership at RoB or Expectations. Entrance is £15 for members & £20 for guests (two allowed per member) & yearly membership is just £10.

For the less pervy of you, the best party in town will be at Fire, which hosts its monthly Tabloid outing, this time for a special Boxing Day bender, entitled “Reality TV Star Edition”, featuring none other than Boy George on the decks, who will be spinning a special set to befit the occasion, now if that doesn’t grab the front page headlines, what will?!?! Other broadsheet entertainers will include residents, The Oli, Daz Saund & The Sharp Boys, joining Boy George on the “Breaking News” man room with David Jiminez & Nick Tcherniak mashing it up in the “News In Brief” minimalism mirror arch, also with the return of the fabulous “Poporazzi Media Lounge”, hosted by “Jiggy” with D.J’s Jonny Red, Tasty Tim & James Saint James on the decks. Expect all the usual extrovert news grabbing production including the “Tabloid Wall Projection” which needs to be seen to be believed, as well as superb lighting, pyro’s & more. Doors open at 11 p.m. with the club running through until 8 a.m., with tickets available at just £10 in advance at http://clubtickets.com with special entrance charges with flyers in hand, otherwise £15 on the door.

So, what else is on offer? Well, Boxing Day has plenty of action of all sorts, with popular Soho haunts Lo-Profile & Barcode serving up fab music, with D’Johnny our choice at Lo-Profile. Over in Vauxhall, Barcode plays host to DJ Devilish, Paul Coals Hi-Fi (where is my mirrorball!) Sean, & sexy Steve Artis on the decks. Tonker hold their Boxing Day bash, which looks like being a corker, with special guest D.J., none other than the “Italian stallion” Pagano playing out, while the legendary RVT put on the iconic Duckie event. Sunday sees no respite, which kicks off with Beyond Afterhours at Area followed by Later at Fire (say no more!), while the RVT have their regular Sunday S.L.A.G.S/Chill Out session. Then, Naked Zoo returns to Egg for an Xmas special, as four clubs collide to give a mega mix of D.J’s including Per Q.X., Pagano, Larry Tee, Tyron & Jeffrey Hinton, but if you fancy fleeing London for the night, get down to Brighton for Wild Fruit’s “F**k Christmas” party at club Tru, the D.J. line up including Jon Byrne & Kate Wildblood. Now, don’t forget folks, Monday is a Bank Holiday (yippee!) so THE place to be will be the RVT which rolls out an extra S.LA.G.S./Chill Out session, with Simon Le Vans, Andy Almighty & Sean Sirrs providing the sounds & the incomparable Dame Edna Experience entertains with a special seasonal show. Mind you iconic club night “Royal House” returns to Heaven & it can only be The Sharp Boys on the D.J. decks, who will play out non-stop house anthems all night. For details of all of these events, check the popular press.

Don’t forget to check out http://seenqueen.com, THE clubbing website, which has an extensive listing & coverage of the best gAylisting events across the capital through to New Year & beyond. But, we have to make a “bar humbug” mention to those childish people that ruined the fun Xmas poll, sadly resulting in its enforced removal from the site, although nevertheless, there is heaps of superb stuff to check out. Putting out news, as both we & Seenqueen do, is for the benefit of everyone and we are saddened that certain individuals have tried (unsuccessfully) to jeopardise that!

So, what are we up to? Well, it looks like a Hard On! weekend for us, as we visit our fetish side for the last time in 2009 & hopefully hold onto our T-shirt this time round! (oops), will probably swing into Barcode Vauxhall before (the official Hard On! pre-party venue) to catch up with Steven Artis & will do our best to say no to Beyond (will be five weeks in a row otherwise!...Jamie Head’s fault!). So, if you see us out, come say hi and as we always say.....Go There! Be There!


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