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Friday 11 September 2009

Weekend Recommendations - "Soho Live 09 Special"

Hey Folks,

Well, we head into Soho Live weekend and the news is out that the waether looks set fair for Sunday, so expect an event on the streets of our favourite London suburb to simply rock.

So, what is on offer apart from the day itself, the details of which, by the way, you can catch through our website & at http://seenqueen.com/features. Well, plenty actually, so here is our "extended" choice for this special weekend.

First up, launching this Saturday (12th Sept) is "Tabloid", a brand new venture by the team at Fire who are looking to re-invigorate gay clubbing in this most talked abount venue in Vauxhall. Billed as "Edition 1" the breaking news is the team have secured exclusive headliners Tall Paul & Jon Byrne, who will join Fire residents Steve Pitron, The Oli & The Sharp Boys on the main floor, with a big expose being that the Mirror Arch will feature international D.J./Producer Pagano with David Jiminez and there will be some pop injection in the form of Miss Dusty O & James Saint James in the the renamed "Poparazzi" lounge. The latest breaking news is that the team have deploid some brand spanking new lighting in the main room, some new "Tabloid" visuals and a unique "Tabloid" projection wall to add to all the usual production & the biggest exclusive press release is that D.J. Hi-Fi Sean will be playing in one of London's biggest mirroball rooms, The Lightbox. They will even have a "Tabloid" dreams cover corner" where you can get your face onto the cover of your favourite magazine (remember the lyrics?!). Doors open at 11 p.m. and the night runs through till 8 a.m. with advance £10 tickets available now at http://clubtickets.com

Next up is a brand new club launch "Scandal" which launches on Soho 09 evening, (Sun 13th Sept) at the swish Shadow Lounge. Brought to you by one of the scene's most experienced promoters, the man behind Salvation & Famous, and someone who is renowned for putting on great events. Who are we talking about?, Steve Elliot ofcourse and in a scandal ridden interview he told us that he promises a night of scandalous proportions right in the heart of the West-end with plenty to talk about. It has also been scandaleously reported that this will be THE party of the decade which will be hosted by the unscrupulous Madam Alekssandra Ceciliato and our sources also reveal that DJ’s Miswhite & Paul Coals will be creating the musical scandal with live vocalist Tonnic providing the vocal gossip at this shameful event, accompanied by the mistress of disgrace, Juliana de Primo. So its time to stop the cover up's, the false alegations and the pre-event scandal mongering and be at The Shadow Lounge when the real scandal breaks! with doors opening at 8 p.m. and the club runnning through until 3 a.m. Adavnace tickets of £7 are on sale at http://clubtickets.com with £10 tickets available on the door or if you are a Shadow Lounge member its free.

Next up is the citric megaclub that, on the back of its amazing collaboration party with the legendary Trade, swings open its doors at Fire in Vauxhall also this Sunday/Monday (13th/14th Sept) in colourful celebration of Soho Live where "orange" is definately the colour in mind. Yes, Orange squeezes in loads of action, starting two hours early with an outrageous D.J. line up, all headlined by non other than Boy George in the "Oange Squash" main room, joined by The Sharp Boys, Terry Bryan & a special b2b set by The Oli & Paul Martin. The wonder duo that is David Jiminez & Gonzalo Rivas will be in full Raw mood across in the Mirror Arch, while the introduction of "The Fat Orange Tonnic Longe", featuring, ofcourse Fat Tony on the decks & Tonnic on vocals, the duo adding another citrus styled dimension to proceedings. With doors opening at 9 p.m. and running through till 9 a.m. the team are offering free entry before midnight with an ad, flyer or sticker Then its £10 b4 1 a.m. & £12 thereafter. So to get your segment of Orange, head for Vauxhall this Sunday night.

But ofcourse we cannot complete our recommendations without including "Paparazzi", which is the OFFICIAL afterparty for Soho Live, with the full weight of Gaydar, The Edge. Evolved Events & The Wandsworth Palais (the venue for Paparazzi) behind it. You just have to check this venue out, which is simply amazing, so for a tiny sneak preview, go to http://wandsworthpalais.com. "Paparazzi" is another brand new club launch and although we hear you say Wandsworth!! it is much closer to central London (and indeed Vauxhall) than the name suggests Also, fear not at there will be free, yes free transport direct from Soho as you will be swept away from the centre of town on the buses leaving from Shaftesbury Ave and Tottenham Ct Rd from around 8pm after Soho Live closes, with the busses running till 12.30 am. As for the event itself, be prepared to be bathed in the warmth of a thousand flashes, shine like a star in a sea of cameras, and dance alongside some of the scene's hottest men as the venue will be transformed in the glamorous T’dance style but with circuit like production, massive inspiring stage shows and some of the world’s most eye-pleasing dancers & performers provided by Mark M Forn's Fierce Intl. D.J's grabbing the camera clicking action will include Paul Heron, Pier Morrocco, Brent Nicholls & Alessandro, and with a live PA performance from Lisa Millett, showcasing her latest hit "Now That You're Gone" as well as classics "Bad Habit" & "Soul Heaven", this looks like stealing the paparazzi's attention for sure. Doors open at 8 p.m. and the club runs through till 6 a.m Advance tickets are available at http://evolvedevents.co.uk at just £10 but with more on the door at £15. And, watch this space for a special "Paparazzi" stop press release, as there is loads of camera clicking activity right across the weekend.

Just one other quick mention goes to Lo-Profile, who will be holding their own "afterparty" on Sunday from 8 p.m. with Mikey D & Paul Heron on the decks. Check the popular press for full details.

Anyway, looks like being a great weekend in gAylist London and we have a busy one, with Tabloid tomorrow, work duty at Rupert Street on Sunday (interspersed with a whizz around Soho Live), Scandal & Paparazzi. So if you see us out, come say hi and as we always say....Go There! Be There!


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