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Friday 28 August 2009

Weekend Recommendations - August Bank Holiday

Hey Folks,

Well the Bank Holiday weekend is upon us and to cement our recently released "preview", here are our tip top recommendations for the four days.

Well, the weekend starts with "pre parties" and time to get all Espaniol as both SupermartXe & Matinee host prequels at The Box & Rupert Street. For the full details of these check out our hot dates post at http://discomatt.com.

Now, for the main events. First up is Matinee on Saturday 29th which already looks like being THE choice of the weekend, with ticket sales literally rocketing, which comes as no surprise as the move to Cable in London Bridge has really caught everyones imagination or at least is the talk of the town. Kicking off at 11 p.m and going through till
8 a.m.. this is one party you won't want to miss, with all the ingredients that make Matinee magical, powerfull production, superb shows supplied by Mark M Forn's Fierce Intl crew, and mesmeric music with probably the strongest D.J. line up around spread across three floors. Guy Williams & Alessandro take charge in the main room, joined by Spanish resident G Martin, Jonny M & Intl D.J./Prodcucer Danny Verde are in the "bpm" room, with a b2b set by Moussa & Oliver M, and room two (the star of the last party) is hosted by Stevie B, Fat Tony & Brent Nicholls (wow!). If you didn't make it to Cable in July, make sure you get there this time and for the first 300 through the door, you get a free CD mixed ny non other than Pagano.So, grab your tickets now from your favourite Soho outlets, including Prowler, Clone Zone, The Box, Barcode & DV8 or go direct to http://evolvedevents.co.uk. (where you can get full details of the party & directions to Cable) at £15 for a regualr ticket or £30 for V.I.P. ones.

Next up is SuperMartXe, which has moved from its usual Saturday spot to Sunday 30th. With a distinct "Circus" theme, expect the usual stunning stage production from Logan & his team, with D.J. SuperMartXe Spanish resident Pablo Kopanos, joined by D'Johnny & Nick Tcherniak, with Marlon K Jones up in the second room providing the musicall entertainment. The show will be centre staged by the fabulous Nayla, flying in fresh from her summer residency at Priviledge in Ibiza, performing her new song, apty named "SuperMartXe" (funny that!) and we are told that there will be an extra special surprise opening to the show (what will it be??), so make sure you get down there well in time, with doors opening at 10.30 p.m. and the party running through till 7 a.m. Tickets are on sale at DV8, Santos & Mowen, Solarstation, The Box, Clone Zone & Prowler at £15 or online at http://clubtickets.com If you fancy the V.I.P. treatment go to vip@supermartxelondon.com & make The Coronet at Elephant & Castle your destination on Sunday night.

Then, how about rounding off your weekend in style, well probably in downright decadence, by hitting Fire in Vauxhall for Trade/Orange, "the second instalment", which swings into action from 2 a.m. Monday morning 31st and goes through till 8 p.m., a full 18 hours of amazing action. Undoutebly, with the biggest D.J. line up of any club this weekend, there is quality as well as quantity, with the Trade room sporting Pete Wardman, Pagano, Gonzalo, Lady Bianca, Kamisshake, La Gosse, Tyron, JB and two special treats, firstly a b2b set by Steve Thomas & Nick Tcherniak and then Fat Tony playing out with vocals from Tonnic. Over in the Orange room (maybe rooms!) is Steve Pitron, Mikey D, Jamie Head, Rob Sykes, David Jiminez, D'Johnny, The Oli, the Sharp Boys, Paul Martin, Terry Bryan, Dave Cross & Alan K, so 20+ D.J's performing!! The eye candy will be provided by Logan's sexy "Orange Trade Babies", with knock out new production, visuals, pyrotechnics, C02 cool downs and even free fresh fruit, as well as the infamous outside space, this looks like being a busy one. Advance tickets are on sale at Clone Zone, Porwler, DV8 & The Box at £15 or at http://clubtickets.com, with more available on the door. For more information on the event, visit http://tradeuk.net

But, if all out clubbing is not for you, we recommend Barcode as a ideal alternative, with both Soho and Vauxhall pulling out all the stops this weekend,. For starters, is their special drinks happy hours offers from 4 p.m. till 8 p.m. right across the weekend and then a star studded D.J. line up. Pagano takes control over in Soho and Vauxhall sports names including Paul Coles, Mario Uleri, D'Johnny, Hi-Fi Sean, Saki, Mattias as well as Industri residents Brent Nicholls & Paul Heron. Sunday sees a special Horse Meat Disco afterparty and with both venues offering club like surroundings but with reasonble drinks prices, you can't go wrong. For details of whats on offer, visit http://bar-code.co.uk.

Just time to give a brief mention to some other parties out there this weekend, Onyx at Area tonight (Fri 28th), Gutterslut at Images on Sat and Beyond at Area on Sun morning. Check the popular press for details of these.

As for us, well our weekend started yesterday with a mega session at Rupert Street & the Industri with pal Joel, but will continue tonight with Matinee's & SuperMartXe's pre parties at The Box & Rupert St, followed by a wee trip to Barcode Vauxhall for Brent & Paul. Saturday sees us out with Danny Verde and then off to Matinee at Cable, rolling into Beyond Sunday morning and then a brief respite before hitting SuperMartXe Sunday night and then Trade/Orange, so come Tuesday we will need a new body!! So, if you see us out, come say hi, but whatever you do, have a great weekend and as we always say....Go There! Be There!