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Tuesday 29 December 2009

Weekend - 31st Dec 09 - 2nd Jan 10 "New Year's Special"

Hey Folks,

Well, as 2009 comes to an end, the weekend starts early, with NYE celebrations due to kick off in just 48 hours and what looks like being the biggest dawn to a new decade in gAylist/land London we have seen, how could we not give you a second lowdown on THE places to be seen between now & 2nd Jan. So, in a rundown of the best & the rest, we tempt those of you not yet decided & those of you committed to the parties of choice, to wave goodbye to the “noughties” in style.

Now, not so much focussing, but spanning the amazing choice on offer, we detail our top choices and then give a mention to the rest that have grabbed our attention.

First up in and amongst the world & his wife serving up their own form of partying on New Year’s Eve, it seems that the mother of all of them will be “Kinky Trade” which will combine the forces of three clubs in one at The Renaissance rooms in Vauxhall. So, with promoters Laurence Malice, Andrew Harris & Alex Erfan laying down the gauntlet, the worlds of Trade, Juicy & Lovechild will join together for one spectacular gathering, with some of the biggest D.J. names in the business, including Trade’s Pete Wardman, Steve Thomas, Malcolm Duffy, Nick Tcherniak & Gonzalo Rivas, Juicy’s Steve Pitron, Hi-Fi Sean, Rob Sykes, D’Johnny & Steven Artis and Lovechild’s Mattias, Per Q.X., Phil Hewson & Stewart Who?, will be the focus of the musical entertainment. Topping off this amazing gathering, will be some extra special stage shows across the three spaces, with super hot kinky go-go’s supplied by Chris Geary, pyrotechnics courtesy of “Le Maitre”, live V.J Steve Sleeve on hand, animation by Kinky Trade Ibiza and exclusive performances by expectations.co.uk. We are told that advance tickets at £20 are still available at Soho outlets Prowler, Aware, Clone Zone, DV8 & The Box, or online at http://clubtickets.com, but don’t delay. There are also VIP packages available, which include express entrance & coatcheck facilities, an exclusive VIP area & separate toilets, with a glass of bubbly thrown in. Kinky Trade’s doors open at 10 p.m. running till 8 a.m. NYD.

But, if like us, NYE is not your thing, then there is plenty to save yourselves for on New Year’s Day, which kicks off in amazing Espaniol style as the mega Matinee goes all afterhours on us, presenting their “supersized” event, returning to their state of the art home Cable in London Bridge. The Evolved Events all star D.J’s will be present to provide the scintillating sounds, including Guy Williams, Paul Heron, Pier Morrocco, Fat Tony, Jonny M, Alessandro, Jon Dennis & Saki, all joined by Spanish superstar Matinee resident G-Martin. Mark M Forns & Nik Ripley’s Fierce Intl crew will be out in force, supplying chunk loads of hot & sexy dancers, but will also be joined by the infamous “Stress” performers, noted for their outrageous & scary club shows across the world, who will be flown in especially for the event from Barcelona & Ibiza. Now, if last year is anything to go by, this is going to be an absolute “roadblock” and with early bird tickets already sold out, we suggest you grab your advance tickets in person, which are still just about available for £20 at the usual Soho outlets or if you prefer, go online to http://evolvedevents.co.uk, but be quick as these are the fastest moving tickets in town!! Matinee’s NYD afterhours opens its doors at 5 a.m., with the club running through until 2 p.m. (wow!).

Then, drawing a short breath, it’s over to the O2 Academy in Brixton, as Logan presents SuperMartXe’s “Alice In Wonderland” party, which promises to be the biggest spectacle this super Spanish club’s London arm has produced yet. Kicking off at 5 p.m. NYD, there has been amazing anticipation of this party & with plans having been (semi) revealed to us by promoter Logan, we are giving away a special “STOP PRESS” news spot to this event, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Then later on New Year’s Day, two clubs go head to head to entice you out to party well past dawn. First up is the return of DTPM and it seems that the rumour machine worked well, as the confirmed venue for this NYD party is The Roof Gardens in Kensington (not quite the central London venue expected), but having been given a complete refurb should definitely be a stylish affair. The D.J. line up is certainly interesting to say the least, as just two original DT residents survive the changes, Steve Thomas & Fat Tony playing, with the big name of Boy George taking centre stage, as well as The House Husbands joining the, if very “un” DTPM, line up. Mind you, the wonderful & talented Nick Tcherniak joins the team & may (if you’re lucky) do a bit of b2b’ing (in the musical sense..steady!!) with Steve, which should, if it happens, be a delight. Such has been the demand following the hugely successful “The Bitch is Back” party, yet again ALL the advance tickets sold out weeks ago, but Lee Freeman tells us a very limited amount will be available on the door. For more details, go to http://dtpmevents.co.uk.

But it looks like the second collaboration of the New Year will be club event “As One”, when clubs Beyond, Lovechild, Megawoof, Trannyshack & Lo-Profile join together to bring you a huge event spread across 6 rooms in the arches of Fire in Vauxhall, also serving as the official afterparty for SuperMartXe’s “Alice In Wonderland”. The confirmed D.J. line up is Steve Pitron, Mikey D, Gonzalo Rivas & Alan K in the Beyond/Logan Presents main room, Gabriele Cutrano, Mattias, Pagano, & Paul Heron representing Lovechild in the mirror arch, Megawoof residents Daz Saund, Diddy & Tim Mcloone, will spin in the Lightbox, while, Craig Daniels, Stewart Who? Terry Vietheers Phil Hewson & Alessandro Londra will fly the flag for Lo-Profile, with the final space, “The Red Room” being the home for Trannyshack, where Tasty Tim & Miss Dusty O will play out the sounds. There will be a special VIP space, sponsored by fab gay retail outlet DV8, as well as the infamous “contact room, hosted by Chris Geary’s hunks and you can expect some amazing production, lighting, & spectacular sexy dancers, in the form of Logan’s schmitzels. Doors for this mega event open at Fire at 11 p.m., with the club running through until 8 a.m. Advance tickets at £15 are still available at the usual Soho outlets at http://clubtickets.com, but beware that the price may (if not already) go up More info on “As One” can be found at http://firelondon.co.uk &/or http://alexerfan.com

Then, as if that wasn’t enough, Onyx returns for a “one off” afterhours event at Area, on Saturday 2nd January, to really kick you into 2010 with a bang. Returning will be fave resident D.J’s Phil Marriot & & Steve Gellar in the main room, with Jamie Hammond, Tuomo Fox, Jason Prince & James Saint James playing out in the black box, while out in the terrace bar, Lisa German will be mashing it up yet again. This is definitely going to have the feel of a Beyond party and we suspect many will spill out from “As One” where special entrance stamps to Onyx will be available. If not, you can get in for just £6, with the addition of credit crunch busting drinks promotions on offer (after all the previous partying, wallets will be crying out for that for sure!). Area opens its doors for Onyx “Afterhours” from 7 a.m., running superlate and details should be online at http://firelondon.co.uk. Please note that Onyx has a strict majority gay door policy (perfect).

So, those were the best, so what of the rest? Well, Soho has a host of parties on NYE, which include Lo-Profile who throw a “Glitz & Bling” party, with D.J’s Phil Marriot, Alex Baker, Phil Hewson & Nathan 6 on hand, joined by special guest Bimbo Jones. Shadow Lounge pull out all the stops, with a “when in doubt apply more glitter” extravaganza, with Paul Heron, Andrew Elmore & Kris Di Angelis on the decks, while Barcode & Rupert Street do it in style with Paul Coles & Brent Nicholls respectively seeing in 2010 with some of the best music around. Down in Vauxhall, Tonker butch their way to the New Year with house champ Danny Rampling spinning the tunes, whilst the RVT have a S.L.A.G.S./Chill Out NYE Special with the D.E. Experience on stage from 10 p.m. Over at Barcode, they have a spectacular line up of D.J’s including Gonzalo Rivas, Mattias, Nick Tcherniak (the busiest D.J. this NY & not to be missed), Saki & Tony Junior. Then, as New Year’s Day takes hold, Beyond open their doors with a mammoth party with Alan K, David Jiminez, Hi-Fi Sean, D’Johnny, Terry Bryan, The Oli & a special 3 hour b2b set (got to be there) by Steve Pitron & Mikey D. Then Later keep the party going with Steven Gellar, Dave Cross, The Oli & Terry Bryan, as does the RVT with a re-run of S.L.A.G.S./Chillout (the same but not the same) before full on fetish takes charge with Suzie Kruger’s super party Sex at the Sweatbox, with Brent Nicholls & Simon Wallis spinning the tunes, as well as Recon over at The Arches, D.J.’s Chris Brogan, Gordon John & Pjay taking the musical charge. Then, to detox (not) and wind down (not), Juicy hold their “Recovery” party on the night of 2nd Jan, with your fave D.J. residents Steve Pitron, Steven Artis, Hi-Fi Sean, David Jiminez, Rob Sykes & D’Johnny in situ. Details of all of these parties/events can be found in the popular press.

Well, drawing a huge breath, that’s our choices up for this biggest weekend of the year, 2009 /2010, but if we haven’t said enough, go check out http://seenqueen.com which lists all the best gAylisting clubs/events across the capital & beyond, covering dates well into January.

As for us, well the plan is to be at Rupert Street to wave bye to 09 & hello to 10 with D.J. Brent Nicholls, RS’s G.M. Cathy & her brilliant team, then start the new decade as we mean to go on at, first Matinee, then “Alice”, followed by As One & finally to Onyx, giving Steven Gellar the review he deserves. We really want to fit in the Pitron/Dower set at Beyond too, so if anyone has a helicopter, let us know!! So, if you see us out, come say hi and for the last time this year, we say....Go There! Be There!

Finally, we want to say a massive thank you to YOU, for not only reading & supporting our work this year, but making it an unforgettable 2009 for Disco Matt. All the best for 2010, we can’t wait!


Saturday 26 December 2009

Weekend - 26th to 28th Dec

Hey Folks,

Well, with eyes & minds focussed on Christmas Day, we purposefully delayed our “weekend recommendations” post until today, Boxing Day, our latest report looking at where to be seen & what to do in an attempt to work off those excesses.

For those of you that already did, news in was that Trade/Orange at Fire last night (well this morning actually) was a resounding success, although our planned attendance was sadly ruined, so we will not be reviewing the event. However, the collaboration between these two giant brands looks like being THE story of 2009.

Anyway, onto the weekend proper and we focus on two events that have grabbed our attention & then give a quick rundown on others deserving a brief mention.

Boxing Day, is definitely the day to wear off those excesses and what better a place to start than at uber sexy fetish club Hard On! , which throws its XXXmas party to help you shake off all that turkey, Christmas pud, mince pies, & allows you to indulge in some stuffing of a different kind. So, putting aside the extra large jumper your granny sent you and slipping into leather, rubber, skinhead gear, uniform & the like, it’s time to get all pumped & funked up, with sexy sounds from resident D.J.’s Brent Nicholls, Hugos’land & Halo Is, as well as indulging in all the happenings across in the massive playroom, aptly named “Santa’s dirty dungeon” for this event. And, to add to the fun & frivolity, there is a special two for one drinks offer on Vodka before midnight to really get you in the mood, as well as the night being sponsored by online fetish retailer http://skyhi.me.uk. Hard On! at Hidden in Vauxhall kicks off at 10 p.m., running through until 5 a.m. & remember folks, it is a members only club, details of which you can find at http://hardonclub.co.uk or, if you prefer, grab your membership at RoB or Expectations. Entrance is £15 for members & £20 for guests (two allowed per member) & yearly membership is just £10.

For the less pervy of you, the best party in town will be at Fire, which hosts its monthly Tabloid outing, this time for a special Boxing Day bender, entitled “Reality TV Star Edition”, featuring none other than Boy George on the decks, who will be spinning a special set to befit the occasion, now if that doesn’t grab the front page headlines, what will?!?! Other broadsheet entertainers will include residents, The Oli, Daz Saund & The Sharp Boys, joining Boy George on the “Breaking News” man room with David Jiminez & Nick Tcherniak mashing it up in the “News In Brief” minimalism mirror arch, also with the return of the fabulous “Poporazzi Media Lounge”, hosted by “Jiggy” with D.J’s Jonny Red, Tasty Tim & James Saint James on the decks. Expect all the usual extrovert news grabbing production including the “Tabloid Wall Projection” which needs to be seen to be believed, as well as superb lighting, pyro’s & more. Doors open at 11 p.m. with the club running through until 8 a.m., with tickets available at just £10 in advance at http://clubtickets.com with special entrance charges with flyers in hand, otherwise £15 on the door.

So, what else is on offer? Well, Boxing Day has plenty of action of all sorts, with popular Soho haunts Lo-Profile & Barcode serving up fab music, with D’Johnny our choice at Lo-Profile. Over in Vauxhall, Barcode plays host to DJ Devilish, Paul Coals Hi-Fi (where is my mirrorball!) Sean, & sexy Steve Artis on the decks. Tonker hold their Boxing Day bash, which looks like being a corker, with special guest D.J., none other than the “Italian stallion” Pagano playing out, while the legendary RVT put on the iconic Duckie event. Sunday sees no respite, which kicks off with Beyond Afterhours at Area followed by Later at Fire (say no more!), while the RVT have their regular Sunday S.L.A.G.S/Chill Out session. Then, Naked Zoo returns to Egg for an Xmas special, as four clubs collide to give a mega mix of D.J’s including Per Q.X., Pagano, Larry Tee, Tyron & Jeffrey Hinton, but if you fancy fleeing London for the night, get down to Brighton for Wild Fruit’s “F**k Christmas” party at club Tru, the D.J. line up including Jon Byrne & Kate Wildblood. Now, don’t forget folks, Monday is a Bank Holiday (yippee!) so THE place to be will be the RVT which rolls out an extra S.LA.G.S./Chill Out session, with Simon Le Vans, Andy Almighty & Sean Sirrs providing the sounds & the incomparable Dame Edna Experience entertains with a special seasonal show. Mind you iconic club night “Royal House” returns to Heaven & it can only be The Sharp Boys on the D.J. decks, who will play out non-stop house anthems all night. For details of all of these events, check the popular press.

Don’t forget to check out http://seenqueen.com, THE clubbing website, which has an extensive listing & coverage of the best gAylisting events across the capital through to New Year & beyond. But, we have to make a “bar humbug” mention to those childish people that ruined the fun Xmas poll, sadly resulting in its enforced removal from the site, although nevertheless, there is heaps of superb stuff to check out. Putting out news, as both we & Seenqueen do, is for the benefit of everyone and we are saddened that certain individuals have tried (unsuccessfully) to jeopardise that!

So, what are we up to? Well, it looks like a Hard On! weekend for us, as we visit our fetish side for the last time in 2009 & hopefully hold onto our T-shirt this time round! (oops), will probably swing into Barcode Vauxhall before (the official Hard On! pre-party venue) to catch up with Steven Artis & will do our best to say no to Beyond (will be five weeks in a row otherwise!...Jamie Head’s fault!). So, if you see us out, come say hi and as we always say.....Go There! Be There!


Thursday 17 December 2009

Festive Special - "Wave Goodbye to 09, Say Hello To 10"


Well, it has undoubtedly been an interesting year in gaylist/clubland London, with the downturn in the economic climate taking the brunt of the blame for the problems many clubs have encountered in 2009, but is fair to say that, despite money being tighter than we have known in a long time, many have still managed to satisfy their clubbing desires, with special weekends & most of big events proving the popular choices. Yes there have been some flops, but equally there have been some amazing parties, so as we the year draws to a close, how will 2009 bow out and what’s in store for the dawn of 2010?

There is definitely not shortage of options to dust off your clubbing shoes, celebrate the coming Christmas festivities, them wear off all the excesses caused by just one day (mad aren’t we?!) & hail the coming of what everybody hopes is a much better year ahead of us. Mind you, for some, Christmas started early, with two of gAylist London’s biggest clubs already throwing their festive parties, Matinee’s “La Nocha Rocha”, which was held on 5th Dec being more of a regular affair, although being covered in red coloured production, Matinee definitely was seasonal in look, even if the party didn’t feel that Christmassy. But then Beyond’s “Ice” party was definitely a winter wonderland and we were still dusting off the snow, hours afterwards, having had a brilliant time in the hands of Mikey D, Steve Pitron, D’Johnny & Alan K.

However, it seems the majority of parties are kicking off from this week, so what’s on offer to tempt you out? Well, hold on, as we give you the best of the bunch in our definitive run down.

Gay City Rollers

First out of the blocks, tomorrow no less (Wed 16th) is “Gay City Rollers”, as Alex Erfan’s crew throw a special Christmas themed party, promising that the Renaissance rooms will be glammed up with OTT decor, outrageous costumes & festive go go’s, with plenty of surprises, free gifts & seasonal cheer spread around by Chris Geary’s hunks. And the exciting news is that two real D.J. icon’s will be spinning the tunes, as Tasty Tim & Fat Tony join regular Stewart Who? on the decks, to provide the scintillating sounds. Entrance is just £7, which includes a free drink & hire of the skates, which is probably the best value night out we can think of. Doors at the Renaissance Rooms open at 7 p.m. with the club running through until midnight. More details can be found at http://alexerfan.com/


Thursday 17th sees Industri perform for the last time in 2009, with Minty hosting as only she can do, outrageously, and Paul Heron on the D.J. decks from 10.p.m. until 2 a.m. Industri has proven to be THE social soiree of the scene and with an extra special birthday twist this week, it should be a blast. Barcode Vauxhall is the host venue as always and proceedings usually start from 9 p.m., running through it 2 a.m. entrance being free all night!! Check http://bar-code.co.uk/ for more info.

Gravity Christmas Party

Then the next Christmas themed party , also on Thurs night (17th), is Gravity at Fire, which plays host to The Oli & Alan K on the decks, with superstar Steve Pitron guesting for the night. The team promise plenty of festive frivolity, with the club being given that special Christmassy feel in the hands of Jay Sharp Vokins’ magical mastery. Plus the fabulous Naomi hosts “Jiggy’s Christmas Sack” with plenty of presents to give away. It all kicks off at midnight, with the club running through until a heady 8 a.m. (books the day off work!) & entrance at anything for £5 to £10, dependant on what time you get there (grab a flyer!). Check out http://firelondon.co.uk/ for more details.

Onyx “White Spectacular”

Friday 18th is definitely an “Onyx” day, as the club that has transformed Friday nights is back with its Christmas “White Spectacular”, with the club being totally transformed but with all the usual ingredients that make Area super amazing, lasers, pyro’s & sexy stage shows and for sure this is one Onyx outing you won’t want to miss. Music comes courtesy of residents Phil Marriot & Steven Gellar in the main room, Jamie Hammond, Tuomo Fox, James St James & Jason Prince lauding it up in black room, with Lisa German taking hold of the terrace bar accompanied by Donald on vocals. However, the big news is that mega international superstar D.J. Paul Heron will be guesting for the night, taking the main room by storm & that is going to be something really special. The team dare you to dress all in white & offer special cocktails & free entry to the VIP bar if you do. What’s more there will be plenty of drinks offers on all night, on top of the amazing free entry before midnight offer. Onyx opens its doors at 10 p.m. & runs through until 5 p.m., with entry charges at just £6 after midnight (bargain!) & advance tickets selling online at http://clubtickets.com/.

Juicy “Yule Ball”

Saturday 19th sees the Christmas parties continue, the highlight being “Juicy”, as promoter Andrew Harris & his boys come over all festive, throwing a special “Juicy Yule Ball”, offering a bold bundle of fun with super X rated go-go boys to delight & extra special Christmas production, visuals & lighting. Music is provided by resident D.J’s Rob Sykes,
Hi-Fi Sean, Steve Artis, Gonzalo Rivas & David Jiminez, but joining them will be none other than the Italian Stallion, Pagano, who will be playing an extra special progressive & tech infused set in the main room to eclipse all others and we expect his popularity will ensure there is very little “room in the stable”. Juicy takes place at Fire in Vauxhall, doors opening at 11 p.m. & the club running through until 8 a.m. Entrance is £12, but if you grab an advance ticket from your fave Soho outlets, it’s just £10, or online from http://clubtickets.com/, with more details of the event at http://myspace.com.firelondon/.

Then the all out “Xmas partying” takes a breather until Christmas Day (yes there is clubbing on the day itself...365 days a year darling!!) so as to let you all get your shopping in..and we do like to shop, don’t we?!?!

Trade/Orange “The Magic of Christmas”

So, on Christmas day, the mother of all clubs, “Trade”, teams up with “Orange”, to bring you a blowout incredebleu entitled “Orange/Trade – The Magic Of Christmas”, at Fire in Vauxhall. If you have never been to a Trade Christmas day party, you really don’t know what you are missing, as there is no feeling that can be more decadent than clubbing while the rest of society are sleeping off their excesses. To well & truly help proceedings on, the Trade collective, in conjunction with Orange, have lined up a spectacular D.J. list, across three rooms, with the “Tinsel Trade Rudolf Room” playing host to Lisa German, Pagano.Nick Tcherniak & Lady Bianca, while over in the “Orange Claus Chamber”, Gonzalo Rivas, The Sharp Boys, Terry Bryan & The Oli take charge, with a yet undisclosed special guest joining them (could it be Steve Pitron?!). Then there is the “Lap Land Lightbox”, where the dream team of Fat Tony & Tonnic take you on a funky Xmas night journey, with Dave Cross assisting, but as if that wasn’t enough, there will be a fab chillout area, named simply “The Xmas Lounge”, where Steven Sharp’s super Xmas soundtrack will offer you an escape from the frenetic activity. Fire is set to look like a magical Christmas wonderland with all the ingredients we expect from this amazingly equipped venue, with the promise of complimentary mince pies & mulled wine for early arrivals, plus lots of extra surprises! (woo hoo). Trade/Orange (as we prefer it) kicks off at 10 p.m., finishing off at a premature 8 a.m. (must be the licensing). Tickets are on sale now at http://clubtickets.com/ for £12, as well as at Clone Zone, Prowler, DV8 & The Box, plus from Fire, Area & even from Steven Sharp in person (can’t be bad). Check out http://tradeuk.net/ for the full news.

Hard On! – “XXXmas Party”

Boxing Day sees no let down in the partying, as some of will be dreaming of being miles away in South Africa, as the Salvation Tour kicks off in Johannesburg, but back in good old London Town, uber sexy fetish club Hard On! throws its party to shake off all that turkey, Christmas pud, mince pies, & allows you to indulge in some stuffing of a different kind. So, putting aside the extra large jumper your granny sent you and slipping into leather, rubber, skinhead gear, uniform & the like, its time to get all pumped & funked up, with sexy sounds from resident D.J.’s Brent Nicholls, Hugos’land & Halo Is, as well as indulging in all the happenings across in the massive playroom (gonna do our best to hold onto our T-shirt this time!). And, to add to the fun & frivolity, there is a special two for one drinks offer on Vodka before midnight to really get you in the mood. Hard On! at Hidden in Vauxhall kicks off at 10 p.m., running through until 5 a.m. & remember folks, it is a members only club, details of which you can find at http://hardonclub.co.uk/ or, if you prefer, grab your membership at RoB or Expectations.

Tabloid – “Boxing Day Bender”

For the less pervy of you, there is always Fire, which hosts its monthly Tabloid outing, this time for a special Boxing Day bender, featuring none other than Boy George on the decks, who will be spinning a special set to befit the occasion, now if that doesn’t grab the front page headlines, what will?!?! Other broadsheet entertainers will include residents, The Oli, David Jiminez & The Sharp Boys, joined by Daz Saund & Nick Tcherniak with the return of the fabulous “Poporazzi Lounge”, hosted by “Jiggy” with D.J’s Jonny M, The very Miss Dusty O & James Saint James on the decks. Expect all the usual extrovert news grabbing production including the “Tabloid Wall Projection” which needs to be seen to be believed, as well as superb lighting, pyro’s & more. Doors open at 11 p.m. with the club running through until 8 a.m., with tickets available at just £10 in advance at http://clubtickets.com/ with special entrance charges with flyers in hand, otherwise £15 on the door.

Kinky Trade

We kind of then take a hop skip & jump across the short gap to New Years, with the world & his wife serving up their own form of partying on New Year’s Eve, but it seems that the mother of all of them will be “Kinky Trade” which will combine the forces of three clubs in one at The Renaissance rooms in Vauxhall. So, with promoters Laurence Malice, Andrew Harris & Alex Erfan laying down the gauntlet, the worlds of Trade, Juicy & Lovechild will join together for one spectacular gathering, with some of the biggest D.J. names in the business, including Trade’s Pete Wardman, Steve Thomas, Malcolm Duffy, Nick Tcherniak & Gonzalo Rivas, Juicy’s Steve Pitron, Hi-Fi Sean, Rob Sykes, D’Johnny & Steven Artis and Lovechild’s Mattias, Phil Hewson & Stewart Who?, will be the focus of the musical entertainment, although as of going to press there are more D.J’s to be confirmed. Topping off this amazing gathering, will be some extra special stage shows across the three spaces, with super hot kinky go-go’s, plenty of pyrotechnics, live V.J’s , laser shows, as well as some of the best club production & decor you have seen anywhere. Early bird tickets have sold out, but advance tickets at £20 are still available at Soho outlets Prowler, Aware, Clone Zone, DV8 & The Box, or online at http://clubtickets.com/. There are also VIP packages available, which includes express entrance & coatcheck facilities, an exclusive VIP area & separate toilets, with a glass of bubbly thrown in. Kinky Trade’s doors open at 10 p.m. running superlate till 8 a.m. NYD.

Matinee “NYD 2010”

But, if like us, NYE is not your thing, then there is plenty to save yourselves for on New Year’s Day, which kicks off in amazing Espaniol style at the mega Matinee goes all afterhours on us, presenting their “Supersized” event , returning to their state of the art home Cable in London Bridge. The Evolved Events all star D.J’s will be present to provide the scintillating sounds, including Guy Williams, Paul Heron, Pier Morrocco, Fat Tony, Jonny M, Alessandro, Jon Dennis & Saki, all joined by Spanish superstar Matinee resident G-Martin. Mark M Forns & Nik Ripley’s Fierce Intl crew will be out in force, supplying chunk loads of hot & sexy dancers, but will also be joined by the infamous “Stress” performers, noted for their outrageous & scary club shows across the world, who will be flown in especially for the event from Barcelona & Ibiza. Now, if last year is anything to go by, this is going to be an absolute “roadblock” and with early bird tickets already sold out, we suggest you grab your advance tickets in person, which are available for £20 at the usual Soho outlets or if you prefer, go online to http://evolvedevents.co.uk/., but be quick as the latest news is that these are the fastest moving tickets in town!! Matinee’s NYD afterhours opens its doors at 5 a.m., with the club running through until 2 p.m. (wow!).

SuperMartXe – “Alice In Wonderland”

Then, drawing a short breath, it’s over to the O2 Academy in Brixton, as Logan presents SuperMartXe’s “Alice In Wonderland” party, which promises to be the biggest spectacle this super Spanish club’s London arm has produced yet. As always, Mr Schmitz is keeping most of the plans very close to his big chest, but we can guarantee that the D.J. line up will consist of residents Steve Pitron, Marlon K Jones & Tony English, who will be joined for this special event by Gaydar’s own Phil Marriot, D.J. Aron, Nathan 6 & flying in from Spain, will be Juanjo Martin, who is resident for SuperMartXe over there. P.A.’s confirmed for this magical experience are Aimee, Belle & extra special guest, X Factor’s Danyl Johnson (that should be interesting). Now, judging from recent events, we are expecting a truly incredible stage show, with production to match & having grilled Logan for more, all he will tell us that he has plenty of surprises up his sleeve, so we suspect that entering the wonderland will be a superb experience indeed. Advance tickets are on sale now both online at http://ticketweb.co.uk/ & at outlets, Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8, Solar Station, The Box & Profile Bar. And, a special pre-party has been planned at Lo-Profile on Boxing Day (more details of that to come). Check out the new web link http://loganpresents.com/ for this & all of Logan’s club events.

DTPM – “NYD 2010”

Then later on New Year’s Day, two clubs go head to head to entice you out to party well past dawn. First up is the return of DTPM and it seems that the rumour machine worked well, as the confirmed venue for this NYD party is The Roof Gardens in Kensington (not quite the central London venue expected), but having been given a complete refurb should definitely be a stylish affair. The D.J. line up is certainly interesting to say the least, as just two original DT residents survive the changes, Steve Thomas & Fat Tony playing, with the big name of Boy George taking centre stage, as well as The House Husbands joining the, if very “un” DTPM, line up. Mind you, the wonderful & talented Nick Tcherniak joins the team & may (if you’re lucky) do a bit of b2b’ing (in the musical sense..steady!!) with Steve, which should, if it happens, be a delight. Such has been the demand following the hugely successful “The Bitch is Back” party, yet again ALL the advance tickets sold out over three weeks ago, but Lee Freeman tells us a very limited amount will be available on the door. For more details, go to http://dtpmevents.co.uk/.

As One

But it looks like the second collaboration of the New Year will be club event “As One”, when clubs Beyond, Lovechild, Megawoof, Trannyshack & Lo-Profile join together to bring you a huge event spread across 6 rooms in the arches of Fire in Vauxhall. The confirmed D.J. line up is Steve Pitron, Mikey D, Gonzalo Rivas & Alan K in the Beyond/Logan Presents main room, Gabriele Cutrano, Mattias, Pagano, & Paul Heron representing Lovechild in the mirror arch, Megawoof residents Daz Saund, Diddy & Tim Mclone, will spin in the Lightbox, while, Craig Daniels, Stewart Who? Terry Vietheers & Phil Hewson will fly the flag for Lo-Profile, with the final space, “The Red Room” being the home for Trannyshack, where Tasty Tim & Miss Dusty O will play out the sounds. There will be a special VIP space, sponsored by fab gay retail outlet DV8, as well as the infamous “contact room, hosted by Chris Geary’s hunks and you can expect some amazing production, lighting, & spectacular sexy dancers, in the form of Logan’s schmitzels. Doors for this mega event open at Fire at 11 p.m., with the club running through until 8 a.m. All early bird tickets have sold out, but advance ones at £15 are still available at the usual Soho outlets & at http://clubtickets.com. More info on “As One” can be found at http://firelondon.co.uk &/or http://alexerfan.com
Onyx “Afterhours”

Then, as if that wasn’t enough, Onyx returns for a “one off” afterhours event at Area, on Saturday 2nd January, to really kick you into 2010 with a bang. Returning will be fave resident D.J’s Phil Marriot & & Steve Gellar in the main room, with Jamie Hammond, Tuomo Fox, Jason Prince & James Saint James playing out in the black box, while out in the terrace bar, Lisa German will be mashing it up yet again. This is definitely going to have the feel of a Beyond party and we suspect many will spill out from “As One” where special entrance stamps to Onyx will be available. If not, you can get in for just £6, with the addition of credit crunch busting drinks promotions on offer (after all the previous partying, wallets will be crying out for that for sure!). Area opens its doors for Onyx “Afterhours” from 7 a.m., running superlate and details should be online at http://firelondon.co.uk/.

Now, what other events are on offer that deserve a brief mention. Well draw more breath and here goes.....Barcode Soho plays host to “The Cave” for their Christmas party this Friday (18th Dec), then Rupert St Bar hosts two birthdays, Vlad’s on 19th & Disco Matt’s (who is that!?!) on 20th, while Horse Meat Disco’s Christmas Ho-down is also on Sun 20th & Orange squeeze the last of their citrus juice before Christmas on the same day. “Naked Zoo” returns to London at Egg for a Christmas special on Sun 27th Dec and “Royal House” also makes a welcome return to Heaven on Mon 28th Dec. With so much happening on New Year’s Eve, we will be issuing an extra post, but quick mentions go to Gutterslut, who hold their “Superslut” NYE party at The Dalston Superstore & Shadow Lounge’s “Showgirls & Showponnies” NYE bash. Check the popular press (excepting Vlad’s & Disco Matt’s b/day parties) for more details of these and watch for our “watered down” weekend recommendations posts, coming up over the festive period.

As for us, well it looks like a non-stop period of activity, with reviews a plenty and we have already chalked the following events in our diary

Industri – Thurs 17th Dec - from 9 p.m.
Gravity – Thurs 17th/Fri 18th – from 1 a.m. (review)
Onyx – Fri 18th – from 11 p.m. (review)
Profile/Lo-Profile – Sat 19th – from 9 p.m. (review)
Discomatt.com weekend birthday soiree @ Rupert St – Sun 20th – from 6 p.m.
Trade/Orange – Xmas Day – from 11 p.m. (review)
Hard On! – Boxing Day – from 11.30 p.m. (review)
Rupert St – NYE – from 8 p.m.
Matinee “Afterhours” – New Year’s Day – from 5 a.m.
SuperMartXe “Alice In Wonderland” – New Year’s Day – from 5 p.m. (review)
As One – New Year’s Day – from 11.30 p.m. (review)

Now, don’t forget to visit http://seenqueen.com/, which has a special feature section, covering the best gAylisting events for the Christmas season & more. Plus, why not let people know where you are going, by entering the “fun poll”, as well as voting for your fave club, event, bar, etc, of the year, in the “seenqueen 2009 poll”.

So, if you see us out over the festive period, come say hi and as we always say.....Go There! Be There!


Thursday 10 December 2009

Weekend - 11th to 13th Dec

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Tuesday 1 December 2009

Weekend - Special Post - Rupert Street Re-launch 3rd/4th Dec

Hey Folks

With the weekend already looking a massive one as we have reached the last month of the year (our favourite...party, party party!), we have loads to cover, but thought we would dedicate a special post to a Soho institution that re-opens its doors this weekend.

So, the big questions is, where have you been socialising in Soho for the last week? Well, it won’t have been Rupert Street as (if you hadn’t noticed..of course you have noticed!!!) your favourite gAylist bar has been getting a complete makeover (and oh how are we excited about how it’s going to look!!).

With Cathy & the team keeping everything under wraps, the time clock for completion of the changes is well & truly ticking as the team are preparing the re-launch this most popular of bars this Thursday (3rd Dec), swinging open the doors to the public from 8 p.m. For those lucky to get a sneak preview invite, just a reminder that the VIP party starts at 5 p.m. with complimentary drinks & nibbles.

But, prepare yourselves folks, for the mother of all re-launch parties that Rupert Street has ever seen, as the “official” re-opening happens on Friday (4th Dec), with proceedings kicking off, again from 8 p.m. and running through until midnight.

And what a line up they have planned as not only will Rupert Street resident D.J. Alessandro be spinning the latest sexy sounds to well & truly rock the new look bar, but the amazing diva house artiste Katherine Ellis has been secured & will be the P.A. for the night, performing live. For those of you uninitiated to this superb star’s work, Katherine is a massive name across the house music scene, having collaborated with some of the industry’s biggest recording artists, including Roger Sanchez, Tom Stephan & The Freemasons and is the voice behind a whole host of dance/house anthems, her biggest accolade being the massive track “Salty”, which we are sure she will be performing on the night (wow). This is one appearance & performance you won’t want to miss and a real coup for Rupert Street.

This party already looks like being a “roadblock” event as well as a who’s who of the gAylist glitterati!!, so this is definitely going to THE place to be seen on the scene on Friday & if you’re lucky you may even get snapped by the gay press as both Boyz & Q.X. will be present to capture all the action. We will also be on hand & will be reviewing the whole re-launch, so make sure you say hi and secure your mention in the review.

So, make Rupert Street on either Thursday 3rd Dec from 8 p.m. or Friday 4th (recommended) from 8 p.m. (simplez!). with plenty of drinks offers, fun & frivolity & most of all the return of yours and our favourite Soho Bar, looking spendido!!

Be There!!