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Wednesday 22 July 2009

Weekend Recommendations - 24th/26th July

Hey Folks,

Well after a week’s break, well it was a quiet(ish) one on gAylist/land London, we come back with a storm, as this coming weekend looks like being one to remember and all because, no, not because the lady loves Milktray, but because of a major step change for one of our favourite clubs.

Yes, we are of course talking about Matinee and for those of you that have not yet seen our preview, go to http://discomattpreview.blogspot.com &/or http://seenqueen.com/features to get everything you need to know about the move to Cable and also the plans for the Matinee at its new home, both from our perspective and from the lips of the man himself Oliver M of Evolved Events.

However, here we concentrate on the Saturday’s party, labelled “Evolution – Revolution”, both words evoking a significant step forward for Matinee in London, not least as its new home is set to blow you away. Spread across three rooms of music, with plenty more spaces to kick back & relax, not to mention a superb outside area for smokers & those wishing to take a reprieve as well as some of the best facilities we have seen in any club, you can see that Colosseum is set to be a distant memory, with 21st Century clubbing meeting Matinee in glorious marriage at Cable.

With the biggest & star studded D.J. line up of any club, sporting Guy Williams, Paul Heron & Brent Nicholls in room one, joined by Spanish resident star Enrico Argentino, all playing out the classic Matinee sound. Room two (named the parlour room) sees one of many evolutionary & revolutionary steps for this iconic clubbing brand, as scene legend D.J’s Fat Tony & Stevie B come together once again, playing out funky house, joined by upcoming star Saki, delivering a totally different sound to that played in room one. Then there is Room Three, which sports mega Matinee resident Alessandro who is joined by fellow huge stars Pier Morrocco (we love his stuff) and Jon Dennis, to perform tech house in true London style.

So, you could be forgiven for thinking it is all about the music, but here it’s not as the Matinee production team have gone into overdrive and Cable is set to dressed for the occasion, not just with the Matinee marketing magic but with bpm branding included (the secret is out!). Then there are the dancing performances, not so much a magnificent stage show, but an amazing infiltration of the club by Mark M Forn’s Fierce International crew who will dazzle you with their superb performances and costumes to match (all the boys have been pumping iron this week!!). But it doesn’t stop there, as after taking Trade by storm, none other than Stewart Who comes to perform both his “Back To The Future” & his “Twisted” collaborations, adding a further dimension to the entertainment.

Now for the detail. Cable opens its doors at 11 p.m. & Matinee runs through till 8 a.m. For those of you concerned about finding the venue, do not fear as plenty of “spotters” will be out & about in London Bridge until 1 a.m. to guide you in. Tickets sales online are going quick sticks, with all early bird tickets sold out & limited £15 tickets running out. If you want to buy online visit http://evolvedevents.co.uk to get yours, otherwise hit your favourite Soho outlets to grab in person. You may be able to get entry on the door but we recommend buying in advance & if you fancy some VIP treatment, these are available at a £30, but why not visit http://seenqueen.com where the guys are running a great competition to win two of these prestigious golden entries.

All the fun kicks off with the pre-party at new bar/restaurant Pendulum which is gaining serious popularity momentum and is the ideal warm up to the new found quality and opulence that you will be enjoying at Matinee’s new home Cable. It kicks off from 8 p.m., finishing just in time for the party itself, at 11 p.m.

So, whilst the weekend seems to be all about Matinee, there are other things on, some which normally get a big airing here, but we are running out of space. Friday sees a brand new launch at Area as “Onyx” hits the scene, then Saturday sees Hard On! bring out the fetish side in you at Hidden and we cannot finish the post without mentioning Beyond, which should prove massive as we are sure all Matinee goers will want to continue the party. Check the popular press for details of these clubs (and others on offer).

As for us, well Thursday will be our usual homage to Industri and then its Matinee, Matinee, Matinee, YIPPEE!!, so if you are at THE party of the weekend come say hi and as we always say……….Go There! Be There!


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